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London Heathrow

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Warning to all who are going to be departing UK via Heathrow. I flew out of Heathrow on the TG flight on Sunday night, Checked in no problems and made my way to immigration etc with one briefcase and one laptop. Was stopped at security and told only ONE piece of hand luggage allowed.

Realising that by fighting the establishment would get me nowhere, I asked how this rule could be got round as I certainly would not check in either of my two hand carried items ! Was told go to a shop and get a big plastic bag and put my computer inside ????? :o but I pointed out that there would still be two hand carried pieces !!

Ok then was the reply, take your computer out of the case, pack the case into your briefcase and then carry both through :D Did I really need to point out again that this would still mean two hand carry pieces ? Anyhow thats what I did and was allowed through. Madness pure madness !

And by the way, anyone who thinks that our new airport here is bad should take a close look at Heathrow, it is disgusting Oh! nearly forgot a carton of duty free ciggies there costs 1700 Baht compared with 450-500 here. DUTY FREE - go figure

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It's a little bit rich holding a six month old Suvarnabhumi up in a faourable light against a 50+ year old LHR T3. I agree T3 is a bit shabby but you are entitled to a few wrinkles when you get to our age. :o

But joking aside, the security at T3 is an appalling log jam and I, for that reason, dislike intensely travelling through there. My preference these days is KLM via Amsterdam into and out of LHR through T4.

btw the ONE piece of hand baggage has always been the rule it just, like so many others, was never enforced like the maximum size of carry on isn't (often). I for one would like the rule to be enforced without exception. Maybe not the one piece but a person's total carry on luggage should fit into the gauge found at most airports.

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I have no arguments with your response, however, surely the hand carried rules should be enforced by the airlines and not the security at the airport. And what makes a mockery of these rulings is the fact that passengers can load up with bags and bags of duty free items AFTER the security checks.

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Sorry I missed the point regarding security dictating the one piece rule and this is where the procedures at T3 are a bit ar5e about face and hence creat the log jam. Last time I passed through T3, January this year, they weren't enforcing this rule and I haven't heard anything about it through any other source. As you quite rightly point out security should be concerned about WHAT is carried through not, unless LAG's, the quantity. It is not unusual for businessmen to carry a briefcase and a laptop so, unless the security guy was in the wrong, this is going to cause more grief for travellers.

As for your comment about folks buying shed loads of duty frees, the last line in your OP says it all. Anyone who buys duty frees at virtually any airport, except for those travelling to the UK, need their head examined. There are, from memory at Schipol and I think this is Europe wide, two sets of duty frees, one with a universal Euro level of duty available to those travelling within the EU and another duty free for those travelling outside. Another way our wonderful government makes sure they get every last drop of blood out of the stone. :o

Anyway 1700 Baht works out around 25 quid depending on exchange rate, a lot better than the UK price of around 60. :D I am really glad I don't smoke.

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That is nonsense. The rule has for years been one piece of hand luggage AND certain personal items such as laptops, cameras etc. The assumption has always been that it was ok to carry those in the appropriate designed bags but perhaps that has now been changed.

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Security at Heathrow is a farce, like everywhere else, its just there so some b*minded little moron unable to get a real job has a moment of power ... can you tell I don't like them? You can't take 2 bags through security, unless one fits inside the other, so you have people attempting a Tardis routine as they head through to airside. You are now allowed to take small quantities of the highly dangerous liquids that everyone had to trash some months back. Removing your shoes depends upon the whim of the day, sometimes you do and other times apparently they know that no shoe-bombers are trying to board! You know it makes sense - if the 'little grey cells' were in short supply when you received your allocation.

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Something I still find amusing is that Heathrow does not have an outward bound passport check and therefore no overstay visas are ever picked up... good old UK!

I wonder why?


To be quite honest I think the UK has become like the USA, they don't give a toss who's leaving. That's why so many bail runners seem to pitch up in Thailand, they just rely on other country's immigration to pass on the news.

Mind you, they don't seem over fussed who's arriving either unless it happens to be an Asian woman doing thing properly and applying for a visa with no intention of sponging off the state.

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Security at Heathrow is a farce...

Something I still find amusing is that Heathrow does not have an outward bound passport check and therefore no overstay visas are ever picked up... good old UK!

It does ... sometimes. In Terminal 3, after they've frisked you down (let you know who's in charge), there are passport checks just as you walk into duty free, I've seen these operating about once every three trips.

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Warning to all who are going to be departing UK via Heathrow. I flew out of Heathrow on the TG flight on Sunday night, Checked in no problems and made my way to immigration etc with one briefcase and one laptop. Was stopped at security and told only ONE piece of hand luggage allowed.

Realising that by fighting the establishment would get me nowhere, I asked how this rule could be got round as I certainly would not check in either of my two hand carried items ! Was told go to a shop and get a big plastic bag and put my computer inside ????? :o but I pointed out that there would still be two hand carried pieces !!

Ok then was the reply, take your computer out of the case, pack the case into your briefcase and then carry both through :D Did I really need to point out again that this would still mean two hand carry pieces ? Anyhow thats what I did and was allowed through. Madness pure madness !

And by the way, anyone who thinks that our new airport here is bad should take a close look at Heathrow, it is disgusting Oh! nearly forgot a carton of duty free ciggies there costs 1700 Baht compared with 450-500 here. DUTY FREE - go figure

When i took my wife to LHR for the first time we both thought we had got off in nigeria !.all the imigration officers were coloured ! now im not racial prejadice ( i married a thai ) but jeez what a first impression,
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Sorry I missed the point regarding security dictating the one piece rule and this is where the procedures at T3 are a bit ar5e about face and hence creat the log jam. Last time I passed through T3, January this year, they weren't enforcing this rule and I haven't heard anything about it through any other source. As you quite rightly point out security should be concerned about WHAT is carried through not, unless LAG's, the quantity. It is not unusual for businessmen to carry a briefcase and a laptop so, unless the security guy was in the wrong, this is going to cause more grief for travellers.

As for your comment about folks buying shed loads of duty frees, the last line in your OP says it all. Anyone who buys duty frees at virtually any airport, except for those travelling to the UK, need their head examined. There are, from memory at Schipol and I think this is Europe wide, two sets of duty frees, one with a universal Euro level of duty available to those travelling within the EU and another duty free for those travelling outside. Another way our wonderful government makes sure they get every last drop of blood out of the stone. :o

Anyway 1700 Baht works out around 25 quid depending on exchange rate, a lot better than the UK price of around 60. :D I am really glad I don't smoke.

Ibought some goods at boots in T3, when i pointed out that they were more than the high st the assistant quipped " yes the overheads here are more too " ,absolute con,. all these duty frees are a con,.
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When i took my wife to LHR for the first time we both thought we had got off in nigeria !.all the imigration officers were coloured ! now im not racial prejadice ( i married a thai ) but jeez what a first impression,

What do you expect? The UK is, for good or bad, a multi-racial, multi-cultural society. Should certain jobs be reserved for "whites only"? A certain nation in southern Africa did that, and look back at the world reaction.

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Security at Heathrow is a farce...

Something I still find amusing is that Heathrow does not have an outward bound passport check and therefore no overstay visas are ever picked up... good old UK!

costs savings was the inital reason back in the days when they got rid of it. To put it back in though (thinking pragmatically) may be way to expensive with the multitude of ways to exit the UK (land via Eire, air and sea) and the computer system to cross check visas would cross a fortune and be a nightmare to implement.

Better to have the hurdle to illegals in other places (ie setting up bank accounts, getting NI numbers, national insurance etc), which having been through the process, is already pretty rigourous in the UK. Australia does have a very good entry/exit visa database, linked to most other arms of government (social security, tax department), but even though Australia has only a handful of entry and exit points (and cause 99% people come and go via air) it still doesn't prevent people disappearing into the community, shoudl they want to.

The do have regular spot checks, as I've found out where they do check if your visa is valid. I've been pulled up a couple of times, once handing over my Thai PP (no UK visa) which raised an eyebrow, before I quickly handed over my Aussie PP, which had my 3 year FLR in it.....

Back to the LHR thing, I've become a fan of coming and going via London city airport if going to London. A flight to london via say, geneva, zurich or frankfurt isn't a hardship, and it means that I can be off the plane on London and on the Docklands light rail in the space of about 30 mins, tops.

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seems my thread has diversified slightly, however it now gives me the chance to tell a true story !!!!

About 12 years ago I entered LHR and was standing in the long line for immigration, slowly shuffling forward when I was approached by an immigration officer complete with beard and turban and told I was in the wrong queue !! Feeling tired and irritable after the flight from HK, I without thinking responded "and you are in the wrong country"

sometimes when overtired its worse than being drunk !!!!

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seems my thread has diversified slightly, however it now gives me the chance to tell a true story !!!!

About 12 years ago I entered LHR and was standing in the long line for immigration, slowly shuffling forward when I was approached by an immigration officer complete with beard and turban and told I was in the wrong queue !! Feeling tired and irritable after the flight from HK, I without thinking responded "and you are in the wrong country"

sometimes when overtired its worse than being drunk !!!!

Whatever the condition, your evident rudeness could never be excused. Ignored possibly, but never excused.

Far queue, sir.

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Warning to all who are going to be departing UK via Heathrow. I flew out of Heathrow on the TG flight on Sunday night, Checked in no problems and made my way to immigration etc with one briefcase and one laptop. Was stopped at security and told only ONE piece of hand luggage allowed.

Realising that by fighting the establishment would get me nowhere, I asked how this rule could be got round as I certainly would not check in either of my two hand carried items ! Was told go to a shop and get a big plastic bag and put my computer inside ????? :o but I pointed out that there would still be two hand carried pieces !!

Ok then was the reply, take your computer out of the case, pack the case into your briefcase and then carry both through :D Did I really need to point out again that this would still mean two hand carry pieces ? Anyhow thats what I did and was allowed through. Madness pure madness !

And by the way, anyone who thinks that our new airport here is bad should take a close look at Heathrow, it is disgusting Oh! nearly forgot a carton of duty free ciggies there costs 1700 Baht compared with 450-500 here. DUTY FREE - go figure

When i took my wife to LHR for the first time we both thought we had got off in nigeria !.all the imigration officers were coloured ! now im not racial prejadice ( i married a thai ) but jeez what a first impression,

can tell you now LHR is definately better than lagos ! have seen people getting back on the same plane they came in on because of the hassle at immigration

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I agree to the comment made by the gent, however, as I said the comment was made with brain in robot mode.

However, I would like to point out that I do not consider myself to be racial but the situation in the Uk now has certainly got to be viewed with more than a little trepidation. Its not funny any more walking down town centres to find yourself being totally outnumbered by 'foreigners". In fact its downright nerve wracking having a group of ten or more black "residents" approaching you in the middle of the pavement, they dress just like the muppets you see on TV in America and are very intimidating.

To see a group of 12/13year olds sitting around drinking beer and talking a foreign language is not attractive, to be served by a person who speaks with an odd European accent is something I see as strange.

Perhaps the Thai Immigration and Government have got something right with the Visa requirements whilst the UK have got it seriously wrong, and by the way, my original posting about security at Heathrow, I forgot to point out that all those security officers involved with that debacle were not native British, their accents showed that straight away.

I can assure you my mindless comment to an Indian immigration officer has nothing to do with the fact that a lot of elderly people in the UK are terrified of leaving the safety of their own homes.

No doubt the do good brigade will flame me on these comments but good luck to you as I am the type who calls a spade a spade.

Am I a racialist, I hope not but I say that Enoch Powell hit the nail on the head many years ago.

rant over and soapbox put back in the cupboard

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When i took my wife to LHR for the first time we both thought we had got off in nigeria !.all the imigration officers were coloured ! now im not racial prejadice ( i married a thai ) but jeez what a first impression,

Well, why do you mention this at all then while this thread is about a totally different subject? What does "im not racial prejadice" mean anyway? I am sure that those coloured "imigration" officers at least know how to spell and write correct English... :o

However, I would like to point out that I do not consider myself to be racial but the situation in the Uk now has certainly got to be viewed with more than a little trepidation. Its not funny any more walking down town centres to find yourself being totally outnumbered by 'foreigners". In fact its downright nerve wracking having a group of ten or more black "residents" approaching you in the middle of the pavement, they dress just like the muppets you see on TV in America and are very intimidating.

To see a group of 12/13year olds sitting around drinking beer and talking a foreign language is not attractive, to be served by a person who speaks with an odd European accent is something I see as strange.

Am I a racialist, I hope not but I say that Enoch Powell hit the nail on the head many years ago.

You do know why Western countries such as the UK, Holland and Germany started to receive immigrants in the first place, right? And you can complain about the Poles, Bugarians etc. coming to the UK now, but fact is that they are European Union citizens and have the right to live and work anywhere in the EU. Do you really think that the Spaniards are that happy with all the beer-gulping, football hooligan Brits invading their country and buying up property along the costas, causing the home prices to increase absurdly? If you like the UK, you should stay there, if you don't like it leave. Obviously you chose to come to Thailand in search for a better life, so what's the difference with the "foreigners" going to the UK with the same purpose?

Personally, the last thing I would want to do is move back to Europe, with its long winters and constant rain...

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rant over and soapbox put back in the cupboard

In the nicest possible way.........

Please leave it there.

Not Thai related, for starters. Whinges about en-ger-land and the loss of empire and the general decline of the muvva country can be easily done on the multitude of British expat sites that are out there.

I'd also point out rule 3 of the forum rules. Please don't even try to go anywhere near about pushing the envelope on that one.

From a personal perspective, posts like yours can be construed as insulting to me and others who aren't really white and have lived in the UK as while I am half Thai, I could be mistaken as someone from one of the countries you mentioned of I had a good sun tan. Having been chased down the street by a bunch of while yobs a couple of times in my life, (once in the UK by a bunch of young yobs) also adds to my prejedice against posts such as yours.

And there are many sides to a story. The migrants story is a complex one and idividually unique, and the societal changes that result while leaving some uneasy, in my experience the fears and unease are very rarely justified. Generalisations never help. You only have to look at the amount of adjustment that Farangs have to living in Thailand to understand, that a bit of understanding goes a very LONG way.

Call me a left leaning lilly liberal tree hugging bleeding heart if you want.

Rant over. Soapbox back in cupboard too.

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