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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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36 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I didn't see Johnson in that video, mainly Farage and a few people I never heard of.


Were you listening to them? More fool you.


Seems you listened to the polls as well, maybe that's why you couldn't be bothered to vote. Now we have to listen to you moan for the next decade when you only have yourself to blame. ???? 


Bitter much? Regretful much? 


What about this guy?

Do you know who he is?

And whats this about couldnt be bothered to vote?


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44 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

So it's the bosses fault? You want to leave it to the bosses of these huge corporations and rely on them to do the right thing by the British workforce? ????


I'm going to hazard a guess that you've not much experience in the corporate world. ????


What a great strategy for protecting the British workforce from cheap foreign labour, you should be PM. Second thoughts, maybe have a trial run as first minister of Scotland. It's a much smaller position and you couldn't do much worse than Sturgeon, plus you've got all the nationalist rhetoric required to deflect from the results of such ludicrous policies.




Its the way capitalism works.

I'm going to hazard a guess YOU shouldnt be working in Thailand taking someones job.

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21 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


I would want a policy that doesn't undermine the UK labour market and benefit huge corporations by providing them with cheap foreign labour.


It's true that some businesses might not be happy having to pay their workers a fair living wage. I would side with the workers in such a dispute. It's possible some might leave the UK and set up sweatshops employing kids in China. However, if we are free to make our own laws and policies there are ways to safeguard around this. 


Would you genuinely prefer we encourage the use of cheap foreign labour to benefit the huge corporations at the expense of UK workers? I assume you weren't a Labour voter (back in the day when the Labour party was still "The Labour Party").


So you want a policy that undermines the competiveness of UK companies by forcing higher wage bills on them?


Edited by Rookiescot
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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Its the way capitalism works.

I'm going to hazard a guess YOU shouldnt be working in Thailand taking someones job.


Yes I'm aware of how Capitalism works.


On your second point, I'm afraid you're way off the mark yet again.


I came here as part of a UK owned company making a very large BOI investment into Thailand manufacturing. This was at a time under Thaksin when Thailand was laying out the red carpet for such foreign investment.


Every 2 years when our law firm renew my visa and work permit I fill in a Skills Transfer document where I outline the skills that I have transferred to my Thai subordinates.


Without the willingness of employees like myself to selflessly uproot ourselves and assist in the setting up and running of the business, the investment into Thailand would never have been made. Such large investments by companies investing into UK manufacturing are most welcome. 

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13 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


So you want a policy that undermines the competiveness of UK companies by forcing higher wage bills on them?


I want UK workers to be paid a fair living wage, not undercut by cheap foreign labour.


I'd have though a lefty like yourself would want the same. Or has your desire to rubbish Brexit become so extreme that it's turned you into some kind of right wing, corporate leech who only cares about massive profits and screwing over the workers?


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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Yes he spoke of a Canada style deal. Which is what the EU was also saying around the same time.


What's your point?


My point is him and vote leave were all promising a deal. They went to great lengths to claim we would have seamless trade with the EU. Thats what they promised. They never mentioned the prospect of a no deal Brexit.

Astonishingly they found enough idiots to believe them and they won.

It is now time they delivered the promises they made.

There is no mandate for a no deal Brexit. Thats not what Brexiteers voted for.

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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

I want UK workers to be paid a fair living wage, not undercut by cheap foreign labour.


I'd have though a lefty like yourself would want the same. Or has your desire to rubbish Brexit become so extreme that it's turned you into some kind of right wing, corporate leech who only cares about massive profits and screwing over the workers?



By driving corporations overseas of having them close down because they are no longer competitive?

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5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


By driving corporations overseas of having them close down because they are no longer competitive?

Yeah, screw the workers. Maybe we should reduce minimum wage and healthcare to Chinese levels so we can compete with China. Zero hours contracts all round. A race to the bottom. 


You're all heart.

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Just now, JonnyF said:

Yeah, screw the workers. Maybe we should reduce minimum wage and healthcare to Chinese levels so we can compete with China. Zero hours contracts all round. A race to the bottom. 


You're all heart.

In order to survive most companies the the UK only have to be competitive with other EU companies.

But of course your wonderful idea for Brexit is going to screw that up with no deal.

I thought given your high position in a multinational company you would have understood all this. 

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1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Polish brickies for example, working on incredibly low wages and putting UK brickies out of work. Great for the huge home building companies who can get cheap Polish labour but not so good for the British man on the street who lays bricks for a living.


Well, if that is allowed by the British government, or if they don't care, this is indeed a calamity for the man in the street.


Once the U.K. is definitively out of the E.U., these Polish people will not be able to do that job anymore, but every non E.U. will still be  allowed to work for low wages.


One problem will be resolved,  but not the problem in its entirely.


It will still be to the British Government to act more efficaciously.         

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