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Dengue fever: nearly 60,000 cases since January and 38 deaths - young most affected


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I agree with a writer above.  Dengue deaths are rivaling Corvid but billions are spent on eradicating the latter.  Road traffic deaths are far worse than the sum total of both the first two yet RTP do nothing to combat this.  I can't find any figures for respiratory deaths but I am willing to bet it dwarfs all other causes yet burning acres of stubble/sugar cane and traffic emissions are ignored.

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15 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

Some people are paranoid.

We had the local community clinic come to the property to warn us that a neighbor had dengue. Checked all water laying around, put chemicals in water stored for gardens. Came back two days later to check again and then the whole area was sprayed.

Keep bashing away and do not recognize the good works they do.

Lol. Knee jerk reaction, typical for Thai authorities. Do you really think that spraying can reduce the local population of mosquitoes significantly? And what about two weeks later, look around your house and area how much standing water is to be found again. I really would like to know. 

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56 minutes ago, CLW said:

Lol. Knee jerk reaction, typical for Thai authorities. Do you really think that spraying can reduce the local population of mosquitoes significantly? And what about two weeks later, look around your house and area how much standing water is to be found again. I really would like to know. 

I check for standing water and get rid of it every day in dengue season. Spraying (fogging) does work as do the chemicals they provide.

So you would prefer the government do nothing but then complain when they do something that does not suit you.

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