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9 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

The ones with large claws are pretty harmless, its the ones

with narrow claws you don't want to mess with.

regards Worgeordie

I was told similar, big claws just move it away, smaller brown slim ones the basic advice was introduce it to a house brick. I don't like to kill anything, but!!!!!

  • Haha 1

Got stung 3 times by small black scorpions , I can tell you , it is much worse than a bee bite ... but still nothing compared to being stung by a manta that hid under the sand on a beach... that REALLY was painful . 

Could avoid cobras until now , hope it stays like this ...


I got stung by a very small yellow one about 2 cm long , hurt like a bad bee sting for a day or two , it was on a finger , always hurts on my fingers even when a mosquito bites me 

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Have had three encounters so far.

One that was under a mat by the bedside and I crushed it when I stepped on the mat. Another greeted me when I got up to go to the toilet during the night. Swept it up in a dustpan and put in the garden. A third I captured in a plastic container (my usual method) then released it.

Got stung on a finger while laying jig saw mats but whatever it was moved quickly and vanished. I spent a few hours applying a 'ice pack' to keep the purple swelling down which gradually faded during the following couple of days.





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2 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

When I first came here I stayed in rented accommodation which had been built on a former chicken farm. It was crawling with scorpions. The first time was from small scorpion in the bathroom....it was a very painful bite. I had about 6 or 7 more bites over the next 3 months (until we moved) none as bad as the first. The worst thing to get bitten by in my opinion is a takkap (centipede). I got bitten by a small one on the toe and it was way worse that the worst of the scorpion bites.

I have heard a couple of theories.....first is that you develop a sort of immunity to the bite that makes later bites less painful....second is that smaller, and immature insects give more painful bites because they empty their full sac of poison, because they have not learned to calibrate what dose to give to each of its prey. I can't verify anything, it is just hearsay.

centipedes are specific as to their habitat: Like to dwell in dung in the cow shed (before, we kept cattle) so apart from their own poison they are loaded and ready to inject all sorts of bacteria ... and it hurts like hell for a prolonged time


Once I was biten by a emperor scorpion (African).. too much pain and scared, but at the end not veneneneous. it resembles yours


55 minutes ago, rumak said:

I got a bill from a lawyer once.   Hurt much more than any scorpion bite .  


To this day....... i avoid lawyers !

Reminds me of a joke. "Whats the difference between a catfish and a lawyer?"


One is a bottom dwelling scum sucking scavenger and the other is just a fish.

  • Haha 1

The little white ones are worse I’ve been stung to many times to remember so much so I seem to be immune now . The first time I was in terrific pain and all down my left side from top to toe was numb I went to the Chinese pharmacy and she gave me some medication after about the 5th time the sting was very mild that it wore off in about an hour but these are the little white ones that seem to love hiding behind the handle of the pool room door .


Wife got stung on the foot by small orange type colour one and was in agony for a day and couldn’t walk properly for about three days . Black one she seen in our kitchen she just picked it up by the tail and put it outside .

A friend also got stung on the arm as he got into bed , he went to hospital and said the pain felt like he had broken his arm .

On 9/29/2020 at 10:06 AM, overherebc said:

Main question is, has anyone been stung by one?

Yes 2 yrs ago Nice Black one , Just a bit like a Bee sting Nothing Serious.


It’s an Asian forest scorpion belonging to the genus heterometrus. Usually they’re stings are not bad, but there’s always the chance that you might be allergic to their venom and go into anaphylactic shock. So, it‘s always best to avoid getting stung. 

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

When I first came here I stayed in rented accommodation which had been built on a former chicken farm. It was crawling with scorpions. The first time was from small scorpion in the bathroom....it was a very painful bite. I had about 6 or 7 more bites over the next 3 months (until we moved) none as bad as the first. The worst thing to get bitten by in my opinion is a takkap (centipede). I got bitten by a small one on the toe and it was way worse that the worst of the scorpion bites.

I have heard a couple of theories.....first is that you develop a sort of immunity to the bite that makes later bites less painful....second is that smaller, and immature insects give more painful bites because they empty their full sac of poison, because they have not learned to calibrate what dose to give to each of its prey. I can't verify anything, it is just hearsay.

With you on the centipede bite. Not many weeks ago got snapped by a small one on the top of my foot. Pain grew over about an hour and was enough to stop me  sleep that night. Pain eased over next  days but  foot was swollen and tender to touch  for about  four days. Much  worse than the scorpion bite I got  to my  right palm years  back. That was painful enough  but only lasted  a few hours  before easing.


Years ago near Khonkaen I remember a villager being stung but a small scorpion in the woodpile. She went straight to a weed in the garden, squashed it against the bite and said it reduced the pain.

49 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

It’s an Asian forest scorpion belonging to the genus heterometrus. Usually they’re stings are not bad, but there’s always the chance that you might be allergic to their venom and go into anaphylactic shock. So, it‘s always best to avoid getting stung. 

Recently I have to bring the doughter of my GF with high speed to the hospital for that reason, terrifying, stung by some kind of bee.

7 minutes ago, Peterphuket said:

Recently I have to bring the doughter of my GF with high speed to the hospital for that reason, terrifying, stung by some kind of bee.

A good chance it may have been a hornet.

Those things are nasty.


3 minutes ago, overherebc said:

A good chance it may have been a hornet.

Those things are nasty.

Possible, there are plenty of dangerous species, when you are allergic.

The hospital was about 25km from the place where it happens, she lay back in my car and I really thought she was going die.

Also the problems when you have to drive with high speed, with alamlights and high beam, but be careful, the people on the road are thinking you are the wrong one.

Anyway, after about an hour it was possible to take her home.

1 hour ago, Farma said:

Years ago near Khonkaen I remember a villager being stung but a small scorpion in the woodpile. She went straight to a weed in the garden, squashed it against the bite and said it reduced the pain.

they say weed works for pain .   i usually smoke some just in case i might get bit

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