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New strain of Covid-19 from UK found in four Britons in quarantine


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4 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Wow wasn’t expecting an attack . Was only agreeing with the herd immunity point . Trust issues yeh? And yes it’s true I don’t . And I also never said it’s not here . Take a chill pill Amy ????

UK sent the schools back, obvious to all but the mentally challenged that herd immunity was on the agenda,

How is the European Mink mutation coming along?

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16 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Negative pressure room.  I thought that a negative pressure room was only needed for those having breathing problems.  However, I just read up and found they are also used to isolate the pathogen and keep it from escaping from the room as well.  Seems that there is more to the story as this is being treated at the top most of precautions by the Thai's which if they are is a good sign they are doing the right thing but seem intensely concerned.


Its massive overkill, almost as if they are treating a level 4 biohazard. However, if they have the facilities - why not use them. I just hope the family are being held in comfortable conditions. 


The negative pressure simply means that air, germs and anything else can sneak ‘into the room’ through gaps, but not out. 

But, the negative pressure has to be maintained by ‘sucking some air out’ which then has to be filtered etc.


A lot of Thai’s seem to be of the opinion that Covid-19 is an automatic death sentence - a lot of people are frightened and this ‘British’ strain is not going to help matters once the media get into full swing. 


Its good to see the testing and quarantine still doing its job thought. Unfortunately, the way this is going I can’t see quarantine measures being reduced for months - maybe as many as another 6 months. 




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15 hours ago, Grogu said:

It's not from the UK it's been around for months. 

Also it's from China, it's the CHINESE VIRUS

Let's not get away from this

No this is the UK virus , if you call the original Chinese virus .

And i would agree on the fact that UK only identified this mutation , but that is what happened with the Chinese version also , and with the Spanish flu ...

The country where a virus comes from , doesn't matter at all . Virus are all around , and some are ready to jump species , since 1/7th of world population lives in China , good chance happening there .

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13 minutes ago, 473geo said:

UK sent the schools back, obvious to all but the mentally challenged that herd immunity was on the agenda,

How is the European Mink mutation coming along?


Things went very quiet on the Mink mutation .. where did it go ?

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2 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

What the #### are you on about ????. People losing their #### ???? 

You would have to be pretty dim not to understand how groups of children congregating in schools when not showing symptoms, then heading back to their households, would speed up the spread of the virus.

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11 minutes ago, 473geo said:

You would have to be pretty dim not to understand how groups of children congregating in schools when not showing symptoms, then heading back to their households, would speed up the spread of the virus.

That’s better. Didn’t fully understand the post earlier . And I think you may have responded to the wrong post? As I have posted about the schools going back on another thread . ????

Excuse my dimness . But yes herd immunity comment . ????

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18 minutes ago, sezze said:

No this is the UK virus , if you call the original Chinese virus .

And i would agree on the fact that UK only identified this mutation , but that is what happened with the Chinese version also , and with the Spanish flu ...

The country where a virus comes from , doesn't matter at all . Virus are all around , and some are ready to jump species , since 1/7th of world population lives in China , good chance happening there .

I don’t think the virus cares about it’s ethnicity. But then I have been annoyed when it’s been labelled the ‘U.K. mutation virus ‘ .  We all have to deal with it in the end I suppose. 

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2 hours ago, AmySeeker said:

Looking at the UK rates - they are averaging some 50,000 covid cases a day !!!!!!!! ????


Surely some form of herd immunity must have set in by now ?! 


Beyond belief these numbers. By population per 100,000 they are doing worst than the USA. 

But probably not worse than China who have been lying from the begining. 

Edited by Fex Bluse
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2 hours ago, AmySeeker said:

Looking at the UK rates - they are averaging some 50,000 covid cases a day !!!!!!!! ????


Surely some form of herd immunity must have set in by now ?! 


Beyond belief these numbers. By population per 100,000 they are doing worst than the USA. 

By most recent numbers i find , October had 6.9% antibody for UK .

Thinking about my country ( Belgium ) we had similar numbers july , and have now risen between 10-25% depending on region . Since out numbers were skyhigh in October /November i expect for UK to have similar numbers .

For herd immunity , which in fact never been done with infection itself , but always with vaccine , you need to reach 60-80% . You aren't even halfway there , unfortunate . And according to previous finds , the numbers seem to drop after a few months . Let's hope the vaccine works as expected and protects also vs the new mutations . If this is the case , then the few months will be enough to create some herd immunity faster then expected . Future will show , but even if the numbers look bad now , there is light on the horizon , which wasn't there 3-4 months ago yet. 

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17 hours ago, Ratcher said:

I thought this "Mutant UK strain" was first discovered in South Africa ???


Let us not forget where this whole Pandemic started, CHINA not the UK or anywhere else. The whole world is suffering because of CHINA

With funding from Obama!

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11 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Yeah, rather as a shame out UK told about it at the earliest possible time rather than hid the disease like China for months hey ? 

So what the UK did what a normal country would do. SO are you against trying to contain it or not. Do you want a pat on the back for doing the normal right thing ?

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12 hours ago, Burma Bill said:


Unfortunately this new variant has already "escaped" not only to Thailand but for reference (NY Times);-


The list of countries that have identified infections with the (UK) variant has been growing rapidly, and as of Friday includes — besides the United States, Britain and Turkey — Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Taiwan


and now Vietnam as I have just read on TVF. 

Link? Thanks 

There are no local cases in Oz and probably not many on that list. However there are quite a few Brits testing positive in quarantine 

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Nobody here is blaming the UK for having this virus. At least I am not. Just saying its there it should be contained. Its a worse variant best to delay (cant stop it yet) of the spread.


Nobody here is claiming its because of dirty Brits (no Anutin here). But you guys were just unlucky to get that strain and your population did not really follow the rules (just like a lot of idiots in the Netherlands and France don't follow the rules). Its just that because the strain is so infectious more people got it and now your country is swarming with it.


For once its good you guys are an island easier to isolate the strain. 

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8 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

the U.K. could not allow closure of the whole country because of the severe damage it can cause to the economy, both the british and the global economy.

U.K. is a hub, an economic superpower, and any delay in the u.k. will be felt much more painfully in the 

provinces, i.e. new zealand and australia. 

and the thai track and trace system is not effective at all, it is just a shop for the people. acctually

U.K. has so many cases because it does so many tests. if thailand will start mass testing many more cases

will be discovered. thailand - and other asian countries - policy is  NO TESTING - NO CASES, and i am not sure it is a bad policy.

instead in the U.K. - and other westrn countries - they over test, and the result is OHH MY GOD SO MANY

CONFIRMED CASES - but truth is that mose of them are assymptomatic or with very light symptoms, few days

and it is over.

Are you trying to say that if there was no testing the UK  hospitals would not be full up.

I was at Bang Saen hospital not long ago and like a ghost town, about a dozen patients in the Internal Medicine waiting room, something the NHS can only dream about.

Going again tomorrow so will see how things have changed.

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6 hours ago, AmySeeker said:

 Meanwhile India has 50 million, despite the vaccine being produced in the UK,

Not true.


The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is being manufactured locally by the Serum Institute of India, the world's largest vaccine manufacturer. It says it is producing more than 50 million doses a month.


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5 hours ago, AmySeeker said:


Things went very quiet on the Mink mutation .. where did it go ?

In Holland,17 million cases were culled and the few human cases were treated.

The big question is it still lurking among the wildlife, it was the US that kept quiet.

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9 hours ago, RR2020 said:

The new B 1.1.7. variant arrived in the UK in Kent.

It was seen before this in Holland and other EU countries but they never said anything.

Kent is where all the migrants arrive illegally from France.

It is quite sure that this variant arrived into the UK from illegal migrants from France who just land on the beach and run into society.  Lots make it through without being picked up at sea.

Thailand has a similar problem with migrants crossing from Myanmar.


Do you have anything factual to support this or do you make up as you go along to;

1. Blame this on migrant and

2. To make excuse for the UK which has mismanaged its pandemic response.

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On 1/3/2021 at 11:24 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Negative pressure room.  I thought that a negative pressure room was only needed for those having breathing problems.  However, I just read up and found they are also used to isolate the pathogen and keep it from escaping from the room as well.  Seems that there is more to the story as this is being treated at the top most of precautions by the Thai's which if they are is a good sign they are doing the right thing but seem intensely concerned.

Negative pressure rooms is cat 3 or 4 contageons

Yes it is to keep it in. It also calls for serious wash downs after.

For Cat 4 (Ebola Marburg Smallpox etc) you must have fully sealed air supplied suits and go through three step decontamination on exiting.


see the film ‘Outbreak’ or Robin Cooks ‘Contagion’ or Discovery channel series ‘Invisible Killers’.

or Canadian film ‘Outbreak: Anatomy of a plague’,  for more visually presented factual info.

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8 hours ago, sezze said:

No this is the UK virus , if you call the original Chinese virus .

And i would agree on the fact that UK only identified this mutation , but that is what happened with the Chinese version also , and with the Spanish flu ...

The country where a virus comes from , doesn't matter at all . Virus are all around , and some are ready to jump species , since 1/7th of world population lives in China , good chance happening there .

WRONG, China let it out of their lab in Wuhan

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8 hours ago, Grogu said:

WRONG, China let it out of their lab in Wuhan

CCP members are supposed to be atheists, but I think they should consider taking up a religion. Why? Because they probably could see how those countries that have continued to slander China, continuedly getting punished by some higher unseen power.

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20 hours ago, sandyf said:

something the NHS can only dream about.

you should go to a NHS hospital and see for yourself.

i know from many reliable sources that the hospitals in U.K. and other countries

in similar situation are NOT ON THE BRINGE OF COLLAPSE.

there are many interests involved and some health authorities exagerate the situation

to keep themselves busy.

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