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Thai Beaches Won’t Reopen Fully Until Vaccines Become Available


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The companies making the vaccine are immune from prosecution and future lawsuits regarding any side effects. Sorry I am kind of not in a very trusting mind knowing these facts. Given the way COVID has been brainwashed into everyone by the WHO and the media.

One has to ask why the common cold that kills 600-700,000 people annually once it has mutated into pneumonia has never had the same volume of media coverage.  This time we are at around 1 million deaths which really does not warrant destroying the global economy, and revoking everyones freedom.

The Spanish flu that infected 500 million people in 1918 and killed up to 50 million, this is not even close to that, so I am not sure how they can call it a pandemic.

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25 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

Oh I'm sooo sorry to forget to ask Dr. "Almighty" Google. 

I'm sure you're a frequent reader of "Sun" and Co. ????????????????????????????

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21 hours ago, genericptr said:

By the time a vaccine is available what will the death tolls be? I just read that currently in the US 977 people are dying per day. That's 0.000003053% of the population, and majority are over 70. Concerns for rising figures in the winter are warranted but seriously, we're shutting the globe down for this?



It’s the third leading cause of death in the USA  ????

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22 hours ago, lujanit said:

The big question is are these Chinese going to be made to go into a 14 day quarantine before they are let into the wild.  As well as covid tests, wearing of bracelets etc.  My guess is no and this pseudo government will come up with 'reasons' why the Chinese are exempt.


The same goes for the eight Chinese arriving by private charter.


One rule for their Chinese overlords another for dirty farangs.


Hang on ... are you saying these Chinese won't be doing quarantine?


Shocking if true, but i'll wait for your answer 

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I am wondering how many people are rushing to the USA or India, or Brazil for a

holiday these days? I know I could not be paid enuff, to travel to any country

that has lots of covid numbers, even if these countries have large popuations

which makes the percentages small for death ratios etc. The posters that thrive on

percentages should feel free to  travel the world because their ratio counts

seem to show too much fear about this virus that has no cure and is killing people

as we speak. Live Free, Travel Free,  Die free.  a new slogan to ponder.


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7 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

It is increasingly clear that infection with covid 19 makes one highly unlikely for reinfection and reinfection would most likely not be severe if one gets it.


Herd immunity is likely much lower than 70% with roughly 30% of the population having t-cell immunity, as well as other forms of immunity (b-cell and cross coronavirus immunity, etc). Some posit it down to 50% and others all the way down to 20% with antibodies to severely slow the incidence of infection (examples NYC, London and Stockholm).


Fauci has changed his statements many times. I liked Michael Levitt's analysis even though he is not an epidemiologist when he thought it would be between 500 to 1000 infections per million of population so in the 165-320k deaths for the US


Those numbers of deaths you are putting down for the US to reach herd immunity are completely absurd. They are on the par with the nonsensical mathematical models that Neil Ferguson put out at the beginning of the pandemic.

It's NOT clear that infection means you are unlikely for reinfection.  Some studies suggest this, others don't.


I'll stick with Fauci.  Levitt's comment early this year:


In February 2020, Levitt made a number of predictions about China's COVID-19 trajectory[41], including one on February 7 which claimed that "by 14-Feb. we will have reached 95% of the eventual death count of 928".


P.S. John Campbell isn't even a medical doctor. 

Edited by Jeffr2
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7 hours ago, patman30 said:

it was then spread by many news outlets
i was simply posting the link as you seemed to have no clue what the other poster was talking about

as for the rest of the drivel you parrot
(as no actual scientific studies were referenced)
and to note, the link you provided also contradicts YOUR statement "herd immunity is a myth"
Remember "flatten the curve"
this was the logic behind the lockdowns initially
flatten the curve whilst herd immunity was to be acheived, as to not put stress on the hospitals
maybe with your old age your memory is not as clear these days, i dont know



and back to your statement i intially quoted
this is where your fear gets others,
dont worry about other peoples rights or lives, lockdown the globe,
as long as YOU feel safe yeh ?

Sick children without covid-19 dying at home as parents told not to take them to hospital


reputable source



Faux News and now Express UK?  Great news sites. ????

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7 hours ago, impulse said:


You do have rights.  The right to take whatever precautions you deem appropriate FOR YOU.   And you have a pension.  You've made your nugget (or not...) 


Yet you would deny the rights of younger people to continue making a living so they can enjoy the same rights you're enjoying.  Because the directives from the medical experts have huge swaths of the economy shut down.  Millions unemployed.   Businesses closing down for good.  Careers derailed.  Homes foreclosed and people evicted.


To protect, it now seems, the folks who have the least to lose by shutting everything down.   That's a classic case of "I'm all right Jack"


Edit:  BTW, I'd add that those Medical Experts...  They still have their jobs.  Ya think their directives would be any different if it meant putting themselves out on the dole?


Easy for younger people to continue making a living and enjoying a life.  Just abide by the advice of the medical experts.  Mask up, social distance, etc.  That's not been happening and thus, the increase in cases.  That's been proven.

Luckily, we're doing that here.  No virus.  Life's OK.

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By the time the vaccine arrives the virus will have mutated and the big effect of it will be lost, vaccines are always behind the curve as with flu. Get used to living with it as it mutates as we have in the past.

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MANY TOURISTS come just for the beaches.....and swimming in the sea......now some **it is saying they will NOT BE OPEN.....so why are the beaches in patts, jomtien, bang saray......koh chang....koh samet, koh larn OPEN...

Left hand does not know what right hand is doing......


and they expect ALL THESE TOURISTS to arrive.....like the man on the moon expects visitors to bring him some cheese.....

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5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Life's ok? And for the people who's lives have been truly shattered and ruined, with no hope of normality in sight. Your ignorance is astounding.

Talk about ignorant.  You missed the point.

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On 10/1/2020 at 3:18 AM, Jeffr2 said:

For those of us over 70, yes, shutting down the globe is OK.  We have rights also.



1 live in germany is estimated by 31000 euro.by insurances and pensionfund calculated daily. in other countrys with lower bip less.

the estimated fallout in the economy is already over 2.0 mio euro per saved live.

if there are no meassures death rate may double but even than its a million per live

until now,and fallout goes higher


you could protect your self as best you can .but tell kids and working people that they one day have to pay the price.


i give a <deleted> on covid,first it was managable,now i hard thinking bcs of heavy looses  and in 4 years could kill myself if it goes on like that


worldduicide rates increase by 200 % est by eu and us..death due to hunger by 2 million.and other ,.more death like direct from covid

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10 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

It's NOT clear that infection means you are unlikely for reinfection.  Some studies suggest this, others don't.


I'll stick with Fauci.  Levitt's comment early this year:


In February 2020, Levitt made a number of predictions about China's COVID-19 trajectory[41], including one on February 7 which claimed that "by 14-Feb. we will have reached 95% of the eventual death count of 928".


P.S. John Campbell isn't even a medical doctor. 

It's pretty clear that the odds of reinfection are quite low and most reinfections are asymptomatic


Levitt did make some poor predictions at the start as did Fauci.


Yes,  Campbell is a nurse with a doctorate in training health care professionals. He has posted a great deal of important information that is not getting enough air time because of the relentless scaremongering of the media. In addition, the mainstream medical sites are tremendously conservative. Tbh, I don't trust them much. Once I switched to homeopathic and Chinese medicine my health improved dramatically.

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On 10/1/2020 at 1:37 AM, genericptr said:

With all due respect I think at this juncture it would be prudent to protect the elderly and allow the rest of society to start opening up.

I agree. You've had your time, Jeff, and during the VERY easy boomer generation to boot. So lock yourselves away if you want and let the rest of the world at least try to achieve the level of freedom and enjoyment you luck b'tards had. 

Edited by daveAustin
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4 hours ago, daveAustin said:

I agree. You've had your time, Jeff, and during the VERY easy boomer generation to boot. So lock yourselves away if you want and let the rest of the world at least try to achieve the level of freedom and enjoyment you luck b'tards had. 

Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor who sat within 12 feet of President Trump while moderating the debate, had some stark advice for his network’s viewers: “Wear the damn mask.”


“Follow the science,” Mr. Wallace said, appearing Friday on “Fox & Friends” and other Fox News programs. “If I could say one thing to all of the people out there watching: forget the politics. This is a public safety health issue.”

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8 minutes ago, CANSIAM said:

That was just very dry sarcastic humour..... we all need a laugh on occasion....

Post your link to a credible site that says 9 infected people came from the Wuhan lab.  LOL.  Good luck.

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6 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor who sat within 12 feet of President Trump while moderating the debate, had some stark advice for his network’s viewers: “Wear the damn mask.”


“Follow the science,” Mr. Wallace said, appearing Friday on “Fox & Friends” and other Fox News programs. “If I could say one thing to all of the people out there watching: forget the politics. This is a public safety health issue.”

Follow the science. Lol. The science is everywhere. On every issue, you can find research and experts on both sides. The question is whether people can change their views based on discussion and seeing alternate viewpoints and keeping an open mind. My opinion has changed a few times already. If people's views are set, then it almost seems to be a religious issue of faith masked as a support for science. For some people, "science" is a sort of religion.


Masks. It's interesting all the peer reviewed science pre-covid said masks did nothing or were harmful for respiratory infections/flu. In February, the WHO and I remember Singapore only advised sick people to wear masks. In looking at different nations epidemics, some nations which introduced strict lockdowns and mask mandates early still had massive epidemics (I believe Peru and Argentina are prime examples). Of course now, many places have mandates. Seems we still really don't know the dynamic there.


In the beginning, I followed the WHO/Singapore guidelines that masks were unnecessary. After seeing Asia's success, at around the beginning of March, I became a big proponent of masks. Now I am uncertain really what is going on with that issue, but I wear them where mandated. If nothing else, I think it lessens the viral load which will lead to weaker infections.

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37 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

Follow the science. Lol. The science is everywhere. On every issue, you can find research and experts on both sides. The question is whether people can change their views based on discussion and seeing alternate viewpoints and keeping an open mind. My opinion has changed a few times already. If people's views are set, then it almost seems to be a religious issue of faith masked as a support for science. For some people, "science" is a sort of religion.


Masks. It's interesting all the peer reviewed science pre-covid said masks did nothing or were harmful for respiratory infections/flu. In February, the WHO and I remember Singapore only advised sick people to wear masks. In looking at different nations epidemics, some nations which introduced strict lockdowns and mask mandates early still had massive epidemics (I believe Peru and Argentina are prime examples). Of course now, many places have mandates. Seems we still really don't know the dynamic there.


In the beginning, I followed the WHO/Singapore guidelines that masks were unnecessary. After seeing Asia's success, at around the beginning of March, I became a big proponent of masks. Now I am uncertain really what is going on with that issue, but I wear them where mandated. If nothing else, I think it lessens the viral load which will lead to weaker infections.

Science is science.  It evolves, it gets better, but it's not religion.  You seem to be reading the wrong news regarding the masks.  Are you anti-mask?  I know of NO medical expert who is.  Though a few who pretend to be are on YouTube and FaceBook.



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