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ATTA urges govt to consider Chinese tourists or risk 2 million people being left jobless


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This is a time a sign to build your economy for EVERYONE!  Stop dreaming about all the bubble and stuff leaders think like little kids time to just damn grow up. Reality your economy has tanked, currency is being prop up as nothing is wrong while millions are out of work and getting no help!  2 million that is just those on payroll wake up and smell the damn Leo!

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1 hour ago, Dialemco said:

Now us not the time to open borders for Chinese or anyone else. It is essential viras kept surpressed amongst Thai People and press Government to ensure that a vaccine is purchased as soon as available for at least 80% of the population so that borders may be opened hopefully for the 2022 season

WHO says a vaccine will not be the solution but an extra tool...

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6 hours ago, kaneko86 said:

I own a condo, a new royal enfield bike and usually spend 6 months a year in thailand spending about 100.000 baht/month.


I would love to come back even with the 2 weeks quarantine but the 500.000 baht in bank nonsense makes it impossible... ???? instead I am holidaying in mexico right now.


They need to stop the crying about no tourist and just let ALL people who can afford the quarantine in. There is no difference between someone who has 500.000 baht in the bank and quarantines and who doesn't.



Save your 100 000 spending a month insteas of spending it ,...for 5 months and you have your "500 000 in bank nonsense " and you can enjoy your condo owning and your new Royal Enfield bike i would say....????

5 months pass quick ????

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Not to be the bearer of bad news....


Nobody is coming to Thailand or anywhere else for that matter. 

The worlds corporations have been laying off employees since October 1st


Disney World to DHL to All-State insurance, Raytheon, and even Goldman Sachs.... 

The real under reported reason: Airlines, passenger and cargo. No aircraft are available to fly, and if there are...  nobody to fly them. 




Cargo, Passenger and freight. Over 1 million employees have been layed off and thousands if not tens of thousands of planes are going into long term storage everyday.


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4 hours ago, robertson468 said:

This is classical Thai Government thoughtlessness.  How do they prove that Tourists come from these areas only, also that they have not travelled through areas that are still infected by the Virus?  The reason Thailand favours the Chinese so much, apart from the volume of tourists that come here, is that many of them have their roots in China. 


pretty simple actually.  chinese all have tracking apps in their cellphones will color-coded QR scan codes.  color changes if the person has travelled to a high- or moderate-risk zone.

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3 hours ago, Time to grow said:

The writing is on the wall for all to see. Tourism will never return to it's pre Covid-19 levels. There may be some small amount of tourism rebound but this is not the time to double down on tourism. It is a time to rethink an economy with sustainability and resilience in mind. The paradigm has shifted and a failure to recognize this will be catastrophic going forward.


Perhaps tourism will not rebound to previous levels in a hurry.

However don't be surprised if it rebounds to a reasonable degree once the vaccines take effect.

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4 hours ago, Barry343 said:

Why place the population of Thailand at risk, the real news that is coming out of China is that there is no travel between any provinceses as there is claims of covid19 cases in the majority. As for unemployment there are thousand of positions available to migrant workers, cease this and employ Thais, educate and teach the skills that are needed.



no travel between provinces?  domestic tourism is booming, almost back to pre-covid levels.




and yes, even hubei is getting tourists..



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7 hours ago, jaiyen said:

Why do they only want tight ar$e Chinese tourists ?  Most of Australia is covid free but never a mention of wanting them to come back.  Not that they would while the excessive paperwork and quarantine is deemed necessary.

There is a considerable infrastructure linked to the Chinese tour groups. For example, here in Chiang Rai there are several bus companies whose business is (was) moving these groups around, a couple of large restaurants, on the outskirts of town, with ample coach parking spaces, dedicated to feeding them, and several large hotels which accommodate them. One (used to be called "The Little Duck") had a massive refurbishment just before the virus struck. 


A lot of "influential" people (with links to China) want to see their businesses back up and running, and returns on their considerable investments.

Edited by herfiehandbag
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6 hours ago, adam1 said:

There is a reason we are treated to a non-stop flow of nonsense. The whole world-wide covid response is fully overblown and the narratives are being controlled very tightly by centralised organisations. When you try to control and suppress, sooner or later you end up with absurdity.  I have no idea when any of this will cease,  and what's to stop them pulling another corona out of their asses and repeating the whole shebang?   A situation we all thought would last a few months is now clearly going to last more than one year and beyond...   The possibility that this may go on for years without end does not sit well with me.  How long will you, personally, tolerate the nonsense? 

Not a second longer!

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1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:

Listen, if you are Chinese and get the Sino vaccine you won't need any insurance or quarantine, you will however be on a managed tour with a Chinese tour guide and you will shop and stop in Chinese Thai owned venues.

One or the other, please.

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22 hours ago, Oldie said:

I don't understand all these discussions anymore. In the meantime they even allow tourists from high risk countries to travel to Thailand. And these countries - as reported for instance about Austria today - drown in Covid cases at the moment and are not blocked. 

Regardless of low risk or high risk...shouldn’t matter.  If youre tested before after and retested after 14 days quarantine ...whats the gripe.  People have gotten covid IN Thailand.  Its naive to think no covid exists in Thailand. Theres no testing so “no cases”. Most of the tourists you speak of are expats returning to their loved to ones. You are just a expat that didnt leave.  I don’t understand expats in Thailand anymore.  Boredom must breed  Negativity on TV towards other fellow expats

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25 minutes ago, Donga said:

don't be surprised if it rebounds to a reasonable degree once the vaccines take effect.


Okay, I'll try not to be but don't be surprised if the vaccines are not what they are touted to be. Don't be surprised when the world economy doesn't recover. Don't be surprised if society in general is afraid to fly. Don't be surprised if this is a new paradigm.

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Posts containing content that was copy and pasted from other sites have been removed:

14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.


A post using a trolling video has been removed. 


Some troll posts and replies have been removed. 

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The infection rate is being kept to 1% in some American schools.  Dr. Birx, who has been advocating widespread and frequent testing for the past six months, said that in schools that test all of their students every week, the infection rate can be kept to 1%.  She says that widespread testing in which the results are posted within 24 hours could dramatically lower the spread of the virus.  Apparently this is just too expensive for the federal and state governments.

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On 11/16/2020 at 8:30 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

I read that tourism employ more than 10m people. So what will the other 8m do? 

I've read that a Government official claimed 4 million -- but certainly wouldn't dispute your figures taking into account those non-registered, family, and casual workers.


But it beggars belief that there are STILL 2 million workers working in the tourist industry -- without any tourists for the best part of this year!  



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On 11/16/2020 at 2:44 PM, Justgrazing said:


so for the next week they'll carry on churning out more nuttiness like above as a dry run ..

Asking the cabinet for approval?? These cabinet guys are soldiers, its like asking an average nurse to carry out brain surgery.

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1 hour ago, Bkktodd said:

Regardless of low risk or high risk...shouldn’t matter.  If youre tested before after and retested after 14 days quarantine ...whats the gripe.  People have gotten covid IN Thailand.  Its naive to think no covid exists in Thailand. Theres no testing so “no cases”. Most of the tourists you speak of are expats returning to their loved to ones. You are just a expat that didnt leave.  I don’t understand expats in Thailand anymore.  Boredom must breed  Negativity on TV towards other fellow expats

I wrote that it doesn't make sense to discuss if Chinese tourists are allowed or not. Even tourists from high risk countries are allowed to enter in the meantime. So why no Chinese?


In respect of tested anyway and it does not make a difference if low or high risk country I have different opinion. It is more likely that you get Corona cases from high risk countries. And if positive they are moved to clinics. The capacity their might be limited and you get a problem if you have a high number of Corona cases. It is also still possible (and likely) that Corona cases are not detected.


I also think that there are Corona cases in Thailand. And whenever someone is coughing I ask myself if this person has Corona or a different problem. 


I think there is no negativity against other Expats. More a fear that many tourists could change the somehow safe feeling that we still can have here. A Corona chaos like in Europe would create a big problem here in Thailand. Much bigger than what we have now already. But up to them. 

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i have a a goverment visa  granted to come and work in New zealand  this has happened and we got here made quarantine and started also very difficult to get.

now as my visa has run out for Thailand an o visa i tried to start the process to get back in to thailand 

you need 27000 nz dollars in a bank acount  for 6 months before they give u any thing that is only for a tourist visa as they do not issue anything els yet 

there reply was u need to submit your bank statements in english stating 27000 nz dollars i have a Dutch bank acount  not rocket technolegy to read balances ,


in the netherlands they do not issue anything as it is on red 

being in new zealand and so called no covid 19  u would think they would grant a tourist visa without all this big money in bank things 

i am sure the thai goverment are loosing all control



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7 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


 Considering that there are more and more people catching it a second time and that apparently the second time around is worst...


The current figure of confirmed reinfections is I believe 3 or maybe now 5 as stated by Dr. Scott Atlas, a public health policy expert who also has a degree in medicine, who has been working for the trump administration's covid response team since July. The current estimate of total infections globally is actually 10 to 20 times the global confirmed infection numbers. Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford placed it as 780 million a while back so it would probably be up to 1 billion now. 5 out of 500 million to one billion is quite low odds of reinfection. Also, actually the second time around is mild or asymptomatic.


We need to get over this great fear we have of covid. It's real and can be quite bad. The mortality figure for people above 80 and for others with comorbidities is much higher than healthy and younger people (about 1000 times greater), but this is not the disease we were led to believe last March. For healthy people in their forties 2 out of 1000 die. Children might die, but the mortality rate is lower than that for the flu.


The overall ifr is .23%, and for people below 70 it is .05%. For, all those who chime follow the science when advocating fear, here is peer reviewed article from September, by John Ioannidis which was accepted by the WHO and gives the currently accepted ifr.



Edited by vermin on arrival
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10 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Ok , let's be realistic :

Will the virus just disappear forever with newly developed medications or vaccines ?

Probably not . A lot of people won't even take vaccines , and the virus is constantly mutating , ( the protein the virus uses to invade human cells has already changed in the latest strains ) , what will make an potential vaccine less effective , may be even useless . 

It will stay , it shows no sign of fading away , only the treatment of infections has improved .

The next mutations or new viruses are ready to appear and they will , as long as their reason to appear is not eliminated . ( zoonotic infections )


In the long run , there will be no other way , than to go back to business as it once was before the virus appeared .

Only this time people will need to wear masks and do the maximum to limit the further spread of it .

If not , they will be fined .


All countries will need to open their economies again , if they want to keep the population calm .


The lifestyle of people will need to change considerably . ( no more full moon parties etc .)

People will get used to this , as long as their income is acceptable . No other way anyway ...


So , later , even Thailand will open it's borders again to welcome foreign tourists . ( with restrictions in place ) .





No one knows what the future holds.


Previous pandemics/epidemics never featured any real travel restrictions, and if they did do screening and quarantines, those were targeted and short-lived. 


This time looks different, but aside from the global nature, unprecedented months long border closures, strict quarantines and screening processes, that isn't to say that one day, perhaps 6-12 months from now, authorities worldwide including Thailand won't drop all the restrictions and things will go back to normal. It could go that way, or it might go the way of CoviPass. Who knows. I'm not going to speculate on that because I believe nothing is certain.


As for no more full moon parties? LOL. I think that once all restrictions are removed, they'll be back. The only reason they haven't reappeared so far is because 99% of the patrons are foreign tourists, mainly backpackers, who've been barred from the country since late March. 

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