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EU, UK to step up Brexit talks to try to close 'significant gaps' over trade deal


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3 minutes ago, RayC said:

Thank you. It wasn't that difficult or painful, was it?


The only time I have referenced the British Empire/ Imperialism in my posts is in reply to you, so I'm afraid you'll have to convince others yourself to answer your question.

I never said you referenced the British Empire, what I was suggesting to you is whilst you feel the urge to criticise the Brexiteers about mentioning WW2 and mostly in retaliation for uncalled insults to the Brits about events that happened many years ago about the Empire by the remainers or Euros, you become very reticent when the tables are turned. Do you not see your like minded posters insulting the British, predominately the English, if you do are you bothered at all.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

I never said you referenced the British Empire, what I was suggesting to you is whilst you feel the urge to criticise the Brexiteers about mentioning WW2 and mostly in retaliation for uncalled insults to the Brits about events that happened many years ago about the Empire by the remainers or Euros, you become very reticent when the tables are turned. Do you not see your like minded posters insulting the British, predominately the English, if you do are you bothered at all.

People have insulted the English?

Please give links.

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52 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

So where did I say Cummins was responsible for corona?

Take your time now. Its a tricky question and you might need to read it a few times to fully digest it.

If you want to imply, infer, insinuate, imply or whatever, that Cummings is responsible for Corona only to deny it due to lack of specifics, you can do. I've answered you twice on this but won't play your Scotch pedant game with you.

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11 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

London is 3 billion in debt?

Have you looked at the UK's national debt since the Conservatives took over?

All helped by the fact their first action upon gaining control was to cut taxes for the rich.

did i say london was 3 million in debt?no i said one department of that white elephant city hall namely tfl was,under the watch of a labour mayor.the uks debt is down to serving all the loans labour took out during their three reigns and gordon brown selling off all our gold reserves,what was the logic of that " to rub the right wings noses in it "?cut the taxes for the rich?i thought it was to pay for scotlands "free" prescriptions and "free" education.don,t worry you,ll be a lot better off in the eu,i can honestly say i hope you get your independence now.

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1 minute ago, Loiner said:

If you want to imply, infer, insinuate, imply or whatever, that Cummings is responsible for Corona only to deny it due to lack of specifics, you can do. I've answered you twice on this but won't play your Scotch pedant game with you.

Where did I imply, infer, insinuate imply (again?) or whatever that Cummins was responsible for corona?

You are trying to worm out of this but the fact is I did not.

Either admit you are wrong or post evidence. 

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Just now, kingdong said:

did i say london was 3 million in debt?no i said one department of that white elephant city hall namely tfl was,under the watch of a labour mayor.the uks debt is down to serving all the loans labour took out during their three reigns and gordon brown selling off all our gold reserves,what was the logic of that " to rub the right wings noses in it "?cut the taxes for the rich?i thought it was to pay for scotlands "free" prescriptions and "free" education.don,t worry you,ll be a lot better off in the eu,i can honestly say i hope you get your independence now.

Well first of all I thank you for your support for Scottish independence.

How much did Johnson spend on the bridge that was never built? How much did the water cannons he bought, even though its illegal to use them in Britain, cost?

The routemaster buses?

The estuary airport?

The Olympic orbit tower?

West Hams new stadium?

The Boris bikes?



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10 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Where did I imply, infer, insinuate imply (again?) or whatever that Cummins was responsible for corona?

You are trying to worm out of this but the fact is I did not.

Either admit you are wrong or post evidence. 

I've told you twice. Can't you even remember what you have read, because you have even replied?

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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Well first of all I thank you for your support for Scottish independence.

How much did Johnson spend on the bridge that was never built? How much did the water cannons he bought, even though its illegal to use them in Britain, cost?

The routemaster buses?

The estuary airport?

The Olympic orbit tower?

West Hams new stadium?

The Boris bikes?



what a bastion of britains free press....the guardian.

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2 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Good luck with that. Trying to get a Brexiteer to give a definitive answer to anything is like trying to nail jelly to the wall.

Big on rhetoric and bluster.

Facts and answers. Not so much.

Kettle's boiling.

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Gabriela Baczynska
Tue, 6 October 2020, 9:25 pm GMT+8

By Gabriela Baczynska

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain and the EU are close to agreement on reciprocal social security rights for their citizens after Brexit, two diplomatic sources said, with one describing talks last week on an elusive trade deal as "one of the most positive so far".

The European Union diplomats said Brussels was now gearing up to negotiate until as late as mid-November - rather than cutting talks off at the start of next month - to avoid a damaging "no-deal" scenario when Britain's standstill transition with the bloc ends on Dec. 31.


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1 hour ago, vogie said:

what I was suggesting to you is whilst you feel the urge to criticise the Brexiteers about mentioning WW2

Please don't twist facts.


My criticism was directed at a post which inferred that there was an 'association' between the European Axis powers and the EU (which obviously didn't even exist in any form at the time).


1 hour ago, vogie said:

and mostly in retaliation for uncalled insults to the Brits about events that happened many years ago about the Empire by the remainers or Euros, you become very reticent when the tables are turned. Do you not see your like minded posters insulting the British, predominately the English, if you do are you bothered at all.

Let's not let the facts get in the way of your faux moral outrage.


I have previously 'called out' posters who downplayed the UK (and Commonwealth) role in standing alone against the Axis powers in 1940/41, and have no time for racists or xenophobes, be they 'Brexiter', 'Remainer' or 'Euro'.

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2 minutes ago, RayC said:

Please don't twist facts.


My criticism was directed at a post which inferred that there was an 'association' between the European Axis powers and the EU (which obviously didn't even exist in any form at the time).


Let's not let the facts get in the way of your faux moral outrage.


I have previously 'called out' posters who downplayed the UK (and Commonwealth) role in standing alone against the Axis powers in 1940/41, and have no time for racists or xenophobes, be they 'Brexiter', 'Remainer' or 'Euro'.

I am not going to join you in another of your twisty games, bye 'Ray'

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

London is 3 billion in debt?

Have you looked at the UK's national debt since the Conservatives took over?

All helped by the fact their first action upon gaining control was to cut taxes for the rich.

The Conservatives managed to hold debt levels after Labour's last fling (particularly our last Scottish PM from 2007-2010) until the Covid event this year. 




From ONS. 

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24 minutes ago, anchadian said:



Gabriela Baczynska
Tue, 6 October 2020, 9:25 pm GMT+8

By Gabriela Baczynska

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain and the EU are close to agreement on reciprocal social security rights for their citizens after Brexit, two diplomatic sources said, with one describing talks last week on an elusive trade deal as "one of the most positive so far".

The European Union diplomats said Brussels was now gearing up to negotiate until as late as mid-November - rather than cutting talks off at the start of next month - to avoid a damaging "no-deal" scenario when Britain's standstill transition with the bloc ends on Dec. 31.


Well it's progress of a sort and better than nothing, but it doesn't mention anything about fisheries and state aid.

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4 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

No just another example of the UK's world class track and trace system being anything but.

Typical Brexiteer mentality. "Its not our fault".

If Corbyn had won the election you would be on here defending him and proclaiming the same?

If Corbyn had won the election we'd have a lot more to worry about than a balls up by PHE staff. For starters, Brexit would still be being bounced around Parliament prolonging the 4 years of uncertainty we endured. 

Perhaps you could do a bit of research on PHE. You'll see it is an independently run government funded organisation. 

The government are rightly angry with PHE. The opposition / remainers / Europhiles are just using the PHE f/up to score cheap political points. You must have been twitching under your kilt with excitement when you heard the news ???? 



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6 hours ago, nauseus said:

It's a true-to-form EU bactrack.


2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Why ask that?

Because rather than state that any extension might be a positive sign if a deal is to be brokered, you make a comment about EU backtracking.


The alternative to the EU extending the talks would be their failure, hence my question whether you think that is preferable.

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14 hours ago, RayC said:

So what would you have us do, given that as a nation we can't trust others? What would you have us become? Kim's North Korea? Pol Pot's Cambodia? Stalin's Russia? Mao's China?

It has happened, become the UK again in totality......Not dictated to again....


Just look at what's happening now, the EU "leader", merkel, is slapping down the French wannabe over UK waters.....????.......So I read............????

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14 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Poor wee Brexiteers. Perpetual victims eh? Where's the Dunkirk spirit?

I think the point is this is yet another screwup by the most incompetent government in the history of the UK. Johnson and Cummins are presiding over a shambles that is even worse than Cameron or May's tenure. 

And nobody thought that was even possible. 

You would say that............????

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14 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

So lets not mention the British Empire because its not relevant any more but its ok to mention the nazis in almost every thread on the EU?

Has anyone used the word Nazis, I don't think so, well I haven't, but I have said, the "German government of the day" regarding their atrocities........ 

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