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Ants are getting smart


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I usually alternate between the Ars powder in the green fluo box thing and Bayer expensive drops, usually it takes care of the ants in about 2 days. Recently small quick ants seem to be ignoring the stuff, usually upon first drops of the Bayer quantum, they'd signal back to the nest and get a whole loads of them out in droves lining up feasting on the drops and bam - all dead or gone by the next day. but these ants are ignoring the Bayer now, only a few seem to be drawn to feed on them

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7 minutes ago, digbeth said:

I usually alternate between the Ars powder in the green fluo box thing and Bayer expensive drops, usually it takes care of the ants in about 2 days. Recently small quick ants seem to be ignoring the stuff, usually upon first drops of the Bayer quantum, they'd signal back to the nest and get a whole loads of them out in droves lining up feasting on the drops and bam - all dead or gone by the next day. but these ants are ignoring the Bayer now, only a few seem to be drawn to feed on them

That's not good news, soon they'll be impossible to kill

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  • 6 months later...
On 4/19/2021 at 1:37 PM, Speedo1968 said:

It does not seem to kill them but they move away from the area and don"t come back>
For example I have found them in the bathroom going in to the shower unit.
Obviously some ants will die and others will spread the powder and warning to its mates.
Works fine outside house too.
Yes, of course wear a mask when puffing the powder.

Snake Brand prickly heat powder can work in short term as does deoderant

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