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AstraZeneca Covid vaccine will be Thailand’s ‘principal’ shot, says health minister


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7 hours ago, candide said:

Naah, It's not possible. We've been told many times it was just EU countries being jealous of Brexited UK's success! ????


Success? Yes indeed. The numbers speak for themselves. I'd stop worrying about the UK if I was you, focus on the problems in many EU countries following their inept, disastrous, debacle of a vaccine rollout.


If the EU thinks AZ is so dangerous, send the vials over to us. Stop blocking the exports. It certainly hasn't done the UK any harm. Just look at the facts. From the worst to the best in a couple of months. AZ must be lethal lol.



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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:


Success? Yes indeed. The numbers speak for themselves. I'd stop worrying about the UK if I was you, focus on the problems in many EU countries following their inept, disastrous, debacle of a vaccine rollout.


If the EU thinks AZ is so dangerous, send the vials over to us. Stop blocking the exports. It certainly hasn't done the UK any harm. Just look at the facts. From the worst to the best in a couple of months. AZ must be lethal lol.



Erm...you do realise the uk’s regulatory body has also recommended alternatives to the az jab for under 30s, if available, don’t you?



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On 4/6/2021 at 9:05 AM, John Drake said:
On 4/6/2021 at 9:00 AM, mtls2005 said:


AFAIK, the government has restricted private companies from importing any vaccines. At least that's what's "hinted at" in some Thai press.


Hopefully your physician is correct, that's a lot more detail than I've been able to gather, which is still limited to "something" being available in Q421 (October at the earliest). And no clue how these might be doled out? Platinum customers? Auction? Credit card promotion? Age/risk/health factors? 



On 4/6/2021 at 9:05 AM, John Drake said:


I can only report what he said. I don't think private hospitals will be allowed to dispense their shots until the government program is well under way. That would simply look too bad, rich foreigners and hisos getting a shot while everyone else waits for the problem plagued AZ to get out to the proles.

Hospitals will only be able to import and administer vaccines that have been tested and approved by the MoPH. I have also read that they are also very wary about counterfeit vaccines. Remember where you are living. The Land of Scams!

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57 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Hospitals will only be able to import and administer vaccines that have been tested and approved by the MoPH.


J&J has been approved, hasn't it? And Moderna is in the process of being done so. Really need alternatives to the somewhat ineffective Sinovac and problem plagued AZ.

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4 hours ago, JonnyF said:


Success? Yes indeed. The numbers speak for themselves. I'd stop worrying about the UK if I was you, focus on the problems in many EU countries following their inept, disastrous, debacle of a vaccine rollout.


If the EU thinks AZ is so dangerous, send the vials over to us. Stop blocking the exports. It certainly hasn't done the UK any harm. Just look at the facts. From the worst to the best in a couple of months. AZ must be lethal lol.



Didn't you notice that my post was a comment to the news that UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation is recommending to offer other vaccines than AZ to people under 30?

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Erm...you do realise the uk’s regulatory body has also recommended alternatives to the az jab for under 30s, if available, don’t you?




Yep. Fortunately we've ordered many different makes of vaccine. Never good to put all your eggs in one basket. Well done UK, one step ahead again, great contingency planning.


But what does that have to do with the fantastic vaccine rollout in the UK, and the debacle in the EU?


The facts speaker louder than your words.



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8 minutes ago, candide said:

Didn't you notice that my post was a comment to the news that UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation is recommending to offer other vaccines than AZ to people under 30?


Yep, that's why we ordered lots of different types of vaccine. Ever heard of contingency planning? Well done Boris my son, well done.


If only the EU had planned so well, maybe they wouldn't have the shocking daily deaths we are now seeing amongst member states? Still, Von Der Leyen has never been up to much, it's lucky she didn't need to be elected or she never would have got the job.


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7 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Yep. Fortunately we've ordered many different makes of vaccine. Never good to put all your eggs in one basket. Well done UK, one step ahead again, great contingency planning.


But what does that have to do with the fantastic vaccine rollout in the UK, and the debacle in the EU?


The facts speaker louder than your words.




You quoted a post that was a response to my post on the uk changing it's strategy with regard to 30s and under.


Your response clearly had nothing to do with the article I posted a link to so was just checking you were aware of  A] the current situation and B] the actual information my post .contained.


It would appear from your response to the post you quoted that you were not...

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3 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Yep, that's why we ordered lots of different types of vaccine. Ever heard of contingency planning? Well done Boris my son, well done.


If only the EU had planned so well, maybe they wouldn't have the shocking daily deaths we are now seeing amongst member states? Still, Von Der Leyen has never been up to much, it's lucky she didn't need to be elected or she never would have got the job.


So you confirm that precautionary measures decided by some EU countries where not about being vindicative, or jealous of UK. We agree on that point.

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15 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:


You quoted a post that was a response to my post on the uk changing it's strategy with regard to 30s and under.


Your response clearly had nothing to do with the article I posted a link to so was just checking you were aware of  A] the current situation and B] the actual information my post .contained.


It would appear from your response to the post you quoted that you were not...

Of course I'm aware. We'll use a different vaccine for under 30's. It's an evolving situation, the UK is light on it's feet now we've left the EU, we can adapt. We've shown that with our hugely diminishing daily death rates compared to the rest of the EU.


What was it VDL said?


Oh that's right.


She got something right for once.








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7 minutes ago, candide said:

So you confirm that precautionary measures decided by some EU countries where not about being vindicative, or jealous of UK. We agree on that point.


Macron said it was quasi ineffective in over 65's. Nothing about the miniscule potential for blood clots in the under 30's. So no, he wasn't right, he was way off the mark and we don't agree. Rubbishing the vaccine with no data was absolutely a hangover from us leaving their corrupt little club. One of many vindictive actions from the EU since 2016. They continue to act like a dumped teenage girl.


I assume the EU will drop the export ban now?

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

Hmm, ok...


By the way some EU  countries have been doing exactly the same thing with the az jab for certain age groups for quite a while now.


Should also say how great it is to see the EU research that revealed the link between az and some blood clots being acted upon...


It is indeed good to see how light on their feet the EU and its member states are and of course how on the ball they are with research into such problems, however slight.



Yeah the EU is doing great. 


Well, apart from the daily death toll that is...


Leaving thousands of EU citizens to die of Covid to save the possibility of 5-10 deaths from blood clots.  Genius.????



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4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Yeah the EU is doing great. 


Well, apart from the daily death toll that is...


Leaving thousands of EU citizens to die of Covid to save the possibility of 5-10 deaths from blood clots.  Genius.????



So if the uk acts on research it's a good move but if the EU does it's a bad one.


Deary me...

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Oh dear, so if the uk does it it's a good move but if the EU does it's a bad one.


Deary me...


Different situations. The UK has already vaccinated about half it's population. They have other vaccines available for the under 30's, the group least at risk. The death toll is plummeting and I haven't heard too many reports of bodies stacking up from blood clots.


The UK can afford to be a bit picky about what they use for the under 30's. We ordered a variety of different vaccines so we'll simply use a different one. Minimal risk but better safe than sorry. The UK rollout has been fantastic. The EU? A debacle. If I was them I'd be using whatever I could get my hands on (except Sinovac). Beggars can't be choosers. Their current daily death toll is horrendous. Leaving their people to die of Covid with such a minimal risk of blood clots is ridiculous.


Their people are dying in the tens of thousands, they have restricted the export of the vaccine and now they're too scared to use it despite very minimal risk. It's a good job Von Der Leyen doesn't rely on the votes of EU citizens or she'd be toast. Fortunately for VDL, Democracy has never been high on the EU's list of priorities so she can continue her disastrous reign as Covid ravages the member states. I feel for those states, I really do - but they need to wake up and see what the EU has done to them with this pathetic vaccine program.


I doubt too many pharmaceuticals will be setting up shop in the EU after the treatment of AZ either.





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14 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Different situations.

Not really, both are acting on research.


Plus the restrictions that are in place are being put in place by individual countries, not the EU as a body.


14 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I doubt too many pharmaceuticals will be setting up shop in the EU after the treatment of AZ either.


Dream on

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9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Not really, both are acting on research.

One has a fantastic, world leading vaccine rollout record and a plummeting death rate.


The EU member states? Meh. Not so much.


I know it must sting to see the UK doing so well now that we're free of the huge political pressure that led to all the EU member states joining the disastrous EU vaccine program - but try not to let it cloud your judgement ????.

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6 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

One has a fantastic, world leading vaccine rollout record and a plummeting death rate.


The EU member states? Meh. Not so much.


I know it must sting to see the UK doing so well now that we're free of the huge political pressure that led to all the EU member states joining the disastrous EU vaccine program - but try not to let it cloud your judgement ????.

As most of my family are in the uk, I'm puzzled why you would think that.


And to be honest I would feel the same about the uk making progress on it's vaccine programme even if they didn't.


Why you would think I would be sick enough to be upset over another country no longer having high death and infection rates is beyond me.


I would never be such a creature.

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On 4/6/2021 at 6:14 AM, Bkk Brian said:

The timing on this could have been better.


UK medicines regulator considers issuing new advice over Oxford-AstraZeneca jab



Thailand isn't going to worry about things like this as all Thais have free health care.  If there is a causal link between AZ and blood clotting, if people die we will be told that, "That's the price society needs to pay in order save humanity from a virus that most of the people who contract it will survive."

Tell that to the Thais who are dying of blood clots after an AZ jab.

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

As most of my family are in the uk, I'm puzzled why you would think that. And to be honest I would feel the same about the uk making progress on it's vaccine programme even if they didn't.


Why you would think I would be sick enough to gloat over another country having high death and infection rates is beyond me.


I guess the anti UK rhetoric for months on end might have led me to such a conclusion. You seem delighted that after many false alarms, they might have finally found a miniscule issue with the AZ vaccine. Can't stop posting about it. Spreading the type of fear that leads people to choose to not get vaccinated. Each to their own I guess. Fortunately the UK has already vaccinated vast swathes of it's population with it, hence the plummeting death toll and a distinct lack of bodies piling up with blood clots.


Now that the EU thinks AZ is so dangerous, hopefully it will drop the export ban so that other countries like Australia can share the UK's massive success story. That would be better than hording it while simultaneously being too afraid to use it. If they don't want it, give it to someone who does.


The EU's policy of constantly sniping at the AZ vaccine is only leading to more deaths in it's member states. I have nothing but sympathy for the EU member states and their citizens. The UK suffered membership long enough so I fully understand their pain. I never thought the benefits of leaving would be so stark, so soon.



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7 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I guess the anti UK rhetoric for months on end

Anti uk rhetoric? Don't think so, I have a very different view from you over many issues, but that doesn't equate to anti or pro uk.


Either back that misleading claim up with evidence or retract it.

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7 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Now that the EU thinks AZ is so dangerous,

The EU doesn't think any such thing as it's regulatory bodies have made clear.


Independent sovereign nations have made their own decisions on such issues.

Edited by Bluespunk
punctuation error
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11 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

The EU doesn't think any such thing as it's regulatory bodies have made clear.


Independent sovereign nations have made their own decisions on such issues.


Yes, and many suspended it's use before there was any proven link. Macron didn't help with his stupid quasi-ineffective jibes.




Now they have the most tenuous of links to a minimal risk I'd imagine they'll do the same again. If they do, I hope they'll do the right thing this time and give it to countries who can use it. 

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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Yes, and many suspended it's use before there was any proven link. Macron didn't help with his stupid quasi-ineffective jibes.




Now they have the most tenuous of links to a minimal risk I'd imagine they'll do the same again. If they do, I hope they'll do the right thing this time and give it to countries who can use it. 

Again, it isn't the EU acting as a body that has put restrictions on az use, it is individual countries making sovereign decisions based upon research and their perceived national interest.

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50 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Different situations. The UK has already vaccinated about half it's population. They have other vaccines available for the under 30's, the group least at risk. The death toll is plummeting and I haven't heard too many reports of bodies stacking up from blood clots.


The UK can afford to be a bit picky about what they use for the under 30's. We ordered a variety of different vaccines so we'll simply use a different one. Minimal risk but better safe than sorry. The UK rollout has been fantastic. The EU? A debacle. If I was them I'd be using whatever I could get my hands on (except Sinovac). Beggars can't be choosers. Their current daily death toll is horrendous. Leaving their people to die of Covid with such a minimal risk of blood clots is ridiculous.


Their people are dying in the tens of thousands, they have restricted the export of the vaccine and now they're too scared to use it despite very minimal risk. It's a good job Von Der Leyen doesn't rely on the votes of EU citizens or she'd be toast. Fortunately for VDL, Democracy has never been high on the EU's list of priorities so she can continue her disastrous reign as Covid ravages the member states. I feel for those states, I really do - but they need to wake up and see what the EU has done to them with this pathetic vaccine program.


I doubt too many pharmaceuticals will be setting up shop in the EU after the treatment of AZ either.





That's very theoretical as AZ is not delivering the expected quantities. You are talking about AZ jabs which are largely unavailable anyway.


It's not a problem to restrict the use of a vaccine to certain age categories when there's so few quantities available.


I know you will reply that there WERE some unused AZ stocks in the EU during a limited period of time, but It's not the case any more apart from storing second doses.

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5 hours ago, connda said:

Thailand isn't going to worry about things like this as all Thais have free health care.  If there is a causal link between AZ and blood clotting, if people die we will be told that, "That's the price society needs to pay in order save humanity from a virus that most of the people who contract it will survive."

Tell that to the Thais who are dying of blood clots after an AZ jab.

My gf got her first jab yesterday with the Sinovac vaccine. I told her to walk away if she gets offered AZ.


Today in Australia it was announced that Pfizer is the "preferred" vaccine for people under 50. Guess what, nobody is going to touch the AZ vaccine with a 10 foot pole now, no matter if the age is below or above 50. People don't like being forced to use "inferior" vaccine,  whether that perception is true or not. However our moron PM has put all our eggs in one basket with AZ, so this wrecks all vaccination plans and schedules. Bye bye international travel in 2021,  mid 2022 looks optimistic now.

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10 hours ago, gearbox said:

My gf got her first jab yesterday with the Sinovac vaccine. I told her to walk away if she gets offered AZ.


Today in Australia it was announced that Pfizer is the "preferred" vaccine for people under 50. Guess what, nobody is going to touch the AZ vaccine with a 10 foot pole now, no matter if the age is below or above 50. People don't like being forced to use "inferior" vaccine,  whether that perception is true or not. However our moron PM has put all our eggs in one basket with AZ, so this wrecks all vaccination plans and schedules. Bye bye international travel in 2021,  mid 2022 looks optimistic now.

Total over-reaction. Given the efficacy of Sinovac she'd have been much better off with AZ.  Unfortunately this type of reaction will only lead to delays vaccinating people and prolong the damage that Covid is doing to the world. 


To put it in perspective, she'd be 50 times more likely to get a blood clot from contraceptive drugs.





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On 4/6/2021 at 6:38 AM, PFMills said:

He will probably buy anything he can get his hands on as it appears something went wrong in the initial ordering process 

What went wrong was putting people in charge, who have absolutely no experience in the health field. Bottom of the barrel men like Anutin cannot be counted on, in an emergency. Competence, please. Is that just too much to ask for? 

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