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Ex-Marine 'could die alone in Thailand' after massive stroke as borders stay shut


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2 hours ago, SteveK said:

Most Brits seem to be aware that the country has been ruined by left-wing loons, rampant immigration, one incompetent government after another, heavily biased media, gross mismanagement, ineffective policing, the list goes on.

You missed out Boris and Brexit...

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5 hours ago, JCP108 said:

The border is closed for people coming in. But, people aren't restricted from leaving, right?

"The family ... have employed a repatriation company to get him back to the UK".

Perhaps the repatriation company can't get into Thailand to take him out?

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4 hours ago, tonray said:

Again...I will say straight out...that if that occured....it was at the behest of the British staff controlling the employees....don't be suprised if your country is seemingly doing favors to it's host nation...happens all the time all over the world.

and it shouldn't be like that, otherwise what the fxxx are they for?  They are there to help the UK and its citizens, something they clearly do not do.  They are a waste of tax payers money.  They may as well just close the place for all the good that they do. 

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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

Why isn't his Embassy helping him getting a flight back to his country on medical grounds , its one of the things they are here for and should be doing all they can to make it happen .

From everything i have read about the British Embassy here they are an absolutely waste of space and dont seem to want to do their job just get paid for being here .

Who said the Embassy isn't involved?  Bear in mind that the family are in the UK and have to deal with the Foreign Office there, not the British Embassy.

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Just now, Hi Tea said:

Who said the Embassy isn't involved?  Bear in mind that the family are in the UK and have to deal with the Foreign Office there, not the British Embassy.

it matters not , they are both equally useless. 

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

You ask why the Embassy is not helping him.

The answer is simple, they dont give a s++t about British citizens here.

It's the FCDO's responsibility as the family is in the UK but no one has said that the Embassy has not been involved or has not been helping his case.

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Just now, Hi Tea said:

Who said the Embassy isn't involved?  Bear in mind that the family are in the UK and have to deal with the Foreign Office there, not the British Embassy.

Just weird that you come out with BS, but what else can we expect from you?


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1 hour ago, Bruntoid said:

It was just an anti thai slur (not allowed apparently) move on ....

It's got nothing to do with a Thai slur. Its an issue of a National Embassy, staffed in the main by people who have no allegiance to that country and in fact have all their loyalty and allegiance to the host country. That is by definition a ridiculous situation and undermines what the Embassy is there for. It is a relatively recent phenomena in Embassies.  Go back just 60 or so years and all UK embassies were staffed by Brits, apart from low ranking admin staff, who were there to shift paperwork, not make decisions.  The shift was for money saving and is counter productive. The deal I wrote about was scuppered by Thai embassy staff, no Brit staff were involved. It was a disgrace and we made a formal complaint to the FO, but of course <deleted> all happened. 

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4 hours ago, Pilotman said:

His best option perhaps is one of the Military Charities, there a quite a few that may help, British Legion being one and Help for Heros. I hope someone helps, but the UK is not known for caring a monkeys toss about those who have served.  Its not the US, where they do seem to  care. 

They don't need a charity to organise it, they have a repatriation company already.

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5 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

What kind of flight is someone supposed to take who is paralyzed after a stroke and just had a part of his skull removed?

It can be done and it is called " medical evacuation" with  medical team. But it depends on whether he is stable enough to be on a flight for more than 10 hours

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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

Why isn't his Embassy helping him getting a flight back to his country on medical grounds , its one of the things they are here for and should be doing all they can to make it happen .

From everything i have read about the British Embassy here they are an absolutely waste of space and dont seem to want to do their job just get paid for being here .

Actually I don't think that is their job, they can offer advice and put you in contact with the right people but after that you are on your own, the nanny state stops at the channel. As someone said there is no restriction on leaving the country, maybe his family doesn't want to pay for a very expensive medical transport and expects the taxpayer to cough up via the British embassy. If he has been living in South Africa for a year or so he won't be able to get NHS treatment for free either let alone a free trip back home.

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9 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Suggest you check out the gofundme page the family state they have been assigned a British Embassy since June 

So the family have been in touch with the British embassy in the UK? Do you have an address, I'd like to get in touch with them myself?


By the way, here's the link if you'd care to re-read it: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/nc7btr-get-colin-home


If you're talking about the British embassy in Bangkok, you'll see that they have ignored their emails and phone calls.

Edited by SteveK
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1 hour ago, SteveK said:

And on the GoFund me page it said this so anyone sticking up for the embassy staff needs to get a life:


"However the Thai government decided due to Covid they were extending the ban of international flights , Telling Colin this was the hardest thing my dads every had to do we can get Colin out on a private thai repatriation company at a cost of over £120,000 , we just don’t have this , we can get permission to enter Thailand but the thai embassy have gone Absent without leave !!!! There’s no reply to emails , phone, calls , visits The UK FCO are unable to do anything, A man who fought for his country, know one of power is fighting for him as it’s in the hands of the thai government ."

"...anyone sticking up for the embassy staff needs to get a life..."

It may need to be pointed out that the reference is to the Thai Embassy in London, not the British Embassy.

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3 minutes ago, SteveK said:

So the family have been in touch with the British embassy in the UK? Do you have an address, I'd like to get in touch with them myself?


By the way, here's the link if you'd care to re-read it: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/nc7btr-get-colin-home

Correct and you can see the post from the Horses's mouth 

JUNE 23, 2020by Maxine CoppardOrganizer
Hi everyone, I’d just like to update you on Colins condition , he is now on a ventilator and in and out of consciousness, we have been assigned case workers from both the British Embassy and the Marines are assisting us as much as possible , he is still in critical condition, we got a friend in Thailand to be at his bedside and he squeezed her hand. This as well as all your support , donations , messages have meant more than you’ll ever know ! Thank you for your help to get him home
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1 hour ago, SteveK said:
2 hours ago, evadgib said:

 - "The Embassy ain't doing Nuffink" rolls off the tongue/keyboard far too frequently (as seen in the 'consular' pages) and usually proves to be 'bloke-in-a-pub' nonsense.

Read the GoFundMe page. They are not replying to emails or phone calls from the family. Which is pretty disgusting, probably too busy eating canapes in the garden paid for by someone else. 

You do know that they're referring to the Thai Embassy, not the British Embassy?  It's very doubtful that the staff in the Thai Embassy are "too busy eating canapes in the garden paid for by someone else".

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5 hours ago, JCP108 said:

The border is closed for people coming in. But, people aren't restricted from leaving, right?

To all I know it's possible to fly out 

I'm. Not saying this 100 %but I'm. Almost sure it's definitely easier on the way out then in... 

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11 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Suggest you check out the gofundme page the family state they have been assigned a British Embassy since June 

Clearly you have difficulty reading, i have done as you suggested and it clearly states they never bother answering anything.

So next time before having a go at me, make sure your facts are correct.

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14 minutes ago, SteveK said:

If you're talking about the British embassy in Bangkok, you'll see that they have ignored their emails and phone calls.

That's the Thai Embassy in London that they're referring to!  From your own link...

"...the thai embassy have gone Absent without leave !!!! There’s no reply to emails , phone, calls , visits..."

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28 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Agreed. Who gives a rat's ass what the nationalities of the staff are, and who is controlling who, if the net result is that aren't doing what they are there to do then why are they still being funded? The answer is because an embassy job is great for relatives of semi-important people in the UK where they can get paid a lot to do F-all.


Got a distant relative in the House of Lords and a third-class humanities degree from the university of nowhere? Don't worry, go to work at the embassy in Bangkok, all-expenses paid, champagne bbqs and you won't have to do anything.  That's how nepotism and corruption work in the UK.


Sadly, Brits living in Thailand get the brunt of this. Last time I was at the embassy was to get my affirmation to marry, the woman who served me was unfriendly, rude, unhelpful and looked at me like I was something she had scraped off her shoe. Can't say I was expecting much, but was still a bit shocked. There was no eye-contact, hello how are you or any of that. And I had waited WEEKS for that appointment.

Sadly, embassies mainly see their duty in maintaining and developping trade and business, and way less in taking care of their compatriots when in trouble.


Also, the embassador - despite beeing briefed quite well by advisors and secret services about the country he was chosen to go - remains living in an elitist bubble, never experiencing the hassles of their compatriots in the country, and leaving the job and the country after a relatively short time only, a few years only normally. 

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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

Why isn't his Embassy helping him getting a flight back to his country on medical grounds , its one of the things they are here for and should be doing all they can to make it happen .

From everything i have read about the British Embassy here they are an absolutely waste of space and dont seem to want to do their job just get paid for being here .

I have heard they are excellent at organising Garden Parties.

regards worgeordie

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3 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Clearly you have difficulty reading, i have done as you suggested and it clearly states they never bother answering anything.

So next time before having a go at me, make sure your facts are correct.

Clearly you haven't read the gofund page as it states Thai Embassy not British Embassy in Bangkok

we can get permission to enter Thailand but the thai embassy have gone Absent without leave !!!! There’s no reply to emails , phone, calls , 


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2 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Clearly you haven't read the gofund page as it states Thai Embassy not British Embassy in Bangkok

we can get permission to enter Thailand but the thai embassy have gone Absent without leave !!!! There’s no reply to emails , phone, calls , 


Why would the Thai embassy have anything to do with this case? 




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To be honest, it doesn't matter if they are talking about the Thai embassy in London, or the British embassy in Bangkok because many of us here will have dealt with both and will understand the issues.  She may have used the wrong word to describe the embassy in question but as long as the guy is OK that's the main thing.

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7 minutes ago, colinneil said:
23 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Suggest you check out the gofundme page the family state they have been assigned a British Embassy since June 

Clearly you have difficulty reading, i have done as you suggested and it clearly states they never bother answering anything.

Clearly, it's you that seems to have the problem that you're accused him of having.  It clearly stated that it is the Thai Embassy in London that has gone AWOL, not answering emails etc., not the British Embassy in Bangkok.

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2 minutes ago, SteveK said:

To be honest, it doesn't matter if they are talking about the Thai embassy in London, or the British embassy in Bangkok

Yes, it does matter if you're slagging off the British Embassy in Bangkok when it's the Thai Embassy in London that apparently needs the kicking.

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8 minutes ago, Hi Tea said:

Yes, it does matter if you're slagging off the British Embassy in Bangkok when it's the Thai Embassy in London that apparently needs the kicking.

The Thai embassy in London doesn't need a kicking, read their Google reviews. It seems many people have put the boot in already. Makes for some interesting reading. 


Then look at the Google reviews for the British embassy in Bangkok. Equally as bad.

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