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No curfew in Thailand yet but further restrictions in cluster areas likely


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Well I for one will be surprised if the Government after encouraging people to travel over the Songkran  plus the extended holiday 

Cancel or put restriction measures in on travelling to other provinces

They now are saying Bangkok now red yet project 3.5 million people leaving Bangkok to other provinces in Thailand 

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And a bit more. This presumably involves the 196 entertainment venues that the BMA has previously been talking about.


"Following a recent cluster of COVID-19 infections in entertainment venues in Bangkok, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's (BMA) Committee on the Communicable Diseases has ordered entertainment venues in Watthana, Khlong Toei and Bang Khae districts to be shut down for 14 days, starting today (Apr 6).
All district offices in Bangkok have been instructed to be strict in inspecting entertainment venues. If any venue fails to take the disease-control protocols seriously, the BMA will issue an order to shut it down for three days. The committee will reevaluate the venue, if it still fails to comply."


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2 hours ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

Not saying that I agree with how the situation is and has been handled. But alcohol has a tendency to make people acting stupid, to answer your question.

You don't need alcohol in Thailand to act stupid as apparently there are 15 teetotalers in the current government. 

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3 hours ago, MasterBaker said:

anyone please enlighten me how bars and alcohol spread covid? stupid people spread covid


This is from the American Addiction Centers page on Alcohol.



Alcohol decreases some of the activity of the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is what helps you to think clearly and rationally, and it is involved in your decision making abilities. When you drink, alcohol makes it harder for the prefrontal cortex to work as it should, disrupting decision-making and rational thought. In this way, alcohol prompts you to act without thinking about your actions.


How Alcohol Affects Behavior


One way to paraphrase that might be to say that alcohol makes people act more stupidly.


And as you yourself so rightly point out, "stupid people spread covid."

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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Doing a great job controlling the covid crisis. Imagine living in the usa or Europe. Lockdowns, hunderthousands of deaths, covid deniers and anti maskers.


Glad to be and live in Thailand.


Sad to see though that because of the UTTER CRIMINAL NEGLECT AND INCOMPETENCE of the usa and Europe, good performing countries like Thailand still have the threat of new covid cases.

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8 minutes ago, Excel said:

You don't need alcohol in Thailand to act stupid as apparently there are 15 teetotalers in the current government. 

why are you so insulting? whats it up to you who is in the governement, its not your governement. just live your live as a happy farang, or go back to your country.


this governement, i have no clue who they are, but i see they keep Thailand free from covid chaos and mass deaths like in the usa. It looks to me they do a pretty good job, better than western countries.

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46 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Am I the only one who is furious about this situation? The truly astonishing aspect of this, that few seem to be discussing, is that this could have been at least partly avoided, had Prayuth and Anutin, two stunningly incompetence men, taken action early, and decisively. The army should have been called in the day of the outbreak in Samut, and cordoned off a one km. zone around the market. Nobody comes and goes for 14 days. 


Instead, the whole country is made to suffer the consequences of inaction, of not locking down ground zero, the Samut market area, the first day of the second outbreak. It is beyond comprehension. It should have been locked down like a maximum security penitentiary. Cordoned off. Nobody comes in or out. And can anyone guess why it wasn't? It is one of the largest seafood distribution centers in Thailand, and it would have meant the loss of a small fortune, for some. So, it came down to sacrificing a large fortune, and the nations economy, for a relatively small out of money, coming from those seafood sales. Well, that might be the obvious reason. The more likely reason? Squash the protests. 


Nothing else makes sense. No other explanation means anything, or comes close to breaking down why this action as not decisively taken. Sure, the main market was closed. But, people were allowed to travel freely, and become super spreaders. Just incredibly dumb policy and a nearly unforgivable lack of action. 

Calling in the army to stop what the army and other high level officials have been doing for decades ? - using illegal migrants to work as underpaid employees of major companies whose families support the current regime ? Spidermike you know it will never happen irrespective of how you and I and other people with a social conscience feel. These apparently corrupt and morally lacking individuals controlling this country have no conscience or social responsibility.

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47 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Am I the only one who is furious about this situation? The truly astonishing aspect of this, that few seem to be discussing, is that this could have been at least partly avoided, had Prayuth and Anutin, two stunningly incompetence men, taken action early, and decisively. The army should have been called in the day of the outbreak in Samut, and cordoned off a one km. zone around the market. Nobody comes and goes for 14 days. 


Instead, the whole country is made to suffer the consequences of inaction, of not locking down ground zero, the Samut market area, the first day of the second outbreak. It is beyond comprehension. It should have been locked down like a maximum security penitentiary. Cordoned off. Nobody comes in or out. And can anyone guess why it wasn't? It is one of the largest seafood distribution centers in Thailand, and it would have meant the loss of a small fortune, for some. So, it came down to sacrificing a large fortune, and the nations economy, for a relatively small out of money, coming from those seafood sales. Well, that might be the obvious reason. The more likely reason? Squash the protests. 


Nothing else makes sense. No other explanation means anything, or comes close to breaking down why this action as not decisively taken. Sure, the main market was closed. But, people were allowed to travel freely, and become super spreaders. Just incredibly dumb policy and a nearly unforgivable lack of action. 

Calling in the army to stop what the army and other high level officials have been doing for decades ? - using illegal migrants to work as underpaid employees of major companies whose families support the current regime ? Spidermike you know it will never happen irrespective of how you and I and other people with a social conscience feel. These apparently corrupt and morally lacking individuals controlling this country have no conscience or social responsibility.

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Obviously an expert in the N.S.C. has studied the science of Covid, and has come to the conclusion that it is more dangerous after 9.00pm ! 

Genius ! ????

Nah, they did a survey among viruses and asked whether pub-goers really become immune to them, once they drink alcohol and act like supermen. The viruses all couldn't stop laughing and eventually exploded (resulting in mutations)....

Edited by pentagara
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Anutin says no upon arrival quarantine will be required for Song Kran travelers, even those heading to other provinces from "red zone" areas.




"According to Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul although provinces had been divided into zones, designated by colours according to the infection rates, none would be locked down. People could still travel to other provinces without having to go into quarantine on arrival at their destination.
Only people who had been infected with the virus, or were considered at high risk, would be quarantined, he said.
On the suggestion that travellers from provinces designated as red zones could spark worries on arrival in other provinces, Mr Anutin said that in the true Songkran tradition people go home primarily to seek blessings from respected elders."
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2 hours ago, Guderian said:

They have none of the nasty variants wreaking havoc in much of Europe, Brazil, South Africa and India, and yet they're still having considerable problems staying on top of the situation. It beggars belief that they're reducing the quarantine period for overseas arrivals significantly, and are still talking about doing away with it altogether. Fully vaccinated foreigners are unlikely to die or even fall seriously ill from Covid, but they can still transmit the virus and, until the government has vaccinated enough of its population to protect them properly (maybe in 2025 at the current rate, lol), it would not make any sense to simply throw the doors open and invite far worse problems to come in, and just for the sake of a few grubby tourist dollars.

Having trouble staying on top of the problem in comparison to whom exactly?  Australia and New Zealand certainly. 

 Grubby tourist dollars? My apologies to you are you a Thai national, Thai by descent, have citizenship or a permanent resident? Sorry to have sullied your country so dramatically. ????

Edited by starky
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7 hours ago, starky said:

Never ever wanted anyone to be more wrong in my life. Still the best part of a week before Songkran. Do you think the Thai government is that inept? In so far as their covid response?  Do you think they would like an outbreak through the provinces?

If it was up to the scared this world will never come out of lockdown. You do realise at some point we have to live with this and the vaccine is no silver bullet right? Go hide in your bunker and let the rest of us get on with it.

If there were an outbreak that took hold throughout the Provinces, it would certainly take some of the heat out of the present outbreaks in populated areas in terms of Media attention.


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7 hours ago, starky said:

Never ever wanted anyone to be more wrong in my life. Still the best part of a week before Songkran. Do you think the Thai government is that inept? In so far as their covid response?  Do you think they would like an outbreak through the provinces?

If it was up to the scared this world will never come out of lockdown. You do realise at some point we have to live with this and the vaccine is no silver bullet right? Go hide in your bunker and let the rest of us get on with it.

You and the Brazilian president know the truth. We should just get on with it. Stop complaining. I see. 

Those who have actual responsibility have to make hard decisions. Lockdown may not be the answer but just seeing what happens like in Brazil isn't the best solution either. So many unnecessary deaths.

You would have hated 2020 in Australia but now it's pretty much covid free and economy in fairly good shape. Opening both way travel to New Zealand shortly.

Some business owners suffered badly but were supported through it by the government. Give me the Australia approach rather than Brazil's approach.  

The vaccine might not be a silver bullet but a lot of Americans for example are a lot safer compared to three months ago because they have got the needle or needles. 


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17 minutes ago, Dart12 said:

are they talking about just bars and restaurants?  or doing everything again like cinema, gyms, etc?

 The proposed restrictions, to be considered tomorrow, are just for bars, restaurants and entertainment venues, with the rules varying by province... Not all the other kinds of places.


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20 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

The vaccine might not be a silver bullet but a lot of Americans for example are a lot safer compared to three months ago because they have got the needle or needles. 


It's kind of weird... Months back, there was a lot of reporting in the news media about portions of the public having uncertainties/doubts about the vaccines.  But now lately, that aspect seems to have diminished greatly and more of the reporting these days is on people complaining they can't get access to the vaccines fast enough!


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17 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

All of us over 65 are susceptible to serious illness if we contract CODID.   I would pay whatever it takes to get vaccinated tomorrow.


And it also would be nice to have a better/broader range of vaccines available (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) to those who are willing to pay for them... as opposed to relying on the government's programs.


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A quick search for   "The Strange Sinovac Vaccine Phenomenon"  will bring up a recent article that should make everyone in Thailand totally re-think the use of the most widely used vaccine in the country.

If this is anything to go by, it looks like Thailand should halt the use of it immediately, as what has been happening in other countries that are using this particular vaccine, is that Covid cases are ramping up at a very rapid rate, instead of the opposite, which the vaccine was supposed to be doing.


So it really looks like we are in the beginning of  a really bad Flu season right now.  The numbers will be catching up to some of the hardest hit countries very soon, if they keep buying & using the vaccine in question.


Read the Article, and judge for yourself.   

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23 minutes ago, starky said:

I dont have any answers or claim to maybe if we were all exposed to it sooner maybe the variants wouldn't be so virulent who's to say? we will never know. What I believe however like solitary confinement, locking people away eventually takes a toll on their psyche. And yes great news for the US and UK but for the rest of the developed world and even longer for the developing world its going to be more than a year. Also countries that had and have had lockdowns are also experiencing new waves. So holding Australia or New Zealand up as an example is something that most of the world can not achieve. 

 So would you like the rest of the world to perpetually lockdowned until we are in a position where no one is any chance of getting sick and there is zero chance of transmission?

 Funny thing is all you guys that wanna have a crack at me don't have any answers or facts to back up either but I would rather live in hope than live in fear.

I see it as being hopeful to take control and take action sometimes and fearful to let the virus take control. Different perspective. Hope in science. 

It's just some posters seem a bit flippant about the deaths that we saw in parts of America, with the less virulent strain, and in Brazil, that started with the less virulent strain, and probably  helped create a more virulent strain. 

I just saw Brazil in the news the last couple of days  - I agree that there can be bad consequences of taking big steps like lockdowns .. the alternatives of overrun hospitals full of people who can't breathe and mass graves is worse.

I just have Australia to go by and it seemed to do the  trick - harder for governments with less ability to offer support ..

Hopefully extremes are not necessary and Thailand can get it under control.   

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Again astonished, how many here do not read the scientific studies and the reports about the Phase 3 trials for the vaccines...


Instead of that, it seems, a lot of guys try to compensate a missed career plan to become salesrep for Pfizer, AstraZeneca ...


Why do so many countries have still lockdowns, face masks and AHA-rules in place, some even a rising mortality rate - instead of high rates of vaccination?


... it’s not the silver bullet !

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