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Traveling in Thailand without network connected smartphone?

No way.

Last July flew to Samui: QR code here, QR code there, yet another app, can't count/remember the details.

Thankfully up here the (chain) shops (Tesco, MAKRO, Central/TOPS and others) take it easy and just temperature check needed.


Edited by KhunBENQ
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  • 1 month later...

Perhaps we should consider that the reason we are not in lockdown and are allowed to travel here is because they are stricter and better at contact tracing. 

I see nothing wrong in strict rules. If you don't like it, move back to your country and follow lock-down rules there

Edited by MikeyIdea
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10 minutes ago, donnacha said:

So, if I understand you correctly, as residents of Thailand, but not having actually been born here, we should not share information with other expats - here on a forum established as a way for expats in Thailand to share information - about an unexpected frustration that is likely to affect other members here?

We should, instead, books flights and fly across the world, back to the countries in which we were born?

Okay, got it, thanks.


This is a no brainer. Of course we should respect rules as the Thai's want them if we are gusts here. What's next? Should we accept that Chinese cut lines all the time in Europe because that's what they do in China?

As I originally wrote:

50 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

Perhaps we should consider that the reason we are not in lockdown and are allowed to travel here is because they are stricter and better at contact tracing. 




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16 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

This is a no brainer. Of course we should respect rules as the Thai's want them if we are gusts here. What's next? Should we accept that Chinese cut lines all the time in Europe because that's what they do in China?

I understand what you are saying, but he neither disrespected nor broke the rule.

A vital component of any rules based system is that people share their experience of those rules. @LittleBear57 was pointing out that this new rule, and the excess zeal with which one jobsworth was enforcing it, was having unintended consequences. The people who enacted the rule could improve it by listening to such feedback and making some sort of alternative arrangement for those who do not have a decent phone.

His wife's suggestion was a pretty good workaround: as they were a group, her phone alone could adequately fulfill the goal of the rule. If anyone was listening to that feedback they could improve the rule, make it better.

People should speak out when a rule needs to be adapted to match reality. The tragedy for Thailand is that so few people bother to speak out.

Chinese cutting lines are both disrespecting and breaking a rule. More importantly, they are also disrespecting the other people present. I would calmly advocate that this is precisely the sort of awkward social situation that machine guns were invented for.


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I just wanted people to know you would not be allowed on a ferry if you personally do not have the app (and your passport). I feel that the app is a bit invasive (but I can't get it on my phone either)  as do many Thais who don't use it. It has been used as a means of tracking people for political ends.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't get the app, or any other app because I refuse to get a "smart"phone. My wife photographs QR codes and signs us into department stores and the like. When I'm by myself I sign the book, enter my phone number and address and wave my hand in front of the temperature sensor. Works fine for me, nobody has refused my money yet. But, if a business did tell me that I wasn't allowed entry because I didn't meet their requirements, I wouldn't complain...their shop, their rules. It would be nice if they advertised their requirements before someone travelled 50 minutes to conduct business with them however.

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