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Thailand confirms SECOND domestic COVID case in as many days - this time in Chiang Rai


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32 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

It is my opinion without proof that these two ladies entered Tachilek Burma illegally. They stayed in a Burmese hotel together for 6 days before they returned illegally. One went to Chiang Mai and the other checked in to the Bangkok Chiang Rai Hospital and tested positive for the Covid 19 virus. I believe they contacted the virus in Burma. Bangkok Chiang Rai  is a very expensive private hospital. Without big money you can't stay there. I suspect that they were in Burma on a business trip that lasted 6 days.


Except they crossed over Moei River in Tak not Tachilek according to press

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1 minute ago, ourmanflint said:

Except they crossed over Moei River in Tak not Tachilek according to press

Which press do you want to believe. Tak is a long way from Chiang Rai. Why would they go there and then come to Chiang Rai to check into the hospital..


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4 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

Which press do you want to believe. Tak is a long way from Chiang Rai. Why would they go there and then come to Chiang Rai to check into the hospital..


Yes, but they were working in Myawaddy which is a long way from chiang rai as well, why would they lie about that?

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56 minutes ago, Kelsall said:



The problem with this pandemic is we are filled with half-truths, unproven theories, even from health care professionals.  The whole world wonders why Thailand is doing so well.  They have effectively been locked down since this all started and very strict, keeping these other strains out.  And there are mutated strains - remember, they mutate slowly which is a good thing!

In a year or two we will know the whole truth as to why it's done so well.  But you have to wonder why everyone the world round is doing so terrible and Thailand is doing so well.  

I don't buy so much into "the government is fudging the numbers".  Now they do fudge the numbers on the economy, but I doubt they are doing it in this case.  They are pursuing bubble dreams with China and want to keep the rates low.  Of course the bubble only exists in their minds, nobody else's.  

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51 minutes ago, Purdey said:

Still waiting for the announcement that once again pure Thais have been infected by foreigners. Maybe it is the cynic in me.

Burmese are foreigners.  

It's all inter-related.  

Some white guy in Chang-Mai.  Not us!  

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My wife has just mentioned her mum and some other family members are very unwell with a cough and a fever, I asked if she was going to get a covid test done:


'no need because it's the cold season she always get's sick due to the cold weather'


That in a nutshell is the Thai response, nobody gets a test either through lack of finance or fear of being locked in quarantine rather than working


Hospitals are quick to blame covid type s&s as a cold, flu, dengue, pneumonia, anything but covid


I believe people who die are not routinely tested. That's the reason for low number...

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Posts referring to the coronavirus/COVID as a/the "plague" have been removed, as that is an incorrect description.


Coronavirus is the virus that causes COVID, the resulting respiratory illness, which is considered a world pandemic at this point. However, a "plague" is an entirely different kind of bacterial (as opposed to viral) illness.






And perhaps, as you’ve followed the news or talked to people about COVID-19, you have even heard the coronavirus called a “plague.”

No, the new coronavirus is not the plague....

The terms the plague or just plague (without the or a) refer to an infectious disease caused by a bacterium spread from rats to humans by means of flea bites.

We make the distinction between the coronavirus vs. plague because, in a time of crisis and uncertainty, it can be important to use words carefully and sensitively, speaking about matters accurately and ensuring we don’t cause any panic.



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1 hour ago, mark131v said:

My wife has just mentioned her mum and some other family members are very unwell with a cough and a fever, I asked if she was going to get a covid test done:


'no need because it's the cold season she always get's sick due to the cold weather'


That in a nutshell is the Thai response, nobody gets a test either through lack of finance or fear of being locked in quarantine rather than working


Hospitals are quick to blame covid type s&s as a cold, flu, dengue, pneumonia, anything but covid


I believe people who die are not routinely tested. That's the reason for low number...

I am no longer living in Thailand but I see loads of my western friends praising the Thai govt for having largely avoided the Covid-19 pandemic hitting Thailand. Personally, I'm not convinced that they have. I'm much more inclined to believe that it has been swept under the carpet. After all, if someone dies of pneumonia or a similar respiratory disease and you don't test for Covid - that's it they died of pneumonia! Given that there were direct flights to Chiang Mai until well into the pandemic, it would be astonishing if there had been no transmission of the disease AT ALL. Simply not believable!


The other thing that I find slightly worrying is when flights resumed, on the first flight out of Thailand, two passengers were found to have Covid-19 and when some guest workers were re-patriated, loads tested positive on arrival. If the level of infection in Thailand is as low as the government claims, that is statistically highly improbable!

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7 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Thai citizens working in Myanmar?!?!?

To the best I can learn all persons entering Thailand must quarantined 14 days and must have a health insurance policy that covers them against COVID. This means the border at Mae Sai uses these rules. Does any one have different information especially about the crossing at Mae Sai? Three people have arrested for illegal crossing.

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26 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

I am no longer living in Thailand but I see loads of my western friends praising the Thai govt for having largely avoided the Covid-19 pandemic hitting Thailand. Personally, I'm not convinced that they have. I'm much more inclined to believe that it has been swept under the carpet. After all, if someone dies of pneumonia or a similar respiratory disease and you don't test for Covid - that's it they died of pneumonia! Given that there were direct flights to Chiang Mai until well into the pandemic, it would be astonishing if there had been no transmission of the disease AT ALL. Simply not believable!


The other thing that I find slightly worrying is when flights resumed, on the first flight out of Thailand, two passengers were found to have Covid-19 and when some guest workers were re-patriated, loads tested positive on arrival. If the level of infection in Thailand is as low as the government claims, that is statistically highly improbable!

But it is  not just deaths though, is it?  Are the hospitals overrun?


Even if there is underreporting, do you honestly think that in the era of social media (and when have you not seen a Thai with their head stuck in their mobile?) the Government could keep widespread infection a secret for ten months?



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6 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

But it is  not just deaths though, is it?  Are the hospitals overrun?


Even if there is underreporting, do you honestly think that in the era of social media (and when have you not seen a Thai with their head stuck in their mobile?) the Government could keep widespread infection a secret for ten months?



I ran the death figures for the UK and from the freely publicly available death registration data, it's really easy to see that the British govt have been lying through their back teeth or rather manipulating the figures to make them look better. I would be very surprised if the Thai government haven't been doing the same. It is as Trump pointed out "if you don't test, you don't have cases". I gather testing in Thailand is at a very low level indeed.

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2 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

I ran the death figures for the UK and from the freely publicly available death registration data, it's really easy to see that the British govt have been lying through their back teeth or rather manipulating the figures to make them look better. I would be very surprised if the Thai government haven't been doing the same. It is as Trump pointed out "if you don't test, you don't have cases". I gather testing in Thailand is at a very low level indeed.

Once again; it is not just the deaths.


Are UK hospitals close to breaking point?  (Yes)  Are Thailand's hospitals close to breaking pont? (No).  Maybe this is because Thailand is a country with world leading medical facilities, and plenty of them...oh



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14 hours ago, Traubert said:

After ten months?

Who can confirm that this did not happen the last months?

I'm really <deleted> of to hear that Thai can pass the border without Quarantine, while valid non O/OA and f... of what else Visa tourist has to pay a lot of stupid isolation jail where even a beer is not allowed.

I stay in my home in TH, finally as usually and have less contact to public people. Once out of the house I wear mask, keep distance and wash my hands. Something what I miss more and more from Thai People. Feeling slowly that I'm the only idiot who follow the rule. I need to go to SG next and don't know when and how I can come back to my home in TH!

Anyway I do, because of such story like this two chicks and I believe it happen much more often in Thailand.

Even if people die on any reason, nobody check if that could have also a root cause of covid. Old People just die because of heart insufficiency as usually. Sure - finally Yes. Who take care or want to know?


I have only one wish to a Jeanny. Push me back 20 years of my life.


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20 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

"Both had been working in Myanmar and seemingly returned to Thailand without undergoing the mandatory quarantine period in a state facility - an investigation has been launched into how this was allowed to happen".





Yeah, I love how COVID is never in Thailand unless brought in from elsewhere, according to the Thais. Thailand is the only country in the world that somewhat miraculously figured it all out. Thailand! 


And many Farangs believe it. 


To those saying this might lead to an outbreak, I have a simple answer: no it won't. If they don't test, there are no confirmed cases. So no outbreak. Thai logic. 

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15 hours ago, poohy said:

How on earth do you close or patrol a land border?

i live about 14 km from the Burmese Dansingkorn border crossing thats closed or patrolled at least


However there's dozens of side roads tracks fields you can walk through (no know the way  cigarettes and whisky and other "stuff" gets in) 


I seriously doubt these 2 girls are the only ones doing this



Exactly. This must have been going on continually. For some reason, this incident was discovered and reported. Might it have been because the villains in question had the good sense to get tested?

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10 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Thai citizens working in Myanmar?!?!?

Of course. I know two Thai friends who have (legit) businesses in Myanmar and travel back and forth frequently; or at least they did before Covid. Just like any other country there are people in Myanmar with a lot of money and there is a lot of business that is conducted daily.

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11 hours ago, mark131v said:

My wife has just mentioned her mum and some other family members are very unwell with a cough and a fever, I asked if she was going to get a covid test done:


'no need because it's the cold season she always get's sick due to the cold weather'


That in a nutshell is the Thai response, nobody gets a test either through lack of finance or fear of being locked in quarantine rather than working


Hospitals are quick to blame covid type s&s as a cold, flu, dengue, pneumonia, anything but covid


I believe people who die are not routinely tested. That's the reason for low number...

"...she always get's sick due to the cold weather."

Still in the middle/dark ages. The germ theory of disease has made little penetration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease

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So all these Thais sneaking back into Thailand via the backdoor so to speak. So where's the army and the border patrol police, Oh! that's right there all in Bangkok trying to save all the retired Generals and Hi-so's from the peaceful demonstrations of youth, which incidentally would've have come about if the election had of been fair and above board  

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What's funny is that the four women were wearing masks during their crossing, at least they were in the photos they posted on FB.


All four left the bar scene in Myanmar owing to the growing COVID  infection rate. Two were headed for Pattaya.



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