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Government Will Not Impose Nationwide Lockdown


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31 minutes ago, placnx said:

By the time Pfizer & Moderna are available in Thailand, they may well have been licensed in the US. Hope that you'll then get vaccinated, since Covid is getting increasingly dangerous.

Thanks and have to agree with you. Just got to hope that it can be controlled until then.

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:



Walking time bombs after being vaccinated, coincidence, maybe, the risks are low they are saying, that appears to be the case when you see the number of people vaccinated surviving the vaccination vs those vaccinated that don't, usually within a week or two after having been vaccinated.


Risk is weighed up according to ones own views and to me, any risk of death is high, and in this life we have lived, the risks have always been there, pick any risk you like, it is still a risk, high/low, but to me, while they don't know what is causing these blood clots at the moment and saying it is a coincidence doesn't rub off well on me, e.g. they are saying a person could have had a stroke a week or two later if they didn't have the vaccine, so it might not be the "experimental vaccine", they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people, but that is enough for me when they say, it's a coincidence until they can establish causality, but in the meantime the show must go on for them and if this was an approved vaccine, those deaths would have stopped these vaccines in their tracks, but because it's approved under emergency use, they can still go forward, regardless if more people die, regardless if the risks are low, life is cheap.



"they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people" - that clearly is what they are saying as shown in your linked article.

As it is so rare, it is not clear if blood clots are linked but the research is ongoing as it certainly has not been ruled out. 

Even if they are certain that vaccines caused these people to die for no known reason, I would still want to be vaccinated as the risk is so low compared to not being vaccinated. 


To me there are 2 reasons to get vaccinated which need to be weighed up against the risks of being infected with covid19 or risks of vaccine side effects. 


First is the obvious, well proven benefit of having a far greater chance of surviving after being infected and a much less chance of suffering from long covid.


Second is by being vaccinated you help reduce the spread of covid19 to those around you. This is something you seem not to take into account. You may be asymptomatic but you could infect a member of your family who has a serious reaction to covid19. When people stopped giving the MMR vaccine to children,  due to the false claims it caused autism, it seriously reduced herd immunity and caused a lot of suffering. 


Risk of being infected in Thailand is very low compared to where the UK was just 3 months ago. So there is little incentive to get vaccinated. Now that the UK strain is spreading that will change very quickly. Then look at what happens if you get infected. If you are young and healthy you will be at a very  low risk of dying but long covid could still be a problem. But what about those you live with or regularly visit? You may be OK but you could easily end up killing them. 


Then there is the risk of vaccine side effects - incredibly low even from the lower quality ones like sputnik or sinovac. The UK started by vaccinating the most vulnerable people so if there was any significant problems they would have shown up already. You could say it is the world's biggest ever vaccine field trial ever conducted on an experimental vaccine and it passed spectacularly well.



Being vaccinated is like wearing a seatbelt in the back seat of a car. It can not only save you but also the person sat in front of you. 


You aren't just gambling with your life you are gambling with those around you as well and the odds are already stacked against you by a margin that is rapidly increasing. 

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52 minutes ago, chang1 said:

"they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people" - that clearly is what they are saying as shown in your linked article.

As it is so rare, it is not clear if blood clots are linked but the research is ongoing as it certainly has not been ruled out. 

Even if they are certain that vaccines caused these people to die for no known reason, I would still want to be vaccinated as the risk is so low compared to not being vaccinated. 


To me there are 2 reasons to get vaccinated which need to be weighed up against the risks of being infected with covid19 or risks of vaccine side effects. 


First is the obvious, well proven benefit of having a far greater chance of surviving after being infected and a much less chance of suffering from long covid.


Second is by being vaccinated you help reduce the spread of covid19 to those around you. This is something you seem not to take into account. You may be asymptomatic but you could infect a member of your family who has a serious reaction to covid19. When people stopped giving the MMR vaccine to children,  due to the false claims it caused autism, it seriously reduced herd immunity and caused a lot of suffering. 


Risk of being infected in Thailand is very low compared to where the UK was just 3 months ago. So there is little incentive to get vaccinated. Now that the UK strain is spreading that will change very quickly. Then look at what happens if you get infected. If you are young and healthy you will be at a very  low risk of dying but long covid could still be a problem. But what about those you live with or regularly visit? You may be OK but you could easily end up killing them. 


Then there is the risk of vaccine side effects - incredibly low even from the lower quality ones like sputnik or sinovac. The UK started by vaccinating the most vulnerable people so if there was any significant problems they would have shown up already. You could say it is the world's biggest ever vaccine field trial ever conducted on an experimental vaccine and it passed spectacularly well.



Being vaccinated is like wearing a seatbelt in the back seat of a car. It can not only save you but also the person sat in front of you. 


You aren't just gambling with your life you are gambling with those around you as well and the odds are already stacked against you by a margin that is rapidly increasing. 


I hear you loud and clear, however I still have time as there isn't any vaccine here yet, when it arrives, I will more than likely have to go with one the mRNA ones via a private hospital, and from what I have read, they have the least, AZ & J&J would be like Russian Roulette for me.

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


Ah yes, beat those who choose not to be vaccinated at the moment with these "experimental vaccines" because they won't comply with "the norm", how pathetic, even if vaccinated one can still spread the virus, still make sense to you ?


If they place restrictions on me, so be it, my life, my choice to get vaccinated or not, and as I have said many times before, I am not an anti-vaxer, but I will make an informed decision based on what I have researched, not when everyone else is getting vaccinated because they live in fear, remember, I'm special ????


Actually, more and more studies are showing that having the vaccine reduces transmission by up to 2 thirds, and reduces the viral load transmitted.


So yeah. Those restrictions are coming, in more and more places. Hope you don't like traveling on a plane. 

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4 hours ago, sambum said:


OMG! Is that the best you can do! Another paid up member of the "if you don't like it go home" brigade?


Or are you just trolling, or maybe a touch of sarcasm (thickly veilled"?

If you don't like it, you should leave this forum immediately.

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


When all of the data is in and they are no longer an "experimental vaccine", I will look at what is available and then make a decision, but not on that alone, I will also see what is happening here, e.g. infection rates within Thailand, as there is another option, it's called herd immunity.

Herd immunity?! Hmmmm. 

That's where you lost any credibility....????

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6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


I hear you loud and clear, however I still have time as there isn't any vaccine here yet, when it arrives, I will more than likely have to go with one the mRNA ones via a private hospital, and from what I have read, they have the least, AZ & J&J would be like Russian Roulette for me.

I just hope the vaccines don't have a yet to be discovered major problem like Thalidomide had. 

Hope all goes well for you and that if you do get your vaccine of choice you feel the relief I did when first my father was vaccinated and again when I was. I often work close with others and thin blue masks don't give me much confidence. I always wore an N95 mask but now am happy with the blue masks.

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19 minutes ago, Johnnyb2good said:

Hi guys! Wanted to put the FINAL nail in your hoax coffin.


The coffin that has “sociopathologized” virtually everyone in this group, the ones who can’t wait for a deadly “vax,” the ones who have locked themselves away in mortal fear for over a year, the ones who staunchly and religiously wear their ridiculous face-panties even when driving alone and admonish those who don’t...it’s all a lie.


All of it.


Should you have even ONE shred of intelligence and intellectual curiosity left in your brain...read and download your beloved science from the NIH. Do so now as they’re deleting it and people across all platforms desperate to hide the truth.


It’s over.



There's no hope for some people once they join the cult.


"It’s over" - if only that was true. Unfortunately for Thailand it is just about to take off.

Edited by chang1
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19 minutes ago, Johnnyb2good said:

Hi guys! Wanted to put the FINAL nail in your hoax coffin.


The coffin that has “sociopathologized” virtually everyone in this group, the ones who can’t wait for a deadly “vax,” the ones who have locked themselves away in mortal fear for over a year, the ones who staunchly and religiously wear their ridiculous face-panties even when driving alone and admonish those who don’t...it’s all a lie.


All of it.


Should you have even ONE shred of intelligence and intellectual curiosity left in your brain...read and download your beloved science from the NIH. Do so now as they’re deleting it and people across all platforms desperate to hide the truth.


It’s over.




Kudos to you !

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8 minutes ago, chang1 said:

There's no hope for some people once they join the cult.


Actually I just read the article and was totally gobsmacked, if you haven't read it, I would suggest you do as it says face masks are dangerous to the wearer, and that is the NIH stating it.


I couldn't believe what I was reading, but when I saw it was from NIH, I said it has to be credible. 

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16 minutes ago, chang1 said:

I just hope the vaccines don't have a yet to be discovered major problem like Thalidomide had. 

Hope all goes well for you and that if you do get your vaccine of choice you feel the relief I did when first my father was vaccinated and again when I was. I often work close with others and thin blue masks don't give me much confidence. I always wore an N95 mask but now am happy with the blue masks.


As I am due to get my annual Influenza shot next month along with the Pneumonia shot, they will hopefully provide me with some kind of protection until the private hospitals offer other vaccines apart from AZ & J&J, unless updated research states that they are not responsible for the blood clotting. 


No doubt the vaccine will prove relief when I take it.

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46 minutes ago, bermondburi said:

Actually, more and more studies are showing that having the vaccine reduces transmission by up to 2 thirds, and reduces the viral load transmitted.


So yeah. Those restrictions are coming, in more and more places. Hope you don't like traveling on a plane. 


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12 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Actually I just read the article and was totally gobsmacked, if you haven't read it, I would suggest you do as it says face masks are dangerous to the wearer, and that is the NIH stating it.


I couldn't believe what I was reading, but when I saw it was from NIH, I said it has to be credible. 

I only skimmed through but soon came to the conclusion it was mostly truths and half truths twisted to give the wrong conclusions.

It was not from the NIH just look at the reference list - 67 of them so credibility is suspect.


Masks especially the thin blue ones don't stop you getting covid19 and it has never been claimed they do - by anyone clued up. They are worn to reduce (not stop) the transmission of covid19 by reducing the droplets coming out of your mouth, especially when talking or coughing, from spreading. This reduces transmission by about 30% according to the last figures I saw.

The article also goes on about breathing problems - absolutely not a problem for all but those with severe breathing problems. Funny how some cannot walk from the restaurant front door to a table wearing a mask but are quite happy to sit around people when they should obviously be shielding at home if they are that ill. 


Masks are for other people's benefit not yours so selfish people will use any excuse to not wear them hence this biased article. 


One real problem I didn't see mentioned that is real is glasses or in my case safety glasses get steamed up making it hard to see where you are going or what you are doing (it is still  cold in the UK). This is a real danger.


I will now look at the article you linked to from the same source and expect much of the same bias.


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2 hours ago, sambum said:



Forums are for people to share their opinions and views, agree and disagree, that's their function!


If you don't like it,  get your coat, and don't forget to close the door behind you!

Agreed. And some people take it far too seriously. ????

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

That paper uses a purely statistical model as a basis for claiming that there is an increased risk of diabetes later in life, in children that had been innoculated with one specific type of influenza vaccine.


The statistical model that the authors used has been shown to be flawed and other people who tried to replicate their findings using the same data, could not do so.


Many different papers have been issued challenging Classen and Classen's findings. Here's just one.


Vaccines and their real or perceived adverse effects


As it states:


Two independent reviews of available data specific to vaccines were presented by the Cochrane reviewers and the Johns Hopkins Vaccine Safety Institute; neither found an association such as that reported, and both indicated concerns about methodological issues in statistical analysis and the design and conduct of these studies.


The conclusion of the workshop, presented in June 1998, was that studies in humans do not indicate an increase in type 1 diabetes attributable to any vaccine or the timing of immunisation.


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COVID virus is the big reset, as I am already noticing less red necks where I live. Even a couple of my

red neck relatives have died. They were anti mask and anti vaxxers.    I can see why the Thai government will not

do a national lock down, as it would be impossible to enforce, and where would they go to eat,  if a total lock down

was in place.     Good Luck Thailand. I hope that all of you get your Pfizer and Moderna vaccines soon. Denmark has

shut down the Astrazeneca vaccine totally, and that should be a hint for other countries.


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If cases keep doubling every three days the government will have no choice but lockdown. But the temptation is to try and delay it until the last possible moment.


And that's the very worst thing to do. Basically the whole population is unvaccinated and this thing could get ugly very quickly.

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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:



Walking time bombs after being vaccinated, coincidence, maybe, the risks are low they are saying, that appears to be the case when you see the number of people vaccinated surviving the vaccination vs those vaccinated that don't, usually within a week or two after having been vaccinated.


Risk is weighed up according to ones own views and to me, any risk of death is high, and in this life we have lived, the risks have always been there, pick any risk you like, it is still a risk, high/low, but to me, while they don't know what is causing these blood clots at the moment and saying it is a coincidence doesn't rub off well on me, e.g. they are saying a person could have had a stroke a week or two later if they didn't have the vaccine, so it might not be the "experimental vaccine", they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people, but that is enough for me when they say, it's a coincidence until they can establish causality, but in the meantime the show must go on for them and if this was an approved vaccine, those deaths would have stopped these vaccines in their tracks, but because it's approved under emergency use, they can still go forward, regardless if more people die, regardless if the risks are low, life is cheap.




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10 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

The statistical model that the authors used has been shown to be flawed and other people who tried to replicate their findings using the same data, could not do so.


Many different papers have been issued challenging Classen and Classen's findings. Here's just one.


Vaccines and their real or perceived adverse effects


Did you read the authors reply and footnote at the bottom of the page ?


Nevertheless, I found it an interesting article.

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31 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Ha ha........  I've got to stop reading all this fear talk on TVF, i'm getting a yellow streak down my back......   more infectious than C19........   Don't forget.......


Sick post. That's obviously not meant for one of those dying in hospital right now eh

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23 hours ago, bermondburi said:

Oh, I have no doubts about herd immunity being real. But I wouldn't make it my exit strategy for the virus without vaccination. 

There is herd immunity by infection. This is a dodgy proposition in the case of this virus. Then there is herd immunity through vaccination. That is something that can be achieved. How long it will take is the question. 

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22 hours ago, chang1 said:

As expected utter tosh. Filled with mays and maybes and no relevant figures to back anything up. 

The worst thing is that some people will take it as proof they should not get their children vaccinated thus herd immunity is weakened and outbreaks are far more serious. And as they have not shown any figures they will never take responsibility for the deaths and suffering they cause eg. MMR vaccine scare. 

All medications carry a risk even drinking too much water can kill you. It would be impossible to warn of every possible outcome so only the relevant side effects are listed.

Just ask yourself "Why would any health care system, such as the NHS, give vaccines that they thought could be more dangerous than what they are given for?". 


By all means look at this sites articles but understand that they have an agenda and are not telling the whole story. Don't get sucked into the cult. Statistics can say whatever you want them to if you choose the right way to show them. Just because 2 things happen together doesn't mean one caused the other.


Exam results in UK universities were correlated against how much wine the students drank.

It was found those who drunk the most wine had the best grades.

So should I start giving my 6 year old wine with his evening meal?


Sorry for all the "real"s in my last post, too keen to read this article to proof read.

The US is on track to vaccinate children this summer before school in the fall. Children definitely have to be vaccinated, especially 12+ age group, for the community to achieve herd immunity.

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