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Sorry, but that's not what I've seen at immigration. I've seen several people denied for legitimate reasons because they aren't following the rules. One had his money in his home country bank and tried to argue with the IO that it was permitted. The TI office was very patient and polite but wouldn't give in. I was impressed with her demeanor. Others didn't have there paper work in order and the IO patiently told the person what to do. 

I've noticed the difficulty some have when apply for marriage visas but these need to be passed along to HQs for approval, so the offices needs to assure nothing is missing.

Those wanting to bend the rules might get away with it at some offices, with a brown envelop but I haven't seen it.


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I have a 60 day ext in the bank still for 'visiting wife' on a 1 yr NON O but hearing that they are asking for a load of info/paperwork now to get your 60 days, either more so if you rent like I do...so now thinking about going straight onto a retirement ext via an agent.


Sensible decision or a waste of 60 days?

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1 minute ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

Sensible decision or a waste of 60 days?

Personally I would get the 60 day extension myself (it's not difficult even if you rent). Sounds like you have not spoken to agent as yet. Thinking they would want more time and the 60 POS in your pp would buy that.

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9 hours ago, ehgnyc said:

This will get pulled off here, but at least I'll get to say it. You should get a life. What I meant was I have the money, but didn't want to get scammed, didn't know who to trust and had already read about some visas not being legit. All I asked the IM for was a list of the requirements and those were the answers I got. Why are you on here? You're not helping anyone. You're just being abusive.

Nope you didn't. You self admitted in your post that you waited until it was "too late" to get the agent route and then had the audacity to complain about others being at fault. Nice try!

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50 minutes ago, mousset said:

There is the paper side of things and the social (family etc) side. 
I hope you can understand that.

No I can't. You are married when you have a marriage certificate and not a moment before. Otherwise you're a common law spouse at best.

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12 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Personally I would get the 60 day extension myself (it's not difficult even if you rent). Sounds like you have not spoken to agent as yet. Thinking they would want more time and the 60 POS in your pp would buy that.

Yes, think you are right Doc. Think it's just me just busy lazy, I really don't like immigration trips, but hearing they also want updated khor ror 2 within last 7 days to prove you are still married. House owners ID card etc..plus other stuff, could be a hassle.


And no, I haven't spoke to an agent yet. 

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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

What part of "made up requirements" do you not understand?  The "extra papers" which are NOT listed on Bangkok Immigration's official-requirements are arbitrary - aka "Used to Block Legit Extension Applications" - encountered more by those with Thai Family, than anyone else.


And "12 months transfers" for first-time applicants for a long-term extension is not only insane (w/o a time-machine), it directly violates the example-case immigration provided. 

Twelve months transfers is only required for the ones that has already used a Non-O ME for staying permanently one full year in Thailand. You know that too. 


Regarding the papers. All IO´s has discretion. It stands in the book. As you then understand, if the IO wish more documentation they are free to ask for that and you must provide.


1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

The pictures one is easy - that's not where the story ends.  Anyone paying attention - what everyone "should know" - is that immigration is corrupt, and blocks LEGIT applications, while giving the VIP treatment to those who pay them through agents.


Please stop telling people they "can be prepared" - when there is No Way to Know what they may demand - EVER.  I assume you have read my posts detailing the "change ups" which blocked my legit-application attempts.  Previously, I could deal with the MFA as a workaround.  But the last "change in requirements" means I will only be able to stay with my family as long as the embassy-letters hold out.

So, you know what country you chose to live in, right? If you wish VIP treatment, then I suggest you pay for that. Same as playing at a casino, the more you pay/lose the bigger is the chance they chose you as a VIP player.

Don´t come here and try and tell me to stop, nor tell me your application was blocked. Pure BS. If one chose to live and create a family in a foreign country and can´t live up to the small requirements of showing 400k in a bank account. Yes, then that one is to irresponsible to start a life and a family in a foreign country.

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Just now, Keyser Soze666 said:

And no, I haven't spoke to an agent yet. 

Might be good time to visit one or call to access your options. I'm not familiar with agents however would use one in a blink in these difficult times. 

Also even if I had plans to leave Thailand when borders open I would still go the 12 month option. The agents can be creative, for example they may just suggest retirement if your 50+.

Good luck

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5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Might be good time to visit one or call to access your options. I'm not familiar with agents however would use one in a blink in these difficult times. 

Also even if I had plans to leave Thailand when borders open I would still go the 12 month option. The agents can be creative, for example they may just suggest retirement if your 50+.

Good luck

Especially with the difference in price being so small. You'll pay 25k for 3 months or 40k for 12 months (55k for 15 months). Leaving a year of options on the table to save one grand isn't really a wise investment.

Edited by FlyingThai
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1 minute ago, PatrickC said:


Be that as it may, this is simply not Thailand's problem. They're not obliged to offer you any further amnesty to suit your personal circumstances.


I'm sure many here have sympathy with your situation, however to expect Thailand to come to your rescue - why would they? And why should they? 


You might have nothing left in your country of citizenship, however you might also have no choice but to return at this stage. I don't see international borders opening up until 2022.

Every other country in the region extended at the very last minute,and I'm pretty sure Thai citizens over seas are not going to be thrown out of where ever they are ..


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7 hours ago, uberfarang said:

Why do you assume "home" is always someone's birth country?

Many were living/working in countries that have closed their borders to their foreign residents. Have you watched the news in 2020?


I have nothing to go back to in my "home" country, I've been living in Japan for a decade, my apartment, bank accounts and all my stuff is there, and still no way to get back in. My most likely chance to get back is via a travel/business bubble between Japan and Thailand. They are definitely not letting anyone from Europe fly into Japan this year so going back to Europe before that would make it even harder.

Cambodia and Japan have come to an agreement to allow each other's expats to return. To hope that Thailand and Japan will do the same is quite reasonable. Good luck!

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All or almost all legitimate tourist seem to be gone. Only the "hangers on" for other reasons are left. I base this on reports from Pattaya, Phuket, and Chiang Mai that have very low hotel occupancy rates and tourist areas are "ghost towns". Those that were continuing to stay by renewing in neighboring countries are out of luck  and only a few options exist. Waiting for the last minute is a problem, IMO and risks am overstay. 

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13 minutes ago, ehgnyc said:

Do you include expats who live and work in other Asian countries and can't return as "legitimate tourists" or "hangers on"? Maybe your "reports" don't include the fact that borders are closed.

Flights out have been available for months. It's the flights in that are restricted. Those who live and work in other Asian countries need to contact the respective embassies advice. It's been 6 months already so plans should have been made long ago. 

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2 minutes ago, Daithi85 said:

What's your problem?it seems to be upsetting you at the thought of people staying here.luckily your opinion means nothing.

Getting a tourist visa only admits one for a specific time, and not an indefinite period. Those that want to stay need an immigrant visa. This is how it's done everywhere not just Thailand. Although some feel entitled (it's my right) they really are not.

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1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

Twelve months transfers is only required for the ones that has already used a Non-O ME for staying permanently one full year in Thailand. You know that too.


The above statement you made is incorrect.  And possibly based on the odd exception, but for many ME Non Imm O marriage Visa holders this has been a real issue.


Several reports posted from those on their very first ME Non Imm O marriage Visa, arriving in Thailand Dec-Jan-Feb, and being asked by their local IO to provide evidence of 12 months of transfers of +40K, when they were still in their home-country during the first of those 12 'required' months. 

And the timing of that change in policy/procedure from 2 to 12 months of monthly income transfers was such that those that had started with the 2 monthly income transfers, could not even switch anymore to the 400K funds-in-bank method as there wasn't sufficient seasoning time left for those 400K.

Only solution left > engaging a Fixer Agent to tackle the 2-month seasoning roadblock for the 400K.

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11 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

The above statement you made is incorrect.  And possibly based on the odd exception, but for many ME Non Imm O marriage Visa holders this has been a real issue.


Several reports posted from those on their very first ME Non Imm O marriage Visa, arriving in Thailand Dec-Jan-Feb, and being asked by their local IO to provide evidence of 12 months of transfers of +40K, when they were still in their home-country during the first of those 12 'required' months. 

And the timing of that change in policy/procedure from 2 to 12 months of monthly income transfers was such that those that had started with the 2 monthly income transfers, could not even switch anymore to the 400K funds-in-bank method as there wasn't sufficient seasoning time left for those 400K.

Only solution left > engaging a Fixer Agent to tackle the 2-month seasoning roadblock for the 400K.

You still know that you are mentioning a yearly extension based on marriage. One do not need any 2, 6 or 12 month. They could scrap all of that. If one can´t have measly 400k baht on a Thai bank account as a married person in a foreign country, one just have nothing do do there. 


Just a problem that do not need to exist if people think about their security a little bit more, show some backbone and responsibility for their actions in life.

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1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

You still know that you are mentioning a yearly extension based on marriage. One do not need any 2, 6 or 12 month. They could scrap all of that. If one can´t have measly 400k baht on a Thai bank account as a married person in a foreign country, one just have nothing do do there. 


Just a problem that do not need to exist if people think about their security a little bit more, show some backbone and responsibility for their actions in life.

You know another problem that doesn't need to exist?

A free 400k loan to a bank in a country that could collapse or kick you out at any moment, as you spend upwards of a decade begging for a yearly extension despite having kids and being married to a national.

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Every single move the govt has made, every single proposal that has been tabled says one thing and one thing only:


Business as usual re tourism and residency is over. Done. If you haven't been affected yet, you will be as soon as they get around to it.  They don't care that "Thailand is my home" or "But I have a retirement visa!" or "What about my family?". You are not Thai, and you have no eternal right to be here. Every rule is subject to change, and this crisis has given the authorities the opportunity to change.


Every indication says the goal is to remake the country into a land for Thai people and the world's elite. Others are--will be, IMO--no longer welcome.


Put 30 million baht in a Thai bank and show proof of 500,000 baht/month inflows, and you will be able to keep your retirement visa. Can't meet those requirements? There are now flights available to everywhere, so you have no excuse not to leave.


Doubt this?  Just look at what they done and said since March. Don't ask for whom the bell tolls, because it tolls for thee. If they give scant concern for the 2.5 million Thai people employed in the tourism industry, they certainly aren't not going to be concerned about a bunch of old farangs 'living the dream'. If one is a high roller, nothing to worry about, but absent that, you are likely in somebody's crosshairs.


Put another way, it's the old saw about frogs in the kitchen, "It may be getting hot in this pot, but at least I'm not boiling like that poor guy over there".

Edited by Walker88
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2 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

IMHO, I think they've given plenty of warnings and extensions. What they SHOULD do now is offer the new 270 day, 2k Tourist Visa to all those stuck here w/o long term extensions to test the waters. They could also insist that anyone wanting to try the new visa show proof of funds similar to the visa on arrivals of old.

That way they know the tourists staying are spending and the rest aren't being a burden on society. It would also solve a lot of the retirees and NON-O MEs issues that can't do border runs.


while i sympathise with those truly caught out EVERYONE had options even if some of those options were, how should i say, morally unappetising


with that in mind i can only imagine how those that DID make the effort to get themselves onto a legal footing would feel if something like this came into force.


gave 10K's to an agent? put 100K's in a thai bank? got a job? married? 


never mind you too could have just hung on and paid 2K..!!


"now about next year's extension sir.."


yeah fick that, i'll take the 2K option as well please ????



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There won't be any more amnesty, they have given you sufficient notice. If you are waiting for it, you will be disappointed.


Usually they will give notice at least one month before it ends.

Edited by EricTh
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