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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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17 hours ago, vinny41 said:

REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common rules ensuring basic road freight and road passenger connectivity following the end of the transition period mentioned in the Agreement


A level playing field requires that, even after the end of the transition period, the United Kingdom continues to apply sufficiently high





Although the detailed text refers to a definition of "level playing field" it is not in the context you would prefer to believe. The words used with respect to the regulation are

"lays down a flexible mechanism"

This flexible mechanism, as stated in the regulation, must be in accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement, something that the UK is already legally obliged to.


You seem to be confused, and probably others, between the level playing field obligations in the WA, already done and dusted, and the level playing field being negotiated with respect to trade.

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35 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

it’s not uncontrolled that’s all in your head and the vast majority will be paying their taxes so what else is it ? Colour ? 

Do you want all travellers to leave too ? 



It's hardly controlled when they're coming over in Dinghy's, many drowning on the journey (including children).






It's this illegal immigration I have an issue with. I'm not a huge fan of illegal immigrants coming to the country and claiming benefits that I would prefer spent on old age pensioners, education and the NHS. I am fine with legal immigration as long as the immigrants meet the specified criteria in terms of skills, background checks, education etc. I favour a points based system like Australia.


No, colour wouldn't be part of the criteria but you already know that. A very disingenuous way to imply I'm racist though, Bravo you must be so pleased with yourself for sneaking that in, not too subtle though????. English speaking would be a criteria as would be a willingness to integrate. 


Travellers? I have no issue with travellers. Actually did a bit of backpacking myself around SE Asia in my gap year back in 98 ????.

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47 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Do enlighten us, what law has Lord Heseltine broken that you want him in prison, beyond of course holding and expressing beliefs you don’t agree with?





A lot of Welsh folk would disagree with you......:whistling:

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1 hour ago, petermik said:

Once you are out completely, even if it is on WTO-terms, you may well look back on 2020 as the year in which you managed to escape the dead hand of Brussels and regain your role as a global player with a distinctly more liberal, more entrepreneur-friendly and hence more attractive and innovative place to do business.

A kind of Singapore on Thames is exactly what is feared most in Berlin and this is why Germany will do everything it takes to avoid a trade war and to get Monsieur Barnier and France off their high horse.

It seems BJ is holding the far better cards....:thumbsup:

So why he prefer still negotiate with E U.  while Singapore on Thames is waiting for him ????.....come on try better excuses .....we are not as his blind sheep electorate.......

Do the Conservatives has really no better persons than this one ...as a Pm .?????






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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Then you might want to equate yourself to some of the ideas behind uniting Europe, especially those around removing the causes of wars between European nations.

Thought we did that with a very large output bombs...Plus you forget, we are members of military groups to keep things calm, the UK will still be in those groups. Unless you know something I don't know...

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

So it was the EU who asked for an extension? The EU is not forcing the UK to continue talking. It is not forcing the UK to negotiate. The UK is free to cease negotiating any time it wants to. Take it up with Boris.


  Look, both side want to continue the talks , its rather stupid of one side to suggest they have the upper hand because the other side is still in talks with them .

  Both the UK and the EU both want a deal and the UK has recently signed numerous deals with various other Countries , which shows that the UK is reasonable with their requirements .

   No other Country has played hard ball like the E.U.

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Smacks of desperation quoting the ultra remainer Heseltine who has had nearly 1 million pounds in subsidies for his businesses from the EU. Wonder why he wants the UK to stay and overturn a democratic referendum.  The man should be in Gaol and like many who had their heads i the trough from the HoL is an embarrassment to the country..

A conservative  who speak straight trueth is rare to find , but seems anyway to exists this day's.... there is some hope for them ????

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5 hours ago, luckyluke said:

"Retailers have urged the public not to panic buy over the prospect of a no deal with the EU." 

- The Sun-13th.December-


Why does the Retailers think the U.K.public will panic when no deal? 


It seems that they think the U.K.public does not trust their government when these proclaim that everything will be fine in the U.K., even with a no-deal. 


   Retail groups have asked people not to panic buy , which will cause the public to be concerned and then resort to panic buying .............and the retail groups enjoy huge profits 

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7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Look, both side want to continue the talks , its rather stupid of one side to suggest they have the upper hand because the other side is still in talks with them .

  Both the UK and the EU both want a deal and the UK has recently signed numerous deals with various other Countries , which shows that the UK is reasonable with their requirements .

   No other Country has played hard ball like the E.U.

The stupid bit was making an empty threat to ‘walk away’.



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9 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Do you understand what was meant by the term "Singapore on Thames " ?

Sure anything better ...if he can not get his E.U. wish list witeout giving anything E.U. wishes ....."mission impossible "..starring Boris Johnson ????




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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:


It's hardly controlled when they're coming over in Dinghy's, many drowning on the journey (including children).






It's this illegal immigration I have an issue with. I'm not a huge fan of illegal immigrants coming to the country and claiming benefits that I would prefer spent on old age pensioners, education and the NHS. I am fine with legal immigration as long as the immigrants meet the specified criteria in terms of skills, background checks, education etc. I favour a points based system like Australia.


No, colour wouldn't be part of the criteria but you already know that. A very disingenuous way to imply I'm racist though, Bravo you must be so pleased with yourself for sneaking that in, not too subtle though????. English speaking would be a criteria as would be a willingness to integrate. 


Travellers? I have no issue with travellers. Actually did a bit of backpacking myself around SE Asia in my gap year back in 98 ????.

Hysterical claptrap - what percentage of dinghy entrees constitute part of the U.K. overall population again ? - attracting the hysterical tag of ‘uncontrolled’? 

So the 4 people in the link you provided would have added what to the pension should their possible benefits be denied ? 

How many Falang enjoying their immigrant status here meet your language criteria ? Oh and to gain U.K. citizenship you need to be able to so fret not. 

Oh and I didn’t ‘sneak’ anything in - every word was intentional and thoroughly meant! 

Edited by Bruntoid
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9 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Why is the E.U still negotiating and talking to us , four years after we told them we want to leave ?

Let us go, its what we want 

Why is the UK still negotiating and talking to us four years after they said they wanted to leave?

Just go, it's all we want.

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