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U.S. government heads toward chaotic end to 2020 as Trump fights Congress


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5 hours ago, heybruce said:


Trump doesn't have to stay at his properties.  He can stay at the White House, or Camp David, or at places that don't present a clear conflict of interest and self-enrichment.  Trump could have actually shown he was serious about draining the swamp by setting a good example.


But that's not Trump's way.  What puzzles me is why his supporters see nothing wrong with it.

And he could comp his government retinue, too, if he wanted to.

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3 minutes ago, J Town said:

45 benefiting personally from his office is illegal. It's called the Emoluments Clause. The founding fathers NEVER envisioned such a grifter actually making it to the oval office. There were many assumptions that the president would act like an adult, not a traitor.


What the last four years has exposed is the fragility of democracy, the racist rot that still exists, the gullibility of a YUGE number of Americans, and the lack of spines existing in the Senate.

A good description of the charges Trump faces when out of office.  CNN's Chris Cillizza does a good job of laying it out:


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9 minutes ago, J Town said:

45 benefiting personally from his office is illegal. It's called the Emoluments Clause. The founding fathers NEVER envisioned such a grifter actually making it to the oval office. There were many assumptions that the president would act like an adult, not a traitor.


What the last four years has exposed is the fragility of democracy, the racist rot that still exists, the gullibility of a YUGE number of Americans, and the lack of spines existing in the Senate.

Actually not. The emoluments clause is about accepting payments from foreign governments. Now insofar as foreign governments pay Trump rent and such, it may apply.

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15 hours ago, placeholder said:

"Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the US, President Obama spent the day playing golf," Trump said in another October 2014 tweet.

Trump falsely claims he golfs less than Obama as president - Business Insider


it's not like 3500+ americans are dying of the covids daily.


Coronavirus Cases:








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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

2020 was a rough year for alot of people around the world. It is likely the best thing to happen during this year, was the sound defeat of Trump. He still cannot handle it. It is surprising with 17 major business failures and 19 lost merchandising deals, one would presume he is accustomed to being a loser. 


Contrary to the self created myth, Trump can barely negotiate his way out of a paper bag. Just think of how many have gotten over on him, and taken advantage of his lack of skill and prowess, in the past few years. Putin, Xi, Kim, MBS, and countless others. Now, the leaked tax returns paint the rest of the sorry picture. And financial losses for decades. Unless he is lying to the IRS too. Very possible. 


1. Few like a loser. If they did not know Trump was a loser before, they sure will know it once he leaves the White House, and returns to his failing business.

2. I believe he will soon be forgotten. Just a terribly bad memory.

3. There is virtually no chance of him winning in 2024. I have been wrong before. But, as time goes on, he will become more and more irrelevant. Hopefully.

4. If he keeps up his nonsense, there is always a chance Jack Dorsey will come to his senses, and ban his twitter account. Without twitter, he is a 300 lb. zero.

5. Many are assuming his physical and mental health keeps up. It appears over the past 6 months or so, both are on a serious decline. He will be 78 or 79 in 2024. And he is NOT healthy.

6. Lastly, many are assuming the GOP sticks with him, after he is gone. That is not a given. At least, if they are sane and have some reason.

It is likely that the only ones with more skeletons in their closets, are Papuan Highlander cannibals.
We can only dream of a long prison sentence for Trump, once he is unceremoniously ushered out of the very white house come January. He is a man of deceit, foul play, a traitor to his nation, and a man so lacking in compassion, character, allegiance, loyalty, kindness, generosity, fidelity, heart and soul. He is morally bankrupt. His ex associates know that. The thousands of small contractors who have sued him for money owed know that. Tillerson, Sessions, Barr, General Kelly, and countless other know. 


You do tell a good story, however I don't believe that your skewed vision of Trump is as widely shared as you think.


President Donald Trump has come out on top as Americans’ most-admired man for 2020, according to Gallup’s annual survey, ending former President Barack Obama’s 12-year run with the title.


This year’s results mark the 10th time Trump has finished among the 10 most admired men



Edited by PattayaJames
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47 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Does not mean much to the planet. 

Actually, the damage 45 has done has rippled globally, and the collective sigh we will enjoy 12:01 p.m. on 20 Jan 2021 will mean the world to the planet. There will be dancing in every street on Mother Earth.

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To think that Trump has ever "governed" is wishful thinking. He doesn't have it in him, has never wanted to nor will he ever be up to it. The American people could wish and dream that their president was up to the job, but if nothing else could persuade them that he ain't, then Trump's avoidance of leadership in  the fight against covid has clearly showed his lack of experience, will or accountability in fulfilling the task that his position entailed. The emperor has never worn any clothes for the last 4 years while the media, the government and last but not least the populace willed themselves into believing that he's got a sense of fashion. Only now that he's free to run around totally naked. 

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