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Cher appeals to Bangkokians to relocate gorilla living above a shopping centre...


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never thought much about Cher but saw her interviewed on the one show on the bbc and was impressed by the sincere way she spoke about wanting to help animals, it is something she clearly feels strongly about. the story is hitting national media in the uk:




to be honest i'm amazed the gorilla is still there, but sadly maybe i shouldn't be, the way wild and domestic animals are treated in thailand is often shocking and shameful, not everyone but many thais have no respect or kindness for animals.

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34 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

I am sure there are many poor people in Bangkok that would love to live above a shopping center. Does Cher help them too?

Amazing how many expats value soi dogs more than Thai kids, who suffer from stunted growth due to not getting enough food.  Either they have been here too long, or not long enough, but they couldn't be more delusional. 

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


   People can help themselves , animals cannot .


Sorry, but many people need help. I do not agree with animals in that sort of captivity but there are people more worthy of help than a star saying "look at me ,how I help animals"

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5 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

Sorry, but many people need help. I do not agree with animals in that sort of captivity but there are people more worthy of help than a star saying "look at me ,how I help animals"


   Are there people locked in cages alone above shopping centers ?

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28 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

Definitely not humorous. It appears to be "thing" with the stars/elite to help animals before people.


People can and should help themselves.  Animals need our protection.  

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Reminds me of the story about a gay guy, who goes to the zoo and gets aroused by a male Gorilla.  The Gorilla pulls him into the cage and has sex with him.  A week later, he runs into a friend, who witnessed the encounter.  "We're you hurt?" asks the friend.  "Was I hurt?" "I was devastated.... he didn't write, he didn't call..." 

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14 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

I am sure there are many poor people in Bangkok that would love to live above a shopping center. Does Cher help them too?

What? People want to live in a bare cage in solitary confinement for years on end above a shopping mall, while people shout, laugh and stare at them for hours every day? 

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 If this poor animal is still there, the 'owner' should be flogged, then imprisoned for life, just as this poor animal has been. A b/g dragged me along to see this private 'zoo' in 1994. The gorilla was in a huge metal cage with nothing but an old truck tyre to play with. It looked so sad. Buddhist country ? Harm none ? Don't start me on that subject.

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