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Back home I have a 5 digit limit. What should be the limit here? Regular use  only for really small Lazada charges and, when applicable, for business class flights home. 

What happens when I suddenly want, say  € 7000 in cash OR as a charge.

How and where to get it?

What to expect when using ATM for smaller amounts, say€ 1000?..

Notice, that I am ä very irregular User of large amounts. And never for cash, except 100-200€ irregularly , if I don't forget, once or twice a year. Just to show some movement on the card,

In case it makes a difference:

Any debit balance is automatically charged to my house Bank. Meaning, in decades never a late payment or a debit balance 

In short, how much to rely on Visa in critical moments? 



You want somebody here to tell you what credit card limit you need? I think 5000 Euro is reasonable.


45 minutes ago, THAIPHUKET said:

What happens when I suddenly want, say  € 7000 in cash OR as a charge.

How and where to get it?

Get what?


To clarify: my house Bank limit is above€ 7000 which was only an example.

But I doubt that such amount I could cash without some prior procedure from SCB or else.

Just some real examples will help to understand the procedures of Thai Banks ,

Verbal Information from employees is too often unreliable, 

I've been always better served here at this forum

3 hours ago, THAIPHUKET said:

But I doubt that such amount I could cash without some prior procedure from SCB or else.


The highest amount I've withdrawn from a foreign credit card is about 150k THB "over the counter", was no problem. As long as your credit card limit allows it you shouldn't have a problem. (It could of course happen that it gets blocked and you have to contact your bank before it goes through, but this could happen with every transaction)

ATM transactions are limited to 20/30k, and you will be charged a fee each time. But you can withdraw higher amounts in one transaction "over the counter" inside the bank, not all banks offer this though, I've mostly used SCB.

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