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New test kit will cut quarantine down to 10 days, says Anutin


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35 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Makes sense, but what if someone on the plane starts shedding, you get the virus, and it's undetectable until after your last test?  I think that's kinda what happened with Trump and his team?


Crazy scenarios with a virus that's not fully understood yet.

"...but what if someone on the plane starts shedding..."


Sure, good point, I need to go backwards, I should have added another step, now in bold font:



Sure, but there's more news of an Oxford self administered 5 minute response test with very high level of accuracy. 


Perhaps there's now a case for:


1.- Show negative report at check-in no more than 3 days old, 

2.- Plus one more negative report no more than 24 hrs old,

3.- Plus all checked-in passengers must take a fast response test before boarding the aircraft,

4.- Tests processed quickly and electronic report showing result for all passengers distributed electronically/instantly to authorities at arrival airport for their action. And copies to national health authorities/national airport authorities both countries.

5.- Passengers de-plane at arrival airport into a controlled area and quickly another 5 minute rapid test is activated/processed, and:


- Quickly:


- Positives are isolated and quickly assessed further by qualified medical staff:

- taken to hospital for further processing as appropriate (and at same time name/address etc., quickly reported back to authorities in departing country for further tracing),

- Negatives allowed to proceed to next steps (address, mobile etc., details rechecked, and each passenger given a handout with full details of who to contact / where to get another test if they feel the need.


6. - decisions on quarantine (perhaps this should already be decided as an on-going policy/action  until any new policy is decided/implemented). 


Sounds clumsy but very mechanical and not that complex to organize/implement.


Seems to me that the world is waiting/holding their breath/expecting a magic return to full pre-Covid travel situation is unrealistic and is just not going to happen.


We all need to embrace the new Covid 19 situation. 






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2 hours ago, bartender100 said:

This is what I believe will happen to Thailand unfortunately


"Many Eastern European countries which locked down early and escaped lightly from the first wave of Covid-19 are now being battered by the second wave, in a reversal of Europe's East-West divide. 

Eastern Europe is seeing cases spike by up to 2,000 per cent compared to the spring, suggesting that countries which kept the virus at bay in March and April merely postponed the onslaught rather than avoiding it altogether. 

More worryingly, while death tolls in Britain, France and Spain have been more muted in the second wave, many countries in Eastern Europe are seeing more fatalities than ever before - raising fears for their vulnerable health systems"



Yeah look at Czechia for example. They practically escaped the first wave completely but are now suffering more than ever whereas many countries have huge increases of infections detected but relatively few deaths compared to spring time. Some estimate that the true number of infections in spring might have been 10 times bigger or even more than that.

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

"...but what if someone on the plane starts shedding..."


Sure, good point, I need to go backwards, I should have added another step, now in bold font:



Sure, but there's more news of an Oxford self administered 5 minute response test with very high level of accuracy. 


Perhaps there's now a case for:


1.- Show negative report at check-in no more than 3 days old, 

2.- Plus one more negative report no more than 24 hrs old,

3.- Plus all checked-in passengers must take a fast response test before boarding the aircraft,

4.- Tests processed quickly and electronic report showing result for all passengers distributed electronically/instantly to authorities at arrival airport for their action. And copies to national health authorities/national airport authorities both countries.

5.- Passengers de-plane at arrival airport into a controlled area and quickly another 5 minute rapid test is activated/processed, and:


- Quickly:


- Positives are isolated and quickly assessed further by qualified medical staff:

- taken to hospital for further processing as appropriate (and at same time name/address etc., quickly reported back to authorities in departing country for further tracing),

- Negatives allowed to proceed to next steps (address, mobile etc., details rechecked, and each passenger given a handout with full details of who to contact / where to get another test if they feel the need.


6. - decisions on quarantine (perhaps this should already be decided as an on-going policy/action  until any new policy is decided/implemented). 


Sounds clumsy but very mechanical and not that complex to organize/implement.


Seems to me that the world is waiting/holding their breath/expecting a magic return to full pre-Covid travel situation is unrealistic and is just not going to happen.


We all need to embrace the new Covid 19 situation. 






Understood!!  Also understand the tests are nowhere near perfect.  You are exactly spot on.  We're going to have to get use to the new normal.  Sadly!!

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9 hours ago, samsensam said:


a few months ago there was an article boasting about a thailand developed test that could give a result in 1 hour 15 minutes, thought that was great, but never heard about it being implemented, or any plans for its implementation...

There is a company in Brisbane who has a test that can tell you if you have it ..in 15mins.. it must be ok ? America gave him  $40 Million for his test and futher development ..

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With international borders locked down in most countries for several months, how does the pandemic in America affect any other country in the last several months?

Most countries have isolated themselves from the rest of the world. Their containment of the virus is solely dependent on them and not affected by the containment of the virus in America.


But it is normal that everyone blames America for all the worlds problems. Start taking responsibility for your own countries and not blame other people.

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18 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon now after waking up about this plannedemic, news is travelling fast.


So we should see economies starting to flourish soon, maybe not, depending how much more fear will be drummed into the world from the WHO and the CDC with 2nd and 3rd waves when hospitals are empty, contrary to what the media will be telling us no doubt ????


Look at Europe it’s Virus Season , we can’t open til next year

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18 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Wonder if this would work for those stuck in the US, and who have to satisfy the 72 Hr. window between Covid testing, and showing they were Covid free before boarding the plane.

Only if they promise to buy a condo, put it in  a strangers name and donate a couple of million to a prominent bank and never make a withdraw.

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19 hours ago, connda said:

From the man who said that Thai households will be able to cultivate marijuana at home like any household herb - "Ah-huh."

Now the floodgates will open, new hocus-pocus Covid test, 10 day quarantines, and tourism is saved - "Ah-huh."

Don't  forget that 'everyone will be able to grow a cannabis tree'. Stone the crows!

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No right minded tourists will agree to any form of quarantine, I would imagine though they would be quite happy to do a test on arrival if they only have to wait upto 30 mins or so for a result. The government does not need to worry about the well healed tourists, cos they are all going to "Sandals" in the Bahama's where they will get quality for there Buck. ????️ ???????? And not have to fight the Chinese for the Prawns. ????

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On 10/16/2020 at 1:11 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Who developed them for the use of this Country.  Seems that Oxford and a few companies in the US have a rapid test that can tell you very quickly.  My US Based pharmacy plan just sent me an offer for a in home test kit that will be mailed to me free, and after I take the sample and seal it up it will go back via Fed-Ex and I will have the results in 24 hours.  Wonder if this would work for those stuck in the US, and who have to satisfy the 72 Hr. window between Covid testing, and showing they were Covid free before boarding the plane.

You require a PCR test. Either swab or gargle. Latter are these DIY ones in my part of the world. Mainly used with school kids or with mass screening as you din't need a medic to do it. Anybody can time 2 mins. But results are no quicker.

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1 hour ago, Anna Rak said:

No right minded tourists will agree to any form of quarantine, I would imagine though they would be quite happy to do a test on arrival if they only have to wait upto 30 mins or so for a result. The government does not need to worry about the well healed tourists, cos they are all going to "Sandals" in the Bahama's where they will get quality for there Buck. ????️ ???????? And not have to fight the Chinese for the Prawns. ????

I'm sure there are many not rightminded ones. Me e.g.

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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

A 10 day quarantine is still too long for the Majority of Tourists to contemplate. 


IF Thailand is serious about tourism the options are simple: 

- Pre-flight Covid-19 Negative test result required (within 72hrs)

- Quarantine on arrival (24-48hrs)

- Covid-19 PCR test on arrival at Quarantine hotel

- Visitor is released immediately upon confirmation of negative Covid-19 test result



Nothing can be water tight. But this takes care of the vast majority of potential cases and tourism can continue. 




not too long for a longstay tourist. Gives you time to get over jet lag

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17 hours ago, brianp0803 said:

With international borders locked down in most countries for several months, how does the pandemic in America affect any other country in the last several months?

Most countries have isolated themselves from the rest of the world. Their containment of the virus is solely dependent on them and not affected by the containment of the virus in America.


But it is normal that everyone blames America for all the worlds problems. Start taking responsibility for your own countries and not blame other people.

If the US, and other countries at the top of the CV19 infection list, were like Thailand.  We'd have our borders open here.  No isolation necessary.

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