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Trump holds campaign rally indoors despite coronavirus concerns

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15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If Trump held it outside for less than a hundred invited guests a hundred meters apart wearing a space suit the usual mob would still find something to complain about.

Trump just can't do anything right according to his opponents so he has rightly IMO decided to ignore them and put on a show for his supporters. Each and every person there will have made a choice to be there, understanding the risks.

Four more years!

Yes, everyone knows that Covid-19 only infects those crazed liberal democrats and that Arch-conservative Republicans are too manly to wear masks! I suspect that a few of Trump's cult followers will contract the virus from this meeting.  If one or more die, Trump has their blood on his hands!

13 hours ago, Nout said:

A speculative asserstion

It was just an observation that the biggest tax revenue in the states comes from democrat leaning places like California, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Washington etc. Bigger productive cities in other states such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania tend to be democrat.    Big cities in even red states like Texas are more democrat than you think. So it may be an assertion that the people who already tend to be working and have health insurance and benefit from lower taxes might overall lean democrat. There may be exceptions in pockets like Wall street but even there in 2020 they may be leaning democrat.

The strong republican and Trump supporters in states like Kentucky,  Alabama,  the Dakotas etc are a range of people but many are lower income, lesser educated whites on lower income and often do not hail from the big cities. They bring in less tax revenue and might benefit most from Democrat policies.

So it can seem a bit ironic that in practical terms these Trump supporters that you see at rallies,  who probably most need health care and could benefit from higher minimum wages and some income redistribution, vote republican. Seeing Trump argue and win over his supporters at a rally that the estate tax should be reduced or abolished, when few if any of them would benefit, except for large scale farmers, makes the point.

His supporters would argue that a freer, more capitalist low tax economy, gives them better chances of a job, and that issues like gun control, tough immigration etc are of most importance. 

You just get a sense though at a republican rally that the supporters could really benefit in practical terms from the Democrat policies they hate. 



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2 hours ago, tpazzi said:

Or some of us at least.


Rest in peace, Herman Cain.

Spot on I wonder how many Herman infected befor he died?this trump virus just keeps on giving trump single handedly is probably the most prolific spreader of this deadly virus just beggers belief 

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

How many died from Corona spread from your leftists protests, rioting, and looting ?????  LOL Just keeping it real.  Keep preachin'.

My leftists rioting looting???my???you assume a lot I personally do support people of color protesting for equality and a fair shake yup ya got me there rioting and looting absolutely not I used to vote republican but Not anymore the Republican Party is dead imo trump killed it along with his enablers now he is consciously exposing Americans to a deadly virus not to mention the botched response to the virus no sir he’s gotta go

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20 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

So the BLM protests aren't spreading covid19! As far as Trump is concerned his rallies give him a shot in the arm. He does get such a lot of negative publicity by the left wing news outlets. 

You said it exactly. His rallies appease his desperate need for self-aggrandizement. Beyond that that they provide the confirmation bias craved by his blind supporters to quell their inner voices of reason. 


I approve of the shot in the arm idea though and highly recommend a shotgun since accurate aim or training  is not required. I suspect he could shoot himself in the arm on 5th Avenue and nobody would care. 

  • Haha 1
11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I actually think he's evolved to center left. He's for expanding the ACA to include a public option. He led Obama on the marriage equality issue. He has an opportunity to finally address the historic scourge of systematic racism which ironically Obama being black really couldn't do because he would have been accused of showing special treatment to his own people. Sure Biden had done some really bad things before he was VP but given where the country is now (pandemic, depression economy calling for a modern FDR) and the democratic party is, given his VP pick, Biden is positioned to the left of Obama when he ran.


Not good enough for the Bernie bros though.


In the context of USA politics, he might be considered center-left, elsewhere probably less so. Also, this is elections time, some of what's said is more to do with securing votes, not scaring away supporters and the like. The actual stance is something more accurately evaluated post-term, or at the very least mid-term.


That his positions change, or that he's ready to make adjustments to accommodate other views is not a bad thing, so long as it doesn't become mere pandering for electoral gains.

10 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

The United States uses a state-by-state electoral college system for electing presidents. As such, a national popular vote count is irrelevant to the outcome of presidential elections.


Addressed and acknowledged in previous posts, maybe better to check the context which started the exchange before posting obvious, irrelevant, objections.

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3 hours ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

How many died from Corona spread from your leftists protests, rioting, and looting ?????  LOL Just keeping it real.  Keep preachin'.


The protestors are not any poster's. They aren't even the Democratic Party's. Other than that, the protests etc. are mostly happening outdoors, and with participants wearing masks - doubt you do not  understand how or why this is different than packing an indoor venue with people who mostly do not wear masks.


Covid-19 does not differentiate between people according to political leanings.

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On 9/14/2020 at 4:11 PM, Sujo said:

If trump followed his own admins guidelines no one would complain.


inviting large numbers indoors when he knows the risks is negligent in the extreme.


Do you think he is doing the right thing?

So long as the patrons are aware of the risks ( as they are ) it's still a free country. If they choose to attend who is anyone else to tell them what to do?

If the federal government wishes to force people to comply with the dictat they'd better pass relevant laws or be in a state of emergency.

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On 9/14/2020 at 4:20 PM, Jingthing said:

You're totally wrong  

If he held an outdoor rally as you describe there would be no complaints about the public health aspects of that.

So stop making things up.

LOL. Doesn't matter what Trump does certain people will complain.

I'm for freedom to make my own decisions.

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49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Doesn't matter what Trump does certain people will complain.

I'm for freedom to make my own decisions.


You don't wear a mask.

You attend a Trump rally, indoors and with a mass of people not wearing masks either.

You then go home, shop, meet people.

All of them other people might be effected by your decision.

Somehow that doesn't register with some posters.

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52 minutes ago, Morch said:

You don't wear a mask.

You attend a Trump rally, indoors and with a mass of people not wearing masks either.

You then go home, shop, meet people.

All of them other people might be effected by your decision.

Somehow that doesn't register with some posters.

It defies logic that it needs to be explained this way, over and over, ad nauseum. We've seen the rabid honey badger-like fury in which 45 supporters deny facts, even when the words are coming from their own glorious leader's mouth. Serious damage has been done to the US that will take decades to fix. It's still not the end of the world. History books are filled with similar stories, the pendulum can swing back eventually.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Are they aware of the risks? If following Trump's example, view and words - they might not be fully aware. Also, freedom does not necessarily imply the right to put others at risk.

Everyone is responsible for themselves. If worried they have the right to wear the appropriate PPE.

They can also stay home. Up to them.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Morch said:


Are they aware of the risks? If following Trump's example, view and words - they might not be fully aware. Also, freedom does not necessarily imply the right to put others at risk.

Every time anyone drives a car they put others at risk. No one is advocating banning cars.

Freedom is the right to make one's own choices, including the right to live an unhealthy lifestyle which makes one susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and corona, all of which might kill one.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Everyone is responsible for themselves. If worried they have the right to wear the appropriate PPE.

They can also stay home. Up to them.


When everyone is responsible only for themselves, societies break down.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Every time anyone drives a car they put others at risk. No one is advocating banning cars.

Freedom is the right to make one's own choices, including the right to live an unhealthy lifestyle which makes one susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and corona, all of which might kill one.

Driving recklessly is criminal behavior. Bad example  

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Just now, Morch said:


When everyone is responsible only for themselves, societies break down.

I've met hundreds of people in my life. Very few cared about anyone else.


When you and others say not wearing masks and not keeping apart from others is putting others at risk you are saying that most of the population of NZ is putting others at risk. Guess what. Hardly anyone is dying of corona, and hardly anyone is catching it.

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