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New grand plan to bring tourists back to Thailand in fallout of COVID-19


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

the Land of Smiles insists the two-week lockdown will be a pleasant surprise.

Ha, ha fun on the tent.

Forget the pleasant surprise: 14x24 hrs on your room, a nurse or doctor who will you check many times again and again, you can't go out of your room, and last but not least, during that time NO alcohol.


And the government calls this "a pleasant surprise"  LOL!!

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This program that they are touting is going to fall flat on their faces.  Very few people are going to want to stay for 14 days cooped up in their hotel room that they are paying for.  I wonder what the “14 days of fun” are that the TAT has planned.  About the only people that might benefit are those who are stuck outside of Thailand and are trying to find a way to get back in.  Then they get 270 days and hopefully by the end of that travel will be much easier.  Of course they will have to prove that they are "deep pocketed" tourists.  

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1 hour ago, PEE TEE said:

I can see it working for those who have a real need to get back, family property ect. but it will not come cheap so big money needed . i do not see any requirements for the covid insurance cover have they discharged this . 

You mean the $100.000 Scam? That will always be there, even after the borders open again, too big a moneymaker to stop it.

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4 hours ago, impulse said:

I think it's going to be a success, with chartered planeloads of Chinese investors coming down to buy up condos, sign contracts to import Thai produce, and get great deals on distressed businesses.


Genuine tourists?  Not the way it's structured.


Well, coincidentally today i read this post


It is not LOS but i think the same apply for here.

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7 hours ago, farang51 said:

I am definitely interested. It depends on the details and prices and the available quarantine hotels in Phuket. And, if they will allow people from my country.

There are two as far as we know.. Marvelous choice..Anantara and one more I already forgot...

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1 minute ago, JusticeGB said:

Yesterday I read that the Government is considering adding a requirement that people coming to Thailand self quarantine in their home countries for 2 weeks before getting on a plane so coming to Thailand will require the equivalent of 4 weeks of prison. The Government Quarantine hotels are grossly overpriced and I understand that you are not allowed to leave your hotel room

Who in their right mind would come to Thailand who has money when they have loads of money and can go to countries without such draconian rules.  When I came here as a tourist a top requirement was a plentiful supply of decent restaurants. Over half the restaurants in Pattaya have closed down most permanently. I will see pigs flying before tourists coming in on this ridiculous scheme. 

I am in Pattaya. Which restaurants have closed apart from The Comfort?

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1 hour ago, Guderian said:

Oh my Buddha! Can you imagine being trapped in a room and having to endure two weeks of TAT's idea of fun? Thai soap operas 24-hours a day that cannot be switched off, an eat-all-you can koi pla buffet, lao kao drinking competitions, and reading the collected works of Chairman Prayut. I'm sure many rich people in the West would welcome these deep insights into Thai culture, lol.

Exaggerated nonsense.


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8 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

No thanks just a scam. Any takers ?

Plenty takers. It is not a scam. But the plan will thankfully keep out the Thai bashers and Thai haters who no doubt will continue spreading their negativity on this forum albeit from their dead beat digs in grim cities of UK and desolate outback regions of Australia.

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Last year 39 million tourists, now 14,400 tourists are planned for 12 months. In percentage terms that is 0.0369% compared to 2019. Is that supposed to be the big plan now?

It's ridiculous if it weren't so sad.

I feel sorry for all of the millions who were employed in the tourism sector and whose income is dependent on tourism. 


Those responsible are not able to properly scale the future tourism business. All tourist spots are already ghost towns. Lonely beaches nice, but nothing around it. Closed restaurants, bars, shops, no entertainment and neglected buildings.


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23 minutes ago, robsamui said:

Some serious competition coming up shortly, by people who DO have a clue.



Competition indeed, and it has been going on for a while. Even way before this plandemic people were moving away from Thailand to live or just go on vacation in neighbouring countries. Same sun but better service all around. Thailand is slowly digging its own grave...

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2 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Last year 39 million tourists, now 14,400 tourists are planned for 12 months. In percentage terms that is 0.0369% compared to 2019. Is that supposed to be the big plan now?

It's ridiculous if it weren't so sad.

I feel sorry for all of the millions who were employed in the tourism sector and whose income is dependent on tourism. 


Those responsible are not able to properly scale the future tourism business. All tourist spots are already ghost towns. Lonely beaches nice, but nothing around it. Closed restaurants, bars, shops, no entertainment and neglected buildings.


And even the 14,400 tourists, i dought they will get with this stupid rules.

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14 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

Give them credit for trying.  It’s a tough sell.  So why not offer free beer in the fridge, replenished by some comely lass each day?  Live up to the Amazing Thailand tag line.

No visitors allowed with quarantine. Anyway which lass would risk it?

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3 hours ago, Old Croc said:

Although I'm not necessarily advocating this plan for restarting tourism, at least I understand the intent, and accept opening borders has to start somewhere.

Not being totally blinkered, I know there are many thousands of tourists who don't come here for the hedonistic lifestyle of a few weeks partying in the fleshpots. Many people have been coming here for years to escape winters in their home country and enjoy the Thailand experience for up to 6 months of the year. A near neighbor has been entertaining long stay guests in his establishment for as long as I have lived nearby. These people party among themselves, eat out for every meal and undertake short term travel around neighboring Provinces. I'm sure they spend more money here every year than any short term entrant.

They are the people this visa is aimed at, and it could also give the forgotten quasi- residents, languishing in home country, a way to reunite with family and perhaps eventually stay.

Only a complete fool believing in hoax theories, would think that throwing the borders wide open is the way to start up the economy again. It would have the opposite effect very quickly.


Yes, but with only 300 entries per week there won't be any partying amongst themselves. At best they'll be partying by themselves. 

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2 minutes ago, JaneM said:

Thailand is bashing itself, been going on for a while now. Nothing to do with keeping the bashers out or Thai haters on this forum, although I do agree with you that they're too negative at times.

Sorry I don't understand your point. Please explain how Thailand bashes and hates Thailand. The Thai bashers and haters have a special place in their twisted minds for Pattaya.

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8 hours ago, farang51 said:

I am definitely interested. It depends on the details and prices and the available quarantine hotels in Phuket. And, if they will allow people from my country.

Phuket is not any longer in the plane ! As there is no direct flights or charter to Phuket and the Phuket Model is not to be confused with STV Visa where you have to spend quarantine in Bangkok or so i understood... as it all is very foggy .

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1 minute ago, Marco100 said:

Phuket is not any longer in the plane ! As there is no direct flights or charter to Phuket and the Phuket Model is not to be confused with STV Visa where you have to spend quarantine in Bangkok or so i understood... as it all is very foggy .

They are different proposals. One has nothing to do with the other.

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