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What if You Can Never leave Thailand?


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3 minutes ago, Phillip9 said:

The Thai PM has already said the quarantine will remain in place for everyone until the Thai population is vaccinated.  That will probably not be for another year or two.  Until then, whether you are vaccinated or not will be meaningless.

Says you and nobody else.

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Since I retired here 9 years ago I have been home twice, I'm not planning any more visits home and am quite happy to pop my clogs here, as for tourists returning, I personally think only the older generations with pensions and savings will be able to afford to come, the youngster's with families or who have been laid off or furloughed will probably not be available to visit for quite a while.

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29 minutes ago, polpott said:

I've talked to several people in the UK and all seem desperate for the vaccine. It will have a good uptake. Its predicted that it will be rolled out from early January onwards and I could see a good percentage of the UK population having had the vaccine by Easter.


Different story for the US, a nation of anti vaxer conspiracy theorists. Could be global pariahs by this time next year.

Yes, they're starting with the elderly and vulnerable and working their way down and I believe there will be a massive rush to get vaccinated the second it's available.


The vaccine doesn't need to 'save' everyone, so long as it works enough so the hospitals don't become overloaded then it will have fulfilled its immediate purpose.


I think those of us who are a little younger and don't currently work in a hospital will have to wait quite a while for the chance to get vaccinated, then again I suppose it will be available privately for less than a couple of hundred pounds.


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47 minutes ago, polpott said:
51 minutes ago, Phillip9 said:

The Thai PM has already said the quarantine will remain in place for everyone until the Thai population is vaccinated.  That will probably not be for another year or two.  Until then, whether you are vaccinated or not will be meaningless.

Says you and nobody else.


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This is a good place to wait for Covid to blow over. We're eventually going back to the US.


Wife wants to work there. I'm lucky to have got one who doesn't just want to sit around and be pampered. She'll do well with her restaurant and hotel experience, and people skills. I'd say she'll do a lot better than the 400 baht a day here.


Mom was lucky to have escaped my overpriced, collapsing home state, and get a nice place in the Midwest. I want to pursue my PhD, and finally get around to some real teaching.

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24 minutes ago, Tagged said:

The question is, if you still need to go quarantine with vaccine taken? 

The UK vaccine is claimed to be only 70% effective.  Meaning it doesn't work for 3 out of 10 people.  If they just opened the country up to anyone who is vaccinated, there would be many vaccinated but still infected people arriving daily.  

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7 minutes ago, Phillip9 said:

The UK vaccine is claimed to be only 70% effective.  Meaning it doesn't work for 3 out of 10 people.  If they just opened the country up to anyone who is vaccinated, there would be many vaccinated but still infected people arriving daily.  


far too a simplistic statement; just because you're vaccinated it dosn;t mean you can't be infected and pass on the virus - you just wont develop symptoms. every country has to decide what their priorities are, for sure you'll see the uk and many european countries getting pretty much back to normal once their vaccination programmes are completed.


i'm not sure thailand advance ordered any vaccine and only recently ordered 26 million doses, enough for 13 million people - out of around 70 million population. it will take a while for their initial order to be delivered as it will be behind the hundreds of millions of doses pre-ordered by more forward thinking countries.


so thailand is tens of millions of doses short already, and no vaccination programme in place. if the government is going to wait until all the population is vaccinated before allowing tourists in it could take years

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19 minutes ago, Phillip9 said:

The UK vaccine is claimed to be only 70% effective.  Meaning it doesn't work for 3 out of 10 people.  If they just opened the country up to anyone who is vaccinated, there would be many vaccinated but still infected people arriving daily.  

Thats enough for herd immunity which only works with a vaccine, not without it, as some seem to believe.

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2 hours ago, ukrules said:

Yes, they're starting with the elderly and vulnerable and working their way down and I believe there will be a massive rush to get vaccinated the second it's available.


The vaccine doesn't need to 'save' everyone, so long as it works enough so the hospitals don't become overloaded then it will have fulfilled its immediate purpose.


I think those of us who are a little younger and don't currently work in a hospital will have to wait quite a while for the chance to get vaccinated, then again I suppose it will be available privately for less than a couple of hundred pounds.


I'm over 65 and have pre existing conditions which puts me quite high up the queue.

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53 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


There is no proof or even indication that herd immunity is possible with covid.

Only wishfull thinking.

There's every indication that herd immunity is possible with Covid. Herd immunity has always been achieved through vaccines, never by infecting large percentages of the population. A much misused term during this pandemic.

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1 hour ago, Phillip9 said:

The UK vaccine is claimed to be only 70% effective.  Meaning it doesn't work for 3 out of 10 people.  If they just opened the country up to anyone who is vaccinated, there would be many vaccinated but still infected people arriving daily.  

Wrong again. When given as a regimen of a half dose followed by a full dose its 90%+ effective.

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6 minutes ago, polpott said:

Wrong again. When given as a regimen of a half dose followed by a full dose its 90%+ effective.

That result was based in a small subset of 2800 patients, and not considered meaningful without significantly more data.  

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4 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I sure hope so.

But let us not forget what is the ONLY source of all this good news - Big Pharma.

Big Pharma operates as big pharma in the US. Oxford University developed this vaccine and not big pharma. Astra Zenica, a British company, were brought on board to manufacture and distribute the vaccine and have undertaken to supply it at cost. The thought of which makes Trump physically sick. Which is why he has put everything in the way of its development. When talking about vaccines he refuses to even mention it.


Don't judge all big pharma by US big pharma.




"AstraZeneca, which has pledged it won’t make a profit on the vaccine during the pandemic, has reached agreements with governments and international health organizations that put its cost at about $2.50 a dose. Pfizer’s vaccine costs about $20, while Moderna’s is $15 to $25, based on agreements the companies have struck to supply their vaccines to the U.S. government."

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I wish I could share your optimism polpott.



For some diseases, herd immunity can go into effect when 40 percent of the people in a population become immune to the disease, such as through vaccination. But in most cases, 80 to 95 percent of the population must be immune to the disease to stop its spread.

For example, 19 out of every 20 people must have the measles vaccination for herd immunity to go into effect and stop the disease.

SOURCE: healtline.com


I feel reluctant to trust Big Pharma.

We do not yet know enough about covid to make  prognoses, f ex about mutations

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1 hour ago, samsensam said:


i'm not sure thailand advance ordered any vaccine and only recently ordered 26 million doses, enough for 13 million people - out of around 70 million population. it will take a while for their initial order to be delivered as it will be behind the hundreds of millions of doses pre-ordered by more forward thinking countries.



I would guess Thais is more resistent to the virus than maybe europeens? 


It is quite amazing thinking of Thailand as one of the very first countries where the virus was detected outside China, and there is so few known cases. I guess we will see when the cold seasons hit for real, if its the clima or the thais that makes the virus go easier here than in europe for instance. 

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1 hour ago, samsensam said:

i'm not sure thailand advance ordered any vaccine and only recently ordered 26 million doses, enough for 13 million people - out of around 70 million population. it will take a while for their initial order to be delivered as it will be behind the hundreds of millions of doses pre-ordered by more forward thinking countries.

Agreement has been reached for the AZ vaccine to be manufactured in several different countries. Thailand is one of them.


Manufacturing has been underway for several months in some countries.

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