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ATTA urges govt to consider Chinese tourists or risk 2 million people being left jobless


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3 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

The infection rate is being kept to 1% in some American schools.  Dr. Birx, who has been advocating widespread and frequent testing for the past six months, said that in schools that test all of their students every week, the infection rate can be kept to 1%.  She says that widespread testing in which the results are posted within 24 hours could dramatically lower the spread of the virus.  Apparently this is just too expensive for the federal and state governments.


BBC reported  tonight that in the U.S. ,  another million  people  the past contracted the virus in just SIX days.

At that rate I done see any hope  of such optimism being maintained ...

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21 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

theres not enough planes left flying to bring in any meaningfull numbers of tourists for years ,so there


UPDATE 1-China's domestic flight numbers top pre-COVID-19 levels in Sept


BEIJING, Oct 15 (Reuters) - The number of domestic Chinese flights in September topped last year’s levels, official data showed on Thursday, with passenger numbers indicating the local aviation sector is nearing a full recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


There were a total of 371,000 domestic passenger flights in September, up 3.5% from a year ago, Qiao Yibin, an official with the Civil Aviation Administration of China, told a news conference.

Domestic passenger numbers reached 47.75 million, or 98% of 2019’s levels, Qiao said.



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They can't be bothered to help themselves by making it better for those of us already here and able to travel, I am currently in Kanchanaburi town moving further north in the province tomorrow, I have travelled from my home in Ban Chang staying here at 2 centres for 9 nights having paid in excess of 12K Bhatt for hotels spent liberally on food and doing the touristy bits, myself and my Filipino partner went up to the Erawan waterfall where as non Thais we were charged 300Bt apiece for entry then they had the bloody cheek to ask a further 30Bt for the car, don't get me wrong we enjoyed the day but 630Bt to walk 2kms and back up a half completed walkway, well they ain't exactly doing themselves or us any favours, they say that they want us to travel and help out the terrible state of tourism industry jobs but what happened to the very short lived equal charges campaign. 

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40 minutes ago, tonysilly said:

China can go to hell!!! They are the reason why we are in this mess!!! 

Some cancer research was done in Italy and had blood samples of their subjects saved... checked and found out that 30+ percent of the samples taken in early September last year showed antibodies for COVID19, so they likely got infected in August 2019. They were from 5 different provinces all over Italy.


Hence you could blame China for isolating the virus. They could have just kept quiet (which they tried).

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4 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

The overall ifr is .23%, and for people below 70 it is .05%. For, all those who chime follow the science when advocating fear, here is peer reviewed article from September, by John Ioannidis which was accepted by the WHO and gives the currently accepted ifr.





There is considerable dispute about the validity and meaning of Ioannidis' conclusions:


See the following:






A number of epidemiologists, however, have criticized the methodology Ioannidis used to arrive at the .04 percent figure.

Other research has shown the likelihood of death from COVID-19 varies greatly among age groups, including among those under 70. In another analysis of antibody studies that has yet to be peer-reviewed or published in a journal, Dartmouth College researchers estimate infection fatality rate is higher than .04 percent for people over age 44, and “rises exponentially with age.”

“Our findings indicate that COVID-19 is not just dangerous for the elderly and infirm but also for healthy middle-aged adults, for whom the fatality rate is more than 50 times greater than the risk of dying in an automobile accident,” the Dartmouth researchers wrote.






But Ioannidis and his work have come under criticism throughout 2020. In March, he predicted — incorrectly — that around 10,000 people in the United States would die from COVID-19. And in May, Buzzfeed reported that he failed to disclose that a previous pre-print examining COVID-19 antibodies was partially funded by JetBlue Airways founder David Neeleman, who has argued against protective measures like remaining at home during the pandemic.

Similarly, other researchers questioned the methodology Ioannidis employed for his latest pre-print.

“A lot of the included studies had issues, and contradicted evidence from numerous places in the world, making the review itself a bit problematic,” Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz of the University of Wollongong in Australia told the San Jose Mercury News.



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25 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

Some cancer research was done in Italy and had blood samples of their subjects saved... checked and found out that 30+ percent of the samples taken in early September last year showed antibodies for COVID19, so they likely got infected in August 2019. They were from 5 different provinces all over Italy.


Hence you could blame China for isolating the virus. They could have just kept quiet (which they tried).


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1 hour ago, Traubert said:




Found this. I guess article I've read (not in English) was among others based on this story but being close to Italy, it had additional information which is not in this one.

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On 11/16/2020 at 3:30 PM, RotBenz8888 said:

I read that tourism employ more than 10m people. So what will the other 8m do? 


They are only interested in baiuling out their friends owning big hotels etc.  People running small hotels or restaurants, cleaning villas, working on dive boats, renting motorbikes cars, doing massage, drivers, beach vendors etc etc are mostly already out of work but not being rich and conected wil get no help.

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On 11/16/2020 at 4:24 PM, kaneko86 said:

I own a condo, a new royal enfield bike and usually spend 6 months a year in thailand spending about 100.000 baht/month.


I would love to come back even with the 2 weeks quarantine but the 500.000 baht in bank nonsense makes it impossible... ???? instead I am holidaying in mexico right now.


They need to stop the crying about no tourist and just let ALL people who can afford the quarantine in. There is no difference between someone who has 500.000 baht in the bank and quarantines and who doesn't.



What's it like in Mexico these days? 


Are visas EZ?

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There's a difference between infection fatality rates (IFR) vs what's called case fatality rates  (CFR)...


The IFR estimates are based on guesses/estimates of the much larger population of folks who may have had the virus, but never got confirmed as having it...


The CFR looks at the confirmed cases, and then what portion of  those confirmed cases end up dying.  The world CFR for CV right now is in the 2-3% range, with some countries with much higher individual CFR numbers.


Different people can use different statistics to give different contexts for reality.


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1 hour ago, vermin on arrival said:

Fauci is also on Trump's team, but his expertise is not in public health policy. I recommend watching the interview Freddie Sayers did of Dr Atlas on October 22. He was very cogent in defending his viewpoints and his presentation of the hard data. it does appear that there is a politicization of the science, and people choose which scientists they will have faith in.


thanks for the laugh, but you forgot the /sarc.





Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.




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On 11/16/2020 at 8:38 AM, webfact said:

Separately, the Tourism Authority of Thailand will meet next Tuesday to come up with a tourism recovery plan for 2021 and 2022, which will then be proposed to the Cabinet for approval.




Vaccines are supposed to be coming soon. May be should they focus on what the immigration rules will be when vaccines are avalaible.


Governements worldwide are preparing vaccination campaigns for the day when they’ll get vaccines.


Are thai authorities preparing something ?


What can we expect ?:

  • Will they drop COE ? Quarantine ?
  • Covid and health insurance ?
  • Will the conditions be less restrictive than before the pandemic, same as before, or will they keep all the current restrictions ?


Edited by daejung
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21 hours ago, onthedarkside said:

There's a difference between infection fatality rates (IFR) vs what's called case fatality rates  (CFR)...


The IFR estimates are based on guesses/estimates of the much larger population of folks who may have had the virus, but never got confirmed as having it...


The CFR looks at the confirmed cases, and then what portion of  those confirmed cases end up dying.  The world CFR for CV right now is in the 2-3% range, with some countries with much higher individual CFR numbers.


Different people can use different statistics to give different contexts for reality.


Yes certainly, but everyone knows that the cfr, while being the only truly concrete number that people have, is not the true measure of the deadliness of the disease due to the iceberg effect.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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