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American expat charged with defamation after leaving multiple negative reviews online


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11 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Get banged up for writing a bad review online or kill a cop whist drunk and coked up and spend not one second in jail. 

Yea, this seems fair in the broader context.  

It wasn't about "a" bad review, it was multiple bad reviews. Possibly they were distorted just like your post. The law specifically disallows such actions. 

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

6,000bht for one night, 500bht corkage.

I wouldn't be staying there, far too expensive for me to pay.

 ........ and then arrested and put in jail ........... far better to stay at a 500bht/night hotel where they don't care what you do, or with whom IMHO.

Couldn't agree more. Cheap hotels give you much more freedom. When I travel for leisure, I always choose these. On my business trips it's another game, though.

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Oh well, he will do his time and head back to the US and really stuff things up for this hotel. Hotel should probably have thought this through. It's going to look a lot worse for them in the future because they took action. They could have shown proof to trip advisor which they themselves could see from the IP addresses and had the reviews removed. 

Self entitled yanks vs self entitled thais. Disaster waiting to happen!!

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25 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Get banged up for writing a bad review online or kill a cop whist drunk and coked up and spend not one second in jail. 

Yea, this seems fair in the broader context.  

No one is saying that it's fair that the red bull son got away with what he did, and i'm sure most people here will agree with that . But, it  was also unfair for the American to go out of his way to damage the good reputation of a business using multiple fake accounts,  just because he  couldn't get his own way. It's childish, extremely disrespectful, and potentially very damaging to someones livelihood.  I would have taken exactly the same steps if it were my business. 
And just to set the record straight, this was NOT just one negative review, but rather a multitude of personal attacks. 

Edited by Kaopad999
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3 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

A friend of mine along with several other expat unit owners complained by letter to management about burned out lights in corridors and dirty elevators. They got sued for defamation implying the manager was incompetent. End result. They each had to pay the offended manager 5000 baht to make it go away. Plus some legal fees. Thailand is not like where you came from.

It is all about "face."  It has nothing to do with whether the manager was actually incompetent or not, but that the unit owners said he was incompetent, and because of that, he might be perceived as incompetent.  It is all about appearances, and truth slides down the hierarchy of values somewhere at the bottom just about dinosaur poop! 

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4 minutes ago, Flying Saucage said:

Couldn't agree more. Cheap hotels give you much more freedom. When I travel for leisure, I always choose these. On my business trips it's another game, though.

Freedom to do what? 


I havent in my whole grown up lifetime brought alchohol to a beach, swimmingpool, or restaurant where they serve you from the bar or restaurant. 


The good thing about hotels like sea view, you get away from the mainstream visitors who are there for one thing, and it is to drink and party. I was to Sea view in Koh Chang in 2007, and it was a boring, quiet far out from the center place to hideaway. But that is holiday for some people. 

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3 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

No one is saying that it's fair that the red bull son got away with what he did, and i'm sure most people here will agree with that . But, it's also not fair to go out your way to damage the good reputation of a business using multiple fake accounts,  just because you couldn't get your own way. It's childish, extremely disrespectful, and potentially very damaging to someones livelihood.  I would have taken exactly the same steps if it were my business. 
And just to set the record straight, this was NOT just one negative review, but rather a multitude of personal attacks. 

So it’s a civil case. How a civil case ends up with someone in jail is ridiculous. 

You sue successfully if you can prove they’re lying and have lost you money. 


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5 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

A friend of mine along with several other expat unit owners complained by letter to management about burned out lights in corridors and dirty elevators. They got sued for defamation implying the manager was incompetent. End result. They each had to pay the offended manager 5000 baht to make it go away. Plus some legal fees. Thailand is not like where you came from.

That sounds extremely harsh, if as you say it was a private matter between them and the hotel and they did not make it public. 


But....... extract from Section 330, Thai Criminal Code. "the truth is not a defence for private matters that are not of benefit to the public." 

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16 minutes ago, polpott said:

And bar girls. If I had a baht for every time one sent me a Line message, "I love you long time". Yep, about 5 minutes until the next customer walks through the door.

Yes bar girls are lying or is the word "wallet" to be naturally assumed as in "I love you wallet or ATM card long time"?It's also assumed said wallet or card is always easily accessible. 

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3 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

No one is saying that it's fair that the red bull son got away with what he did, and i'm sure most people here will agree with that . But, it's also not fair to go out your way to damage the good reputation of a business using multiple fake accounts,  just because you couldn't get your own way. It's childish, extremely disrespectful, and potentially very damaging to someones livelihood.  I would have taken exactly the same steps if it were my business. 

"and potentially very damaging to someones livelihood. "

That sounds good, and it is an interesting theory (or excuse), but I wonder how real it is. What is this "damage," exactly?  Were not the resort as well as other readers free to post corrections, rebuttals, and share their own positive experiences? Are readers really so stupid as to be swayed by negative comments that obviously have no merit and are coming from a disgruntled guest?

As I said in other posts, my guess is that in the end, this is not gong to go well for the resort, no matter how indignant an damaged they believe themselves to be.  

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15 hours ago, Jack Hna said:

That's one hell of a corkage charge now. That leo from 711 just became one of the most expensive beers ever. 


Corkage is expensive, IME, usually, where ever you want it. Certainly used to be in the UK.


500 ThB seems reasonable. Hardly mega expensive.


Seems more like he didn't like several things, got on a downward spiral which the booze wouldn't have helped. Now his multiple bad reviews appear like a vendetta.

Edited by Baerboxer
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9 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Thanks. So many bad reviews. These reviews could easily have been deleted if it was obvious it was just a disgruntled guest. 

Yes, Thai law. You must respect these laws even if they are harsh. Thai law is very serious. Especially when dealing with people who don’t have the means to pay their way out. But If you’re rich, it suddenly becomes that they’re not so serious. Just buy your way out.


What wonderful justice. 


Thailand prides itself on being independent and maintaining the integrity of it's culture and values.  That's fine, as far as it goes. The problem is if you are operating in globalization and doing business with an international clientele, you may not always get to do exactly as you like. That is even more true in a depressed industry in a depressed economy. Life is like that sometimes.

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