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Search for Active Cases follows discovery of Samut Sakhon cluster


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In Mae Sai some hookers, officially called "(Thai) women returning from work at beauty salons in Mae Sai" came back from Tachilek, the Myanmar border village/town opposite Mae Sai. The correct number of "beauticians" escaped me but there was "no problem" with any explosive development of Covid-19 cases ...... unlike Samut Sakhon with Myanmar migrants ......... 

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Considering that the CDC thinks that the number of infections in the U.S. could be 10 times higher than the official number the worldwide number would have to be orders of magnitude more than that because most countries aren't testing at all but let's just take the 10x number. Taking the current worldwide numbers the death rate is 2.2% but if you use the 10x number for the U.S. you get a death rate of .22% and much, much lower if you go worldwide because of the lack of testing. It would appear that the real problem isn't that this virus is more deadly than the flu, it is that it is a lot more contagious than the flu. This is not to say that this is not a serious problem because it is but to try and sell this flu as super deadly appears to not be true. It is just hitting so many people that it is taking out the weak by shear numbers not by it's power. This is why a vaccine is just going to wipe this pandemic out. In the mean time, good luck everybody.



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