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Illegal crossing from Cambodia to Thailand - case takes new twist!


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No need to worry - latest figures:_


Here in Cambodia, we do not want Thais crossing into our Kingdom - thank you!!! 


Total cases  
Total cases
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16 minutes ago, Burma Bill said:

No need to worry - latest figures:_


Here in Cambodia, we do not want Thais crossing into our Kingdom - thank you!!! 


Total cases  
Total cases


    Its the Burmese you need to be worried about 

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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Its the Burmese you need to be worried about 

I am also worried about the burmese. They just disappear in Thailand. Loads of documentaries about disappearing burmese woman in thailand and the brothels meant for thai men but the thai authorities have not done enough. 

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5 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

You do seem rather preoccupied with bar girls, brothels , prostitution and trafficking .

How long have you been out of Thailand for ?

I have never lived there permanently. recently i saw a few documentaries about trafficking of burmese women and i felt really sad. 

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In the circles are green leaves....one has I think 5 and the other has 7. There are 2 photos. There is also a circle of a branch that looks something like a bird, which is นก so น is the 25th letter and ก is the 1st. 


Clearly, this means that the lucky number for the upcoming lottery draw is: 572251

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9 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


   One person said that , 1 person out of 70 million Thais .

69 999 999 Million Thais did NOT say that 

Most of them do say it, its just not recorded and reported in the press. 

Anutin may be a big mouth but he is representative of the general atitude they have towards foreigners of all nationalities.

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10 hours ago, poohy said:

I agree with heat testing not being overly reliable

Got the heat test on one occasion my temp was 34.8 i was obviously ok to enter i think Macro ..in reality i should have been dead

The normal distribution for a human is between 35 and 37.5 and outliers can be as low as 34. The heat test is not looking for those below 37 only for those who are above. No one is interested if your temperature is low. Yes it could mean that the testing device is not calibrated properly but all that means is that some people with actual temperatures below 37 will caught in the net.

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12 hours ago, lovethai123 said:

That is what i dont understand, why they strived so hard to keep the numbers low? is it because of face saving? they dont want the public to have one more reason to hate those in power.

Logic states that it is too much like hard work to keep numbers low when they don't need to. The borders are closed immigrants are tested and quarantined the figures are more likely to be correct.

9 hours ago, NanLaew said:


Good. At least someone sees sense here. Not all 'asymptomatic carriers' are infectious either.



It's OK to admit that you don't know all the answers either.

One very good reason for wearing a mask. If you are an asymptomatic carrier you don't infect others

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5 hours ago, lovethai123 said:

oh , then why did my other girl( standby gf) asked me 3000 baht for a tooth extraction in pattaya? 

My lady in Nong Khai recently paid 5000 baht for a tooth extraction and she said that it was half the price she was expected to pay for similar treatment in Pattaya. Your 'Standby GF' was probably giving you best value or merely asking you to contribute rather than paying the full price

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10 hours ago, polpott said:

If a community has asymptomatic people in it, it will also have symptomatic people in it. If it has symptomatic people it will have people requiring hospital treatment. If it has people requiring hospital treatment, it will have people who die. Not possible to have a country full of asymptomatic carriers with no one ending up on a ventilator and no one dying.


Thai hospitals have not been inundated with Covid patients and the wats have not been inundated with corpses in urgent need of burning. If you want to know what a community with a Covid outbreak looks like, look at New York in April. Corpses stacked in containers at the back of hospitals who had run out of ICU beds and ventilators.


No need for anywhere to be "inundated".


The place is chock full of crematoria.


You can't move for them and they are normally nowhere near has hard worked as my local crem in the UK.


A mere 10 extra burnings a day, spread though the scores of crematoria in a typical province, would give you about 1750 over 6 months just for that one province.


Multiply that increase by the number of provinces, divide them between the extraordinary number of crematoria in Thailand, and you get tens of thousands of extra burnings.....but widely spread and divided up......and hardly noticed.


(Incidentally, my bosses brother, who is an undertaker here in "plague ridden" UK , says he has not really seen any great increase in workload during the COVID.)


You need to get out a bit more and stop drinking in the panic from the NEWS!.


Because that's where you're getting it all from isn't it?


You haven't actually "looked at New York" have you?


You've just seen it on the emotion jerking, chain twitching, fear feeding, "let's find the worst images we can (even if they're not really representative of the bigger picture) and keep pumping them at the goggling masses........NEWS!







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20 minutes ago, Olivie said:

Do you believe Cambodia numbers? Do you believe Thai numbers?

Thailand and Cambodia only count people dying of covid not with covid like the rest of the countries are doing.Thailand and Cambodia is what the real mortality of the pandemic looks like if you count properly.

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7 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Thailand and Cambodia only count people dying of covid not with covid like the rest of the countries are doing.Thailand and Cambodia is what the real mortality of the pandemic looks like if you count properly.

Yet there are no massive testing procedures such as S. Korea has undertaken.  There numbers show asymptomatic cases as well and they do not send the asymptomatic to a hospital to isolate either.  True the deaths are not all that high supposedly in Thailand, but then the total cases are low because of a lack of testing.  How in the rest of the world can a person found positive infect others but here in Thailand not one of the tracked and traced tests positive except those two out of the recent myanmar illegal crossing cases.  Strange to if it is the virulent G strain as well.  Just like Don't ask Don't tell, we have Don't test mass numbers and so we don't know the extent but it seems we have no Covid, even asymptomatic cases.  Really strange.



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4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet there are no massive testing procedures such as S. Korea has undertaken.  There numbers show asymptomatic cases as well and they do not send the asymptomatic to a hospital to isolate either.  True the deaths are not all that high supposedly in Thailand, but then the total cases are low because of a lack of testing.  How in the rest of the world can a person found positive infect others but here in Thailand not one of the tracked and traced tests positive except those two out of the recent myanmar illegal crossing cases.  Strange to if it is the virulent G strain as well.  Just like Don't ask Don't tell, we have Don't test mass numbers and so we don't know the extent but it seems we have no Covid, even asymptomatic cases.  Really strange.



There is also a lot of questionable language used in this pandemic like "asymptomatic cases" to me if you don't have any symptoms you don't have a "case" so one could reduce global numbers significantly by correctly counting and reducing the fear.Lots of anomalies and lots of strange.How many lives have we saved by our efforts to save live and has it been worth it when there are no studies yet to support our efforts have actually saved any life?How does one prove that a life was saved?Funnily enough I didn't see one body on mainstream media from covid,I saw a few trucks and a few grave holes but no bodies I also saw a scene of a hospital that was said to be overflowing but I've seen plenty of overflowing hospitals in Thailand before covid the same media was busted using the same image in OZ claiming overcrowding until it was pointed out it was the same clip from an Italian hospital earlier in the year.Mostly I've seen smoke and mirrors lots of loud  and hysterical noises lots of granny killing accusations. and lot's of guessing by those elected to run the show.What I've learned from this exercise is that some people can behave pretty weirdly when under stress.

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4 hours ago, Enoon said:


No need for anywhere to be "inundated".


The place is chock full of crematoria.


You can't move for them and they are normally nowhere near has hard worked as my local crem in the UK.


A mere 10 extra burnings a day, spread though the scores of crematoria in a typical province, would give you about 1750 over 6 months just for that one province.


Multiply that increase by the number of provinces, divide them between the extraordinary number of crematoria in Thailand, and you get tens of thousands of extra burnings.....but widely spread and divided up......and hardly noticed.


(Incidentally, my bosses brother, who is an undertaker here in "plague ridden" UK , says he has not really seen any great increase in workload during the COVID.)


You need to get out a bit more and stop drinking in the panic from the NEWS!.


Because that's where you're getting it all from isn't it?


You haven't actually "looked at New York" have you?


You've just seen it on the emotion jerking, chain twitching, fear feeding, "let's find the worst images we can (even if they're not really representative of the bigger picture) and keep pumping them at the goggling masses........NEWS!







Not being in Thailand you would have no idea what's happening here.


I have been in hospital both as an inpatient and an outpatient since the start of the pandemic. The hospitals have been unusually quiet, unlike the hospital where my daughter and her husband work in the UK which has been close o breaking point both back in April and now.


Thai social media would be all over additional deaths if they occurred, which they haven't. So if I'm getting my information from the news, which I'm not I'm getting it from on the ground in Thailand, where are you getting your news from? TVF?

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17 hours ago, lovethai123 said:

... They never explained those mystery viral pneumonia cases and a lot of people who were under investigation. ...


Viral pneumonia in Thailand has never been a mystery. The following from 2006.




Pneumonia is a significant and costly public health problem in Thailand. This surveillance system allows precise assessment and monitoring of radiologically confirmed pneumonia and lays the groundwork for the introduction of new vaccines against pneumonia pathogens."





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18 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Viral pneumonia in Thailand has never been a mystery. The following from 2006.




Pneumonia is a significant and costly public health problem in Thailand. This surveillance system allows precise assessment and monitoring of radiologically confirmed pneumonia and lays the groundwork for the introduction of new vaccines against pneumonia pathogens."





ok thailand no 1. ????????????????

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On 12/12/2020 at 3:03 AM, lovethai123 said:

Does it mean they should have a right to return to the motherland?

Anyhow a well educated khmer man once told me that the reason for this hatred is that thais have lost all wars with the khmers. ????????????????

Siem Reap means defeat of Siam??!

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10 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

In one telling of Thai history a Burmese army 'sacked' and occupied Ayutthaya, casting doubt on the claims that Thailand was never invaded or subjugated by a foreign power.

We were going off topic. i have edited this post. sorry 

Edited by lovethai123
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On 12/12/2020 at 11:32 PM, RobU said:

My lady in Nong Khai recently paid 5000 baht for a tooth extraction and she said that it was half the price she was expected to pay for similar treatment in Pattaya. Your 'Standby GF' was probably giving you best value or merely asking you to contribute rather than paying the full price

Seems high for me in Nong Khai!

@Thantakit in Bangkok it costs THB1,500 to THB2,000 (US$44 to US$58) to do a simple tooth extraction. As for extracting a fully erupted wisdom tooth, you need to pay double the standard rate at THB3,000 to THB4,000 ($87 to $116).

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On 12/12/2020 at 6:45 PM, lovethai123 said:


I am also worried about the burmese. They just disappear in Thailand. Loads of documentaries about disappearing burmese woman in thailand and the brothels meant for thai men but the thai authorities have not done enough. 

Done enough to what, advise the Thai men of the location of said brothels? 

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5 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Seems high for me in Nong Khai!

@Thantakit in Bangkok it costs THB1,500 to THB2,000 (US$44 to US$58) to do a simple tooth extraction. As for extracting a fully erupted wisdom tooth, you need to pay double the standard rate at THB3,000 to THB4,000 ($87 to $116).

So, thai woman can't be trusted. I know where nong khai is. It is a border region with few hotels. It seemed to be underdeveloped area during my last visit. I shouldn't be commenting on the prices as they vary a lot but 5000 for a tooth extraction seems unreasonable for nong khai. 

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On 12/14/2020 at 5:41 AM, Sametboy2019 said:

Seems high for me in Nong Khai!

@Thantakit in Bangkok it costs THB1,500 to THB2,000 (US$44 to US$58) to do a simple tooth extraction. As for extracting a fully erupted wisdom tooth, you need to pay double the standard rate at THB3,000 to THB4,000 ($87 to $116).

My (very good) dentist for 20 years in Bangkok:

Filling: 1,000-1,500 Baht
Cleaning: 1,500 Baht

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29 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

My (very good) dentist for 20 years in Bangkok:

Filling: 1,000-1,500 Baht
Cleaning: 1,500 Baht

So turns out one more reason not to trust thai women. In my case it was a wisom tooth extraction in pattaya. Other case is an extraction in nong khai which seems expensive. 

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On 12/12/2020 at 10:52 AM, lovethai123 said:

after all those decades of living off farangs money, they hate the farangs, too bad, 




to keep those dirty dark skinned foreigners away. ????????????????????


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