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Senators' role in choosing PM 'cannot be revoked as NCPO order still in effect': CDC


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They'll do anything they can do to delay this. Youth, however, is on the side of the protest movement, as is, if polling is reliable (not NIDA - that never is) public sentiment. 

Remember when the so-called PM promised peace and reconciliation?  

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17 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:


Joke of the day!


So, how long are these junta orders of the NCPO intended to be effective? Till the next coup? And these clowns claim to have introduced a democracy in 2019! What a banana republic!


20 years

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First - CDC has no judicial authority. So its comments are mere opinion.

Second, (as I recall) in circa 2019 the Constitutional Charter ruled in response that the new Charter the authority of NCPO Orders did not terminate even though the new Charter did terminate the authority of the NCPO per se, ie., the NCPO Orders remain in place as laws.

Those laws require legislative action to be amended or terminated. Such would be the authority of the newly elected House MP's. Of course with a quasi-military junta now in place as the "newly elected" government with a pro-junta majority in the House, no opposition to NCPO Orders can succeed to overturn them.

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Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose. I'm not even sure this is really French, but it sounds good and has the impact needed.


So it's all about legitimacy. The NCPO was a consequence of an illegal coup. This makes it illegitimate. Therefore orders issued by it are illegitimate. 

If the government of today does not recognise this, they are deluded. Just another excuse not to do anything.


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So the powers that be try to keep the current... uhm..questionable government and questionable laws... the whole 'let's talk about the constitution' that P is parroting now is not believable at all. Reset to 1997 laws please. Then start amending, proper elections.  Nice bonus would be to jail the coup makers.. 


I have a dream. 

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