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Thailand 4th among 98 countries studied for best response in handling pandemic


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Hmm i thought Mexico was a veritable basket case.

And yes thailand has done well for a multitude of factors including climate, pop density, health system, lockdowns etc, notwithstanding this 2nd blow up.

Im mean even NZ and Oz, that have been lauded for their response, clearly had the massive advantages of island states, low pop density, 1st world systems...thus i think its impossible to compare them to a landlocked euro country for example. 

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16 hours ago, AgentSmith said:

Although I'm pro mask wearing this still hasn't been proven to be effective.

I am pro mask also however some on this site think that wearing a mask creates some form of impenetrable wall showering the wearer with virus killing UV rays.  A Danish Study pegged mask wearing effectiveness at 50%.  Irrespective of whether it is 30% or 80% wearing the mask is helping some.  However the factors that greatly influence the incidence of contracting covid are 1. Age - Younger people tend not to catch it.  There is a strong correlation between those countries with low covid rates and the median age of the country Median age in Cambodia is 25.6, Myamar 29, Vietnam 32.5, Laos, 24.4, Thailand is the older at 39.  But compare that to Belgium, 41.6, Italy, 47.3, Spain, 44.9, Switzerland 43.1. .  2. Climate - Just like the flu, viruses do not do "as well" in warmer, humid climates and it is shown that UV rays are detrimental to the virus.  So places like Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, all have low rates of infection.  It is not coincidental that every one of these adjacent countries has amongst the lowest rates of covid infections. You can hardly say that every one of them has governments so knowledgeable and proactive that their actions resulted in the low covid infection rates.  Conversely it is unfair to point the finger at places like Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain etc and say their governments handled it poorly.   They don't control the average age in their country or the weather. 

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3 hours ago, UbonEagle said:

Hmm i thought Mexico was a veritable basket case.

And yes thailand has done well for a multitude of factors including climate, pop density, health system, lockdowns etc, notwithstanding this 2nd blow up.

Im mean even NZ and Oz, that have been lauded for their response, clearly had the massive advantages of island states, low pop density, 1st world systems...thus i think its impossible to compare them to a landlocked euro country for example. 

Currently the Netherlands are in lockdown. Cities are rocked (and not in a nice way) first with violent  protests and now inner city riots by ignorant ppl.  Measurements against covid have been halfbaked and not carried fully by its citizens. Many western countries have similar experiences.

Lets not involve "the climate" or "landlocked" to downplay why some countries do excellent , and many other countries are in chaos. the usa 4000 daily deaths!!!! 

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12 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

basically this is a soft misguided yet persisent western superiority attitude that simply cannot accept and learn from non western countries.

of course its total nonsense. the new outbreak in Thailand is real and just as contageous as in your precious western countries, as we can see. and ONLY bc of swift and decisive decisions from Thai  leadership based on science and not politics, a western style ravaging outbreak is prevented.

Open your mental door and learn...take off your superiority glasses. 



Yes I can clearly see that the swift action by the leadership in the countries is the reason for the low incidence of Coronavirus.  I can see there is no correlation between the fact that all of the adjacent countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos share similar climates,  hot and humid and have young populations.  It is amazing though how fate placed the best and brightest all in the same region. Who would have thought that Laos has the second lowest covid infection rate of any country except Vanatu an island had such leadership. 

The same is true for Africa where the continent is replete with the best leaders on the planet to fight the coronavirus.  Who would have thought that the leaders of Burundi, Tazania, Somalia and the Congo were superior to Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK. Given that the best EU country ranking is Finland ranked 107, the EU certainly did not have the foresight and skill demonstrated by those African countries. 

Speaking of Africa, with your thinking there is a Nigerian Prince looking for you.  He has a large inheritance and just needs you to wire the legal fees and taxes before you can collect it. 

The following maps show the world ranking of the countries covid rate.  Isn't it coincidental that they all  just happen to be geographically close to each other, have young populations, and are in hot humid areas. 







Edited by Thomas J
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