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Millwall boos. Racist?


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Been looking on their fans forum and most are adamant they are not racist and that the boos are directed at BLM, a political entity whose views they disagree with. The general consensus seems to be "stop the politics and get on with the football".

I could never boo my own team or players but 100% think that people should not be threatened with having an FA investigation if they do, for whatever reason. 

Chelsea are telling fans collecting match tickets that if they boo during the taking a knee their season tickets will be rescinded. That is out of line for me.

Millwall fans have been highlighted by the media but booing protests have also been heard at Reading, Cambridge and Colchester.

Another home match at Millwall tomorrow v QPR who have decided they will all take a knee after declaring it to be optional for players earlier in the season.

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Just as it was beginning to become a bit of a token gesture largely ignored by most (Sky Sports excepted), the booing has now brought the 'taking a knee' back into the public eye. If BLM wanted the profile raised, the Millwall fans have certainly helped!????

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3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Where did you get that info from ?

Doesnt seem to have been reported anywhere 

The Millwall forum I read; a Chelsea friend of one of the Millwall posters. Not Reuters I grant you but no reason to disbelieve it.

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4 minutes ago, champers said:

The Millwall forum I read; a Chelsea friend of one of the Millwall posters. Not Reuters I grant you but no reason to disbelieve it.


   There may be some confusion , confusion with Chelseas policy of banning anyone who participates in racial abuse .

   I dont think that CFC have stated they will ban anyone who boos the knee taking , I am quite sure they havent 

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7 hours ago, 3 minus 2 said:

Are 'kick it out' doing fine? ..and if they were doing so well  how come this movement got so much.  support.. given the no's of black footballers . How many black managers are there in the prem?.. kic it out became a token gesture.. almost an irrelevance... Token gestures with token results ..media fodder and nothing more


To me, the fact Kick it Out became an almost irrelevance showed it was working. It's a bit like in-built quality in products. The Quality department are in the spotlight when products are failing. When products are working great because quality is built in, the Quality dep't are almost forgotten about. Same with Kick it Out. Years ago you would hear monkey chants etc, nowadays the fans, never mind the clubs, won't tolerate that kind of behaviour. And when a fan is rarely caught doing racial wrongs, they are rightly banned for life. More can always be done but that surely shows it's working and on the right track. BLM movement and kneeling are taking it off track by causing division.


On your other point. Yes, BLM got traction in the UK this year but the cynic in me thinks it may be to do with so many people off work and not in Uni/School/College etc. It gave them something to do in summer but it's started to retract and not so many marches now. In fact I'm struggling to remember the last time I saw a march on the news. I reckon it's a fad in the UK and will fade away. We don't have the Police brutality that they claim to have in the US.


IMO, the % game of black players Vs black managers is a different issue and would lead this topic off in a totally different direction to what this thread is about, which is BLM. Open a new topic on that very subject if you wish.

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7 hours ago, champers said:

The Millwall forum I read; a Chelsea friend of one of the Millwall posters. Not Reuters I grant you but no reason to disbelieve it.

I think there is a Reuters reporter waiting to come out in you Champers. I remember your investigation into the UK officials meeting to discuss the proposed Pattaya tram. 

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21 hours ago, champers said:

Been looking on their fans forum and most are adamant they are not racist and that the boos are directed at BLM, a political entity whose views they disagree with. The general consensus seems to be "stop the politics and get on with the football".

I could never boo my own team or players but 100% think that people should not be threatened with having an FA investigation if they do, for whatever reason. 

Chelsea are telling fans collecting match tickets that if they boo during the taking a knee their season tickets will be rescinded. That is out of line for me.

Millwall fans have been highlighted by the media but booing protests have also been heard at Reading, Cambridge and Colchester.

Another home match at Millwall tomorrow v QPR who have decided they will all take a knee after declaring it to be optional for players earlier in the season.

The  ONLY  'views' as you call them of BLM is the promotion of Racial equality   the Millwall fans as you state disagree with that ? Which I can only presume agree with else why post?  But it makes them  what? 

   you say your fed up with politics entering into football   I .. didn't hear you or others on here make a sound when the effectively war endorsing 'let's not forget our heroes' campaign took center stage ..    or our flagrantly  politically aimed national anthem take center and YOU CAN SCREAM ALL you want that they are diferent.   THEY ARE NOT.. whats diferent is that you and the others CHOOSE to accept them and you choose NOT ACCEPT BLM. ...  Which makes you and the others what ?



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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


  I see no difference between Black supremacists and White supremacists .

We are all just people , as the human race, we need to strive for equality, rather than any racial supremacy 

As you say Equality IS the issue when it's an even sided arguement as your wording suggests.then it can be dealt with as you suggest. As it stands we've one culture that has been ruthlessly exploited for 100's of years by the other.. and the other side visually STILL endorsing it .. imagine your Jewish and your grandmother and extended family died in the Holocaust and HAD TO WALK PAST A STATUE of Hitler every day ..
atm what your suggesting just can't happen why because  as it stands things just aren't equal..


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