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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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21 hours ago, Tofer said:

start supporting your country




To be clear, I don't pretend that voting Leave will afflicted everyone, it may on the contrary, benefit all.

Time will tell.  


But should one unconditionally support one's country, when persuaded it took the wrong decisions, which one is convinced, will lead to the affliction of all.

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Well "leavers" have actually left, remainers haven't yet realised it.....????


Obviously not some at this point in time - keep whining & complaining about Remainers and EU negotiations

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1 minute ago, Bruntoid said:

I really wouldn’t stress over Brexiteers trying to claim the patriotism flag when they themselves inflicted the greatest act of national self harm in history but are simply too ‘challenged’ to comprehend that !

Go through the myriad of endless brexit threads on here and try and find just one post within that lot with a costed analysis of post brexit from a brexiteer - not ONE ! All hype, guesswork, hope, and thinly veiled racist sound bites. 

After all 99.99% of the worlds economists and EVERY major industry spokesman (the nations employers) can’t be wrong can they ?  Or maybe the Sun readers had it right all along ????????

Really 99.99%, wow, I didn't know that.......????

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8 hours ago, 7by7 said:


I assume you mean a trade agreement, as the terms of the withdrawal agreement had officially been under negotiation ever since May first triggered Article 50 on the  29th March 2017! Although formal negotiations didn't begin until 19th June 2017.


It was not that the EU wouldn't begin trade negotiations until after we left; it was agreed by both sides that UK/EU trade negotiations while  we were still a member would be awkward at the very least as we would have had a foot in both camps.




The transition period ends at midnight on the 31st December 2020, unless both sides agree to extend it.




We remain members of the single market and customs union until midnight on the 31st December 2020, unless both sides agree to extend the transition period.




   The UK has left the E.U .

Member states are in Green , non E.U members are in White 

Map (clickable)

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Discussion can be looked at as whining on any subject, from any sides point of view, but the fact remains that we have actually left the EU and are trying to move on, but remainers can't seem to do that, you know, get behind their country. ????

Get behind what?


There’s nothing to get behind.

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7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Merkel just put the needle back into her desk drawer, stroked the expensive cat perched on her lap and picked up the phone to Boris.




7 hours ago, transam said:

So that's where Macron went...Rascal....????

No chance of anyone getting into Angela,s drawers......:clap2:

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1 hour ago, Tofer said:

After all, we have left and, I firmly believe, the EU are displaying their true unsavoury colours throughout this process, being vindication in itself.


The U.K. has left, the E.U. don't like that at all, so  at the moment the negotiations started  the E.U. intent is :


"You left, fine,

you want to do again business with us, fine,

here are our specific conditions for you, as past member,

take it or leave it".


A way to label this, is indeed "Retribution".


However also open to categorical refusal from the other party to accept these conditions, and walk away.


We will soon find out the results of the negotiations.


I think that the E.U. don't really expect that the U.K. will simply accept these "particular" conditions.


If after all they do, or partially, it is some kind of "sweet revenge" for the E.U..


If not, the E.U. is at the same point as the day after the Brexit referendum results.


Meaning, a great possibility of considerable difficulties, but also knowing that the U.K. will be confronted with  similar  situations.


Politics is not a job for nice, honest, people, and it shows worldwide.  


Edited by luckyluke
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On 12/14/2020 at 6:25 PM, bannork said:

But there you go, turkeys voting for Xmas, or New Year in this case 


I'd rather that than remain in a field chewing the cud whilst the EU's sheep dogs run us ragged, and then being stripped of my coat.

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