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Thailand’s UDD leader Jatuporn raises questions over the new US consular office in Chiang Mai


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

and described the current US administration as not being a good ally of Thailand for its decision to cut GSP benefits on over 200 Thai products sold into the US market

Yes, US! Don't you know it's a cultural practice of Thailand to be allowed to have your cake and eat it. 


Only one side should be allowed to renege on a deal. And coincidentally, it's this side. So unfair of you. 

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2 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

Guys making assumptions like usual. I will make an assumption also. Pornhub is blocked because its american? All the other sites work.(so im told????)

So I'm told ????????

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Since the US seems not to attach much importance to US-Thai relations, Jatuporn suggested that the Thai Foreign Ministry address the matter.


With Biden in office, he might be in for a real surprise, then. So far, Thailand has managed to skate by because Thai officials successfully flattered Trump. The only time he mentions this place is to brag about how "they like me over there." With Biden and the former Obama foreign policy team, you just might see sanctions and a return to a diplomatic downgrade because of the coup. As for the consulate, close it. I don't care. Downgrade the embassy in Bangkok, too. No need to spend money, here. Anything you share with the Thais goes straight to their bosses in Beijing anyway. Thailand is no longer an ally. It is the province of a hostile power.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

In his Facebook Live talk, the Chairman of the UDD said he suspects the new US consular office might contain something which could pose a security threat to Thailand and urged Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai to clarify why the US needs to spend such a large amount of money on the office.

One should not poke a tiger with a sharp stick... it has a tendency to turn and bite back.

USA has been saying for a long time that a trade agreement is exactly that, an agreement and when one side moves the goalposts it becomes an uneven contract.

Trump has now said enough is enough, expect a reaction to settle things and more to follow if you want to continue to play games.

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56 minutes ago, Misterwhisper said:

The man is delusional.


Thailand and the U.S. are maintaining diplomatic relations, and there always has been a U.S. consulate in Chiang Mai. If the U.S. government decides to construct a new consulate building (not with Thai but with U.S. funding, no less), so be it.


Anyone who doesn't get Jatuporns point is delusional IMO.


The consulate is just a very small part of the cost and what will actually be built there, and as someone else mentioned already, it may be a new Benghazi.


There has been information leaked in the past, and it is available on this forum, what cause the immense cost for what is supposed to be just a consulate

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Interesting to read the comments. The 70 years of having a Consulate will continue. Before Covid the Consulate had stated it was serving some 40,000 Americans in Northern Thailand. As to costs? First, I recommend you educate yourself by looking at the publicly available plans for the compound ... bit more than one building. I'll await the result of this election before being able to be encouraged by a US presence or not.

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3 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Can really good antennas in Chiang Mai pick up radio signals from China?  That consulate might be one of the more secure places for the US to keep an eye on what the Chinese military is up to in southern China.


Also, all US Embassies and (I guess) consulates are built like fortresses in case the local populace becomes enraged by some US action or statement or tweet and tries to storm the place.

With an helicopter landing pad on the roof,  just to be on the safe  side.

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2 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

The man is delusional.


Thailand and the U.S. are maintaining diplomatic relations, and there always has been a U.S. consulate in Chiang Mai. If the U.S. government decides to construct a new consulate building (not with Thai but with U.S. funding, no less), so be it.


Or is the dunce now suggesting that Thailand should break off diplomatic relations with the United States over the curbing of GSP benefits?


Even more so, the wild assumption that China has not yet dispatched a new ambassador to Thailand because the U.S. is building a new consulate-general compound is nothing short of ludicrous.  


The non elected mysteriously appointed UDD Chairman delusional - totally! He's simply a mouthpiece for his boss. And not a very bright one at that. Willing to go to jail for the family while they all rat out.


About as false as that photo shopped photo of him.


UDD - no longer relevant. The student's and most young people can see straight through them.

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2 hours ago, Markus Rider said:

all these far too many US missionaries in the north they dont need an expensive consulate, they have the help from god...and the big money from their fundamentalistic spenders....

Many have similar mindset like the Muslims in Europe.

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Building this Consul may not go down well with the Chinese, and considering their penchant of punishing those who don’t want to tow the line of late ( e.g Australia ) the high speed train project may be looking a bit shaky. ☹️

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