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Feel sorry for his family, saw his son at church on TV, beside himself.

Head scarf because in Saudi, doesnt mean she was muslim, need to get out more.

The killers are all dead, shot by the Saudi's, they were watching the house when they came out to hide the body.

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i feel sad for his wife ,however ,what can be expected when americans kill and maim women and children in iraq . does the american public care about these people ???? this will only get worse while american foreign policy follows its current course . this will be a very unpopular post i know amongst many ,but why is this mans life worth more than many who die every day . american policy and attitude has and continues to create hatred towards the western world. does the american government  really think it is creating a safer world ??

I can't even imagine that there indeed are people who will disagree that people like Sadaam or Hitler ruling the world will create a safer world.

American policy and attitude has created WWII resulting us living in a dangerous world. What I have in memory is Americans brutally killing German and Japanese soldiers.

What made the lives of American soldiers more important than German's and Japanese'? :o

Wait! I forgot my medication!


You make some extremely valid points there, meemiathai! My old man always said we backed the wrong side in WW2 :D

But, back on thread...sincerely hope Lockheed-Martin does the right thing for the poor widow and gives her a good settlement...or sue the bastards! :o


I have been thinking about this thread for a while. I think that the term "freedom fighter" neads a little clarification. Freedom from whom and what kind of freedom for whom is quite important. Would it be OK for a gang of thugs in the USA to kidnap and behead a Muslim arbitrarily? Would the objective be to rid the USA of the Muslim infidels and to serve as a warning to Islamic terrorists so that they would cease and desist from all agression against Americans. Would it then be OK for American kids to dance in the streets celebrating his death?

I can't imagine this happening. I believe that many Americans would be horrified and insist on fair treatment of Muslims in America. Indeed, a Jewish professor at UC Irvine appeared on the O'Reilly Factor today arguing that Islamic students had the right to wear religious shawls at their graduations.

I am a veteran of the Vietnam War and was criticized quite a bit for my service in Vietnam, during which I worked in civic actions taking medical teams to villages, coordinating with village leaders and providing materials and support for constructing buildings such as libraries, trade school, high schools, and so on.

I was criticized by both American civilians and Vietnamese civilians. Many people in Vietnam told me, " We don't care what government we have so long as we have peace." In 1973, when the communist government took over, millions of Vietnamese took to the sea as "boat people" and many ended up in California. I actually met some of the people I had known in Vietnam and asked them why they had not stayed since they had said any government would be OK. They said, "Well, we just didn't understand."

I would ask those who are harshly critical of our intentions in Iraq to wait for a while. I believe that our objective is to help establish a government there that will get the various religions to cooperate in building a country that will allow all of them to enjoy prosperity and peace. I think that it is a testament to our good intentions in Vietnam that after the communist government took over so many people risked their lives to reach the US and other western countries. Many of those refugees are now doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, accountants and others are working in various professions in which they enjoy a high degree of success. In the end, many Iraqis will probably benefit, too, if we are able to accomplish our objectives there. We must ask ourselves what kind of governments the terrorists want to build and then what their stance toward the West would be. :o

Feel sorry for his family, saw his son at church on TV, beside himself.

Head scarf because in Saudi, doesnt mean she was muslim, need to get out more.

The killers are all dead, shot by the Saudi's, they were watching the house when they came out to hide the body.

The killers are all dead. There is justice in the world. Cover the mongrels with pigs intestines.

The killers are all dead. There is justice in the world. Cover the mongrels with pigs intestines.

Justice? Is this a French, Latin or Thai word? Never seen such thing on earth! :o All I see is the victim's wife bearing the pain for the rest of her life(I can imagine the pain because I have a wife too). Killing 3, 30, or 3000 of those scumbags makes no difference.

Why don't people just leave the middle east countries? And when each time there is a terrorist attack, send a nuclear bomb to one of their cities until they(those bastards) become as tame as a dead tiger. But I doubt these scumbags will give a damm to the lives of their people. Therefore, people who think it is the policy or attitiude of some countries that has caused all the problems please use more of your bigger brain(not the small one) to think. If we do whatever those scumbags ask for, the next thing they are going to do is to use suicide-bombing attacks to turn the rest of the world to muslims and finally to slaves.


Human beings are the scum of the earth. Shame really, we had so much potential.

Incedentally, did anyone see the beheading of Nick Berg? A friend showed it to me on his laptop and horrible though it was to watch, there was a break in the footage and it's possible that he was dead before the actual beheading.

Maybe he was just so petrified that he couldn't struggle when they held him down, but maybe not as there was also very little blood for a fresh decapitation.

I was criticized by both American civilians and Vietnamese civilians. Many people in Vietnam told me, " We don't care what government we have so long as we have peace." In 1973, when the communist government took over, millions of Vietnamese took to the sea as "boat people" and many ended up in California. I actually met some of the people I had known in Vietnam and asked them why they had not stayed since they had said any government would be OK. They said, "Well, we just didn't understand."

well we just didn't understand was wrong, we do understand, the one who knew what will happen to them if they don't leave the country asap,

the not to educated didn't really care what government take place, but the educated know what will happen, onces the communist enter Saigon, they round up all the educated poeple and send them to Jail hard labor, the one that work for the government will be send to jail and shot, as for secret agent, police, any law inforcer will be shoot on the spot, you have to wonder yourself that most viet-namese that went to America when the US move out they were doctor, teacher, politician, inventor, all the smart and educated people, its all about if you don't get out you will die. Vietnam have live in the dark ages for decade when the US pull out, until now they try to recover what they have lost, but what they lost was the most important people that can change the country.


The point is the authorities knew darn well where these prick heads where staying and they also knew these prick heads had their hostage at the same place.

Why they never ordered a commando operation to raid and shoot these super scummy prick heads is beyond me besides the political factors being involved.

As for me, these holy and thou fanactics ought to be shot on sight any place, anytime, and at any hour day or night. Even if they are in the bathroom sitting on johnny's face. Terminating these insane maniac infidels from living in society would be the best prescription overall. I personally think the world society has had enough of their existence.

Of course now which religion do they belong????? Oh crap, now what do we do about that????? This religion breeds more of these turkeys and it will still not be enough for our dinner plates.

Ahhhh, blood to be spilled. It is going to be theirs not mine or anybody who is sane. In any rate, when you approach one that you know for absolute certain they are who they are, don't ask questions, just pop them right there. Ask the questions later, cause dead turkeys don't speak.




Meemiathai, I read your post. Americans soldiers brutally killing German and Japs during WW2. I don't think so, because if you were in the actual scene, it is quite opposite. American soldiers in those days literally followed orders. It is no where near what we have today because the soldiers of today have little pride of honor left within.

Remember the Death March in the Phillippines, or the SS Gestapo. If you want to play with the real SS Gestapo during WW2, they will kill you within a heartbeat, or take you for experiments research. Hitlers SS was the most feared branch of Military that ever existed. Incidently that is why they wore skulls as one of their insignias. Like a walking Death Machine. As of the Japs, they were suicidal maniacs, and just wounding them was not enough. They will still keep coming at you until you placed a bullet in their foreheads, or smack in the heart. They were awful good with swords.



If only they(the Americans) had used tear gas/pepper sprays and rubber bullets instead of machine guns and nuclear bombs, there would have been less fatalities in WWII. I know again it's America's fault. I learn this from some of the views of the posters here. That's why I am becoming more and more anti-america.

Hang on.... 4 times a day for the blue one and 3 times a day for the yellow one..


My sympathies to Mr Paul Jonson family. Whether he is an American (Christian) or Arabic (Muslim) or belongs to any other nationality or a religion.

He was an innocent victim of idiotic thinking of Muslim extremists and the biggest liars and most dangerous (few) Americans and the American Administration.

Needless to start a debate here what is the reason as we all know what is going on. I do not think people can be fooled by using money and media propaganda anymore. May be for short term like the way Americans are feeding Mr Musharaf (self elected dictator) of Pakistan. Well..sometimes back they fed Sadam Husain, Bin Laden and many more well known figures.

If anyone wants to learn about “beheading”..read the history of English occupation during 18th century and learn how many innocent people where Beheaded simply to keep the power.

If you are a guy who is not interested in bygone days examples, then simply take some news archives of the way Saudi regime cut the hands, fingers or carrying out beheading on day to day basis as a regular practice of maintaining power and stopping all other religions.

Considering the close ties between Americans and Saudi Regime, what are we talking here?


Kwizz 117, you bring up good points about the way the Saudi Government punishes people in Saudi Arabia, amputation and decapitation are common.

Mr. Johnson was working for a military based corporation in a very risky country.

Contractors who take these jobs know they are at a high risk. It is an occupational hazzard to say the least. He was working on Apache attack helicopters, the same ones that mow down Palestinians on a regular basis. I think this was the major gripe his captors had for using him as a hostage.

Mr. Vietnam:

Sorry, but this is off topic. I don't know how to address this to you on a new thread. I bought a new house in Saigon in March and the wiring seems to be screwed up. There has been considerable discussion about faulty wiring on this site. Do you know anybody in Saigon who can be trusted to straighten out the wiring? :o

To Dr. Pat Pong and other site monitors: sorry about this being off topic. How do I start a new thread?

Look at the bottom of the page. You'll see NEW TOPIC click and away you go.

And on the 8th day God created ....<deleted> :o

LOTS of them!

Perhaps that is why some interpretations of the Koran assume that there are no such orifices in Paradise.

He was working on Apache attack helicopters, the same ones that mow down Palestinians on a regular basis. I think this was the major gripe his captors had for using him as a hostage.

Well what do you say! I had no idea that either Saudi or US Apache helicopters were mowing down Palestinians on even an irregular basis.


Too often I have red stories in this forum where the contributing members want to kill, torture and send people to jail for life.

I think in the US-American you call it 'hanging juries': people who don't want to think, just want to see blood. 'Solve problems' by killing and take the next beer.

To talk about sex seems to be more offending to many than to talk about killing.

Suspected of the trade in drugs, kill kill kill. Suspected of being a paedophile, kill kill kill, a long overstay kill kill kill, travelling with a back-pack kill kill kill, certain races kill kill kill, people with certain religious backgrounds kill kill kill...

And then, always by surprise, the spiral of violence touches one-self. Hey, that's not in order. We are supposed to kill, not to be killed.

Mr. Johnson reminds us that every human life counts. Every life is a little brick in this endless wall to which we all contribute our part. Compare it to an endless Chinese wall, where every stone represents a person. You, Mr. Johnson's killer and I will join one day.

He is probably killed by somebody, who reacted on other killings. And his killing will turn others into killers.

He is the victim of these 'kill kil kill people'. He was repairing and maintaining helicopters with which you can kill on fifty kilometers distance if you so want. And you can never, even not by mistake as highranked American military men tell us, kill women, children and old people with it.

May from now on, to honour and memorize this gentleman, the 'Paul M. Johnson-code' be valid in the Expat Forum of Thaivisa.com:

Let never anybody of this forum want to kill!

Killing is a capital sin. So leave it to the Lord! He is the only one with a real helicopter-view. And His' certainly will not be an Apache killing machine.

Why don't people just leave the middle east countries?

Why did they go there in the first place?

I think the civilians because you can make 'an extra buck' there and the military personnel because 'they' told them to go there. The military personnel goes anywhere where 'they' tell them to go. Australia next time? OK, we go!

And 'they' told them to go there because Iraq was supposed to be behind the big boom-boom at the WTC. That was one reason. The other reason was that Itaq was in the possession of weapons of mass destruction.

The rest of your posting doesn't indicate directly that you ever will be nominated for the Nobel-prize for Peace, but your solution shows geniality. It is simple as effective. Let the occupation armies start packing to-day and leave the middle east countries!

He was working on Apache attack helicopters, the same ones that mow down Palestinians on a regular basis. I think this was the major gripe his captors had for using him as a hostage.

Well what do you say! I had no idea that either Saudi or US Apache helicopters were mowing down Palestinians on even an irregular basis.

Yes..Not direct..thru the American Agents..(Israel) :o


What has this to do with Johnson being decapitated?????? Those idiots and infidels simply picked up a pigeon in their search to show what they could do or knew the heavies were closing in on them so they make a last stand. Most of the time if you understand these animals correctly, when they are cornered they become desperate and presto you got a kidnapping and then their so called own version of execution.

Also these people had a pork chop held by a necklace on their chest so that someone can notice them, and were also brought up from mommy who instructed them likewise so the other kids can notice their stupidity at the same time.

The concept of Kill, kill, kill coming from these sickos is real folks, so you are being forced to make an instant decision to either kill them first or they will kill you. Bottom line no matter what everyone wants to live but at the same time you come across infidels of the Koran or Muslim so called teachings and they twist it so badly they lose sense of who they are altogether.

We are not dealing with individuals that have a sane head on their shoulders mind you. We are dealing with extreme fanactics who have literally lost all reason of common sense and decency and they have totally gone insane in their creepy and sick ideals in the name of RELIGION.

So let me put it this way, if there is no religion in this crazy world, chances are there will be some peaceful resolution for all to deal with concerning each other daily.

We just had a person on this thread preaching Catholic ideals here, and on some other sites they preach Muslim and Koran. In my opinion, these are the biggest fakers that ever existed to man. Therefore many of today are in fact brainwashed into these ideals and cannot even think for themselves.

True why go to these places in the first place. Lets ask and find out. If it was me, ###### I will go heavily armed and take all the precautions needed to keep my chances of survival to the top. If they come, then lets have the frickin shoot out like they want, and I can promise you I will make all my slugs count and hit the targets.

It doesn't matter if you American, Russian or Polish. Point is your innocent and as Johnson goes, he had nothing to do with this so called Jihad. What bothers me the most is the authorities knew who these people were, and knew where they were at, so why didn't they do anything in the first place before all this took place. Had they done so, this guy would be alive today.


True why go to these places in the first place. Lets ask and find out.

OK. I'm an Aussie and I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 10 years.

Why do I live here?

Because it is a great place to live and bring up young children. Expats here live in resort style housing compounds, earn fantastic wages, and enjoy some of the best diving in the world.

Yes, there are some bad eggs here, but there are many wonderful people as well.

The crime rate is much lower than any other country that I have ever visited. I would think nothing of walking down the street with thousands of riyals in my pocket.

Statistically there is still a much higher chance of being murdered in a western country than of being murdered here.

The chance of being killed by the negligent drivers here is probably 100 times more likely than being killed by a terrorist. But because it doesn't make CNN nobody gives two thoughts about it.

The idiots here are no worse than the idiots that walk into a McDonalds in San Diego and kill 20 people, or two idots that killed how many students and teachers at Columbine High School. Or the Australian Martin Bryant who opened fire in the small Tasmanian township of Port Arthur in April 1996, killing 35.

My sympathies go to Paul Johnson's family as well, but I still feel safer here than in many other countries.

What has this to do with Johnson being decapitated?????? Those idiots and infidels simply picked up a pigeon in their search to show what they could do or knew the heavies were closing in on them so they make a last stand. Most of the time if you understand these animals correctly, when they are cornered they become desperate and presto you got a kidnapping and then their so called own version of execution.

Also these people had a pork chop held by a necklace on their chest so that someone can notice them, and were also brought up from mommy who instructed them likewise so the other kids can notice their stupidity at the same time.

The concept of Kill, kill, kill coming from these sickos is real folks, so you are being forced to make an instant decision to either kill them first or they will kill you. Bottom line no matter what everyone wants to live but at the same time you come across infidels of the Koran or Muslim so called teachings and they twist it so badly they lose sense of who they are altogether.

We are not dealing with individuals that have a sane head on their shoulders mind you. We are dealing with extreme fanactics who have literally lost all reason of common sense and decency and they have totally gone insane in their creepy and sick ideals in the name of RELIGION.

So let me put it this way, if there is no religion in this crazy world, chances are there will be some peaceful resolution for all to deal with concerning each other daily.

We just had a person on this thread preaching Catholic ideals here, and on some other sites they preach Muslim and Koran. In my opinion, these are the biggest fakers that ever existed to man. Therefore many of today are in fact brainwashed into these ideals and cannot even think for themselves.

True why go to these places in the first place. Lets ask and find out. If it was me, ###### I will go heavily armed and take all the precautions needed to keep my chances of survival to the top. If they come, then lets have the frickin shoot out like they want, and I can promise you I will make all my slugs count and hit the targets.

It doesn't matter if you American, Russian or Polish. Point is your innocent and as Johnson goes, he had nothing to do with this so called Jihad. What bothers me the most is the authorities knew who these people were, and knew where they were at, so why didn't they do anything in the first place before all this took place. Had they done so, this guy would be alive today.


Poor Don Quichote,

Did you have some good sex lately? It is very relaxing!

High blood pressure does not, as one might expect, contribute to an erection. It actually works the other way around.

Long walks help somethimes, especially in the morning. And keep fit.

I know some Australians (sorry Australia) here, who talk the same martial language you do. They are each more than thirty kilo overweighted.

They drink beer Chang and smoke Krong Thip all day. They can hardly walk ten meters. They can not put on their socks anymore and their arms are getting to short to control the direction in which they piss.

Once in their lives, when they were nineteen en twenty years old, they were God. And their Heaven and ###### was Vietnam.

Now, almost forty years later ###### visits them night-time and in the daytime they manipulate their memories into Heaven.

This 'tour of duty' they experienced at this early age, caused a distortion of their minds which was a handicap for them during the rest of their lifes.

OK, their lifes are not finished yet. Many boxes of Chang are still waiting and many cartons of Krong Thip still have to be burned. They are living death, death but not fallen down yet, the poor bastards.

DaveYo, I wish you a better fate.

Why did they go there in the first place?

Do you think oil might have something to do with why they are there in the first place?

That's really a stupid thing to say. If it think it passes for humor, you're pathetic.

Couldn't agree more, but, on reading through to the last post there is more than one subscriber to this thread who is pathetic.

The first name that comes to mind is "possum" (there are others)

A guy is killed for no good reason other than that he was there.

All the extraneous crap given as reasons as to why it happened have no place on this thread.

Nothing comes close to justifying acts such the one being discussed initially and anyone who attempts to cloud the issues (by attempting to justify it) is in the same mental class/category as Johnson's killers.



Blame it on the jews like everything else that they do not like. What can you expect from people that never worked an honest day in their life. If it was not for outside middle east countries the oil would still be in the ground and they would

still be crapping in holes in the ground and have no electric or water to drink and bath in. The rest of the world

should let them go back to the world they deserve. This part of the world has never had peace in it's history of man kind and never will with a made up religion that they try to force on everyone else. As far as crime and being safe it seems it is only in a few countries in this whole region that can say that and the rerason being is if every country cut off hands of thieves and excuted murders in a few weeks time most countries would have less crime. Take the region on a whole and most likely the only other place worse on crime would be Africa, now thats scarey.

if every country cut off hands of thieves and excuted murders in a few weeks time most countries would have less crime.

I'm not sure if I could agree on that? :o

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