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Ex-Marine 'could die alone in Thailand' after massive stroke as borders stay shut


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17 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

I haven't had to deal with the British embassy in Thailand, i have dealt with the British embassy in a few other countries and always found then very helpful. i am not doubting your word, I have read similar quotes from many so there must be something in it. It's terribly sad and a bit scary to think when you really need them they may not be there.

I think the problem with the British embassy in Bangkok is that they are very dismissive and don't want to help. Very easy for them to not answer the phone and ignore emails. And if it's something that only they can do such as the marriage affidavit, they make you book 6 weeks ahead, then are rude to you and charge you a small fortune for "helping you". It's no wonder so many here are disillusioned with them, to put it politely.  


During my working career in the UK I paid over £1000 a month in income tax, I expected to be treated a little better. Never mind the insane sums I paid to the government for stamp duty (£8000 on my last house), NI (which I will get nothing from), council tax at £135 a month, VAT, road duty, the list goes on. They bled me dry.


Then I want a document from them? More money please.

Edited by SteveK
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7 hours ago, keith101 said:

Why isn't his Embassy helping him getting a flight back to his country on medical grounds , its one of the things they are here for and should be doing all they can to make it happen .

From everything i have read about the British Embassy here they are an absolutely waste of space and dont seem to want to do their job just get paid for being here .


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2 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Why not read a decent newspaper instead of those aimed at people with a low IQ? Try the Times, Telegraph, Guardian. They all have agendas of their own, but more or less publish facts instead of titillation.

Sounds a bit snobby but I have to say there is some truth in it. Tabloid press is all about sensationalising a story to make money and unfortunately there are too many people who don't see through the cracks. 

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12 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

The same kind of flight that took the Indian girl that was savagely gang raped in India and flown to Singapore.... 

Not the same my friend, high altitude affects the brain, very dangerous to fly after a stroke.


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7 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

What kind of flight is someone supposed to take who is paralyzed after a stroke and just had a part of his skull removed?

In every plane behind there is a place when you open it. You can use it as a bad. This place is only for sick or handycap or paralysed (Strecher)

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He can leave, just like everybody else. But if he cannot pay the medical bills that have amassed since his hospitalization, and the medical bills for a specialist flight home, then he will be stuck.
Until these payments and money has been raised, he unfortunately will have to stay in Thailand.


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10 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I only worked in the UK for 5 years but will get the full pension. Recently, I paid 10 years class 2 voluntary  contributions for 66,000 bHt. 

No you won't. 10 years stamp contributions and 5 years working will not get you a full state pension. Check on the government site, you can sign in with your NI number and it tells you where you are with contriubtions and how many years you have to pay to get full pension,, it is certainly a lot more ten 15 years.

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4 minutes ago, Raphus said:

He can leave, just like everybody else.  


He can't leave like everyone else. He needs a special plane with medical equipment and personnel. Read the damn thread next time.

Edited by SteveK
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13 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

No you won't. 10 years stamp contributions and 5 years working will not get you a full state pension. Check on the government site, you can sign in with your NI number and it tells you where you are with contriubtions and how many years you have to pay to get full pension,, it is certainly a lot more ten 15 years.

double post

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11 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

No you won't. 10 years stamp contributions and 5 years working will not get you a full state pension. Check on the government site, you can sign in with your NI number and it tells you where you are with contriubtions and how many years you have to pay to get full pension,, it is certainly a lot more ten 15 years.

Yes, I will, I just looked at at the moment will get 130 pounds a week. It was 3 years ago I paid back the 10 years and I now pay about 150 quid a year, by the time I reach retirement age, I'll have paid enough. Also, when I was at school(from 16) and university and unemployed the govt paid my contributions(8 years in total).

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My brother in-law was in Bangkok bumrumgrad hospital last month in serious condition with organs failure and was able to come back to macau by medical aircraft arranged by the hospital but a bit costly 1.2 mil bht but at least he managed to go back home with his family and unfortunately passed away after 2 weeks????

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This is total rubbish.

Firstly he will be getting good care here which Mum & Dad may have to pay for.

More importantly there will be  5 or 6 private aircraft could whisk him away now with absolutely no 

Thai Govt restrictions.

The truth of the matter is more likely that his Neurosurgeon says that it would be madness to subject him to a 12 hour flight until he stabilizes

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We here know if you want to get out you can there are flights leaving nearly everyday coming in is another matter so the family isn't getting the whole truth.


I read the article I don't see anything about him being actually paralysed but one would think he needs help to pay the bill and get to Bangkok and a flight out!


I don't know anything about the Mirror but for me tough to read the article, they post a picture of a kid then they say he is Fifty and his mums are in the 40's.


I heard a lot of negative stuff about the British Embassy and it sounds like everything is true about them if they can't even left a finger, seem to have sold off everything but the Embassador seem to still be living in luxury while the tax payer are footing the bills! 


Maybe the leaders should start to think about removing the Great? 


Best of luck if I was a Brit and going home I would gladly volunteer to babysit him on the flight best of luck!

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My brother in-law was in Bangkok bumrumgrad hospital last month in serious condition with organs failure and was able to come back to macau by medical aircraft arranged by the hospital but a bit costly 1.2 mil bht but at least he managed to go back home with his family and unfortunately passed away after 2 weeks????

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8 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Yes, I will, I just looked at at the moment will get 130 pounds a week. It was 3 years ago I paid back the 10 years and I now pay about 150 quid a year, by the time I reach retirement age, I'll have paid enough. Also, when I was at school(from 16) and university and unemployed the govt paid my contributions(8 years in total).

You have just added additional information, obviously I was not aware of that, your previous statement was 5 years working and 10 years NI contributions only.. You didnt say you were still paying today and you didn't say you were getting your stamp paid for 8 years.. Be clear next time, 

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

Sounds a bit snobby but I have to say there is some truth in it. Tabloid press is all about sensationalising a story to make money and unfortunately there are too many people who don't see through the cracks. 

I've written for all the national papers in England apart from the Guardian, and I know that the redtops will occasionally print a money-generating story, only to the next day quote someone denying it. And that denial sells the paper for a second day.

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A lot of BS:

BS1: He can't leave. Of course, he can. Organize the medivac flight out from CM and he can be on his way in an hr.

Ancillary BS: Ignoring his condition. He has to be in minimal shape to survive a 12 hr. flight.

BS2: He might die if left here. Of course, he is seriously Ill. That's not the point. The point is what is the care like? At a top private hospital here it's just as good as in the UK. And we aren't talking a rare disease. Intervention procedures in case of stroke are well known and commonly practiced.

BS3: He has to be alone. Of course not. His family will get compassionate COEs in a day to fly here.

BS4: Which is the general point of such articles in a tabloid. Which is to give fat and wheezy readers their schadenfreude high of the day: Nobody likes me because I'm fat and wheezy but at least I am better off than this man, so there.

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3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I've written for all the national papers in England apart from the Guardian, and I know that the redtops will occasionally print a money-generating story, only to the next day quote someone denying it. And that denial sells the paper for a second day.

???? Plenty of people suck it up. The world is pretty full of people whose only opinion on anything is what they read in the tabloids.

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8 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Don't you believe it. I had dealings a few years ago, for the company I worked for,  with the Commercial Staff at the Bangkok Embassy, all Thais, they were obstructionist, unhelpful, pretended not to understand  and less than useless.  The reason, we would have been in competition with the Thai Navy for a particular contract. It was so obvious as to be laughable.  We appealed to the Ambassador to intervene, and he did nothing and yet we were trying to do a deal that would have benefited UK. 

This is shocking - The embassy also has a Military Attach attached to it - I had dealings a couple of years ago (Minor matter) and had swift response, with the issue settled quickly. The Lt Col and Warrant seemed ok at least. These guys are there not just as Military liaison for joint exercises, training etc, but also have a remit when it comes to military trade matters.


I hope it all turns out well for the lad and his family.


8 hours ago, Pilotman said:

What kind of flight is someone supposed to take who is paralyzed after a stroke and just had a part of his skull removed?

Never heard of an international ambulance service?  This is also something that may be covered by travel insurance.

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8 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

What kind of flight is someone supposed to take who is paralyzed after a stroke and just had a part of his skull removed?

He may not be stable enough to fly. His doctors need to allow him to travel. But of course family cannot come in.

Family member visit should be arrangeable under the circumstances.  To arrange this visit would be a great goodwill gesture for Thai govt. Much more than making a show of this "stranded" German's letter.

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4 minutes ago, DaveCW said:

This is shocking - The embassy also has a Military Attach attached to it - I had dealings a couple of years ago (Minor matter) and had swift response, with the issue settled quickly. The Lt Col and Warrant seemed ok at least. These guys are there not just as Military liaison for joint exercises, training etc, but also have a remit when it comes to military trade matters.


I hope it all turns out well for the lad and his family.


Never heard of an international ambulance service?  This is also something that may be covered by travel insurance.

They call it medical evacuation flight. 

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