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Government Will Not Impose Nationwide Lockdown


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8 hours ago, rott said:

Some of us like to have a drink in a social setting. 


I don't drink at home either and I also enjoy having a drink with a meal.


The problem is that alcohol in restaurants encourages people to be social.  I am less likely to go to a restaurant if I can't have a drink and being a late night person less likely to go to a restaurant if I have to start my meal at 7:30.  I guess this is for the greater good although extremely bad for those in the restaurant industry.


Not everybody is going to be happy and I certainly wasn't when my condo pool was closed.

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I have not found the number of Covid19 tests performed, so the positivity rate can’t be calculated. Maybe Thailand no longer collects that data, but it’s important. 

with 1500 positive tests yesterday, Thailand should have performed at least 30,000 tests yesterday. Any less than that, and the positivity rate would have been scary.


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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

What is it with you people and the "If you don't like it, you should leave Thailand" Montage.  TBH it gets pretty old and boring when you can not enter into a dialogue regarding the OP and instead quote old and stale cliché statements.  The fact that they are not imposing lockdowns and just imposing restrictions will not help them slow the spread of the virus.  Curtailing things for a few weeks in there entirety might assist, but better yet getting the vaccination program rolling rapidly is what needs to be done to assist in slowing the spread.

If you don't like it you should leave the forum immediately.????????????

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16 hours ago, bobbin said:

It's not rocket science. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Consuming alcohol in a public place is not where you want lowered inhibitions. No restrictions on private consumption ( I think. I don't drink alcohol so do not follow every twist and turn of this policy.)


Anybody who continues to resist this measure possibly has a problem with alcohol.

Alcohol also reduces stress and also in hot temp helps you to get off to sleep , I would not be without a whiskey and sprite at side of bed at night it has helped me and thousands of others get sleep so to ban it is ridiculous , many people rely on it .

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10 hours ago, chang1 said:

Alcohol has been linked to increased infection rates right from the beginning due to it's effects on behaviour and the establishments it is consumed in. Clever people have already done the research and published the results. 

IMO the reasoning is valid in that it does not inhibit access to a meal but it removes the incentive to extend the time in the eatery. And more so it denies those who would order just a basic entree' and many  bottles of  beer !

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18 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I dare say you never go out then ? 


maybe 25,000/69,000,000 dead on Thai roads.

maybe 3(unproven)/40,000,000 dead in UK from vaccine.


You're about 5,000 times more likely to die on a Thai road than AZ covid vaccine ! Does that means staying in forever until their is a vaccine for road safety ? 



Indeed - cars are still sold, despite the deaths they cause. People drive or ride in them, knowing that they are taking a calculated risk.


Why is everyone so terrified of taking risks with vaccines, or Covid?


A case of huMAN naURE as Trink would have said ....

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14 hours ago, placnx said:

The technology of the mRNA vaccines has been under development for years. It's normal for final licensure to take place only after two years experience. The "experimental" tag is perhaps a misnomer by this point. Consider your chances of serious illness if you don't get a good vaccine. I would agree with you on the Chinese vaccines, though, even though they use the oldest technology.


I agree with what you are saying in part, however whilst the mRNA "experimental vaccines" have been under development for years, more than 2, as I heard a decade, they had not been tested on human's and that is a concern, however as others have said, millions have been vaccinated and few have died, so the mRNA "experimental vaccines" look like the only option at them moment, considering AZ & J&J are suspect at the moment with blood clotting.


The above said, unless things get really bad here, I won't be running to get a jab of anything, like I said, it was approved under emergency use, not a vaccine per say, no one can be held accountable for those that die from these "experimental vaccines", no compensation to families when they lose a bread winner and as I am the bread winner so to speak, I will keep doing as I have been doing for all the years I have been on this planet, surviving and Covid is not a death wish, although they make it sound like it is focusing on how many people have been infected more so than the deaths, in other words everyone looks at the infection rate as the death rate, clever marketing in my opinion.


Stay safe.

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13 hours ago, Rocking Robert said:

But you live in Thailand it hasn’t been offered to you or available to you


I have been offered the vaccine, however I have refused it, and yes this is Thailand, lets leave it at that shall we.

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16 hours ago, chang1 said:

Also the jury is still out on whether these blood clots have been caused by the vaccines. Covid19 is known to cause blood clots so just because someone dies after having a vaccine doesn't mean it was caused by the vaccine they may have recently caught covid. 


Walking time bombs after being vaccinated, coincidence, maybe, the risks are low they are saying, that appears to be the case when you see the number of people vaccinated surviving the vaccination vs those vaccinated that don't, usually within a week or two after having been vaccinated.


Risk is weighed up according to ones own views and to me, any risk of death is high, and in this life we have lived, the risks have always been there, pick any risk you like, it is still a risk, high/low, but to me, while they don't know what is causing these blood clots at the moment and saying it is a coincidence doesn't rub off well on me, e.g. they are saying a person could have had a stroke a week or two later if they didn't have the vaccine, so it might not be the "experimental vaccine", they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people, but that is enough for me when they say, it's a coincidence until they can establish causality, but in the meantime the show must go on for them and if this was an approved vaccine, those deaths would have stopped these vaccines in their tracks, but because it's approved under emergency use, they can still go forward, regardless if more people die, regardless if the risks are low, life is cheap.



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18 hours ago, bermondburi said:

And be prepared to accept any restrictions you might incur for not getting the vaccine. 


Ah yes, beat those who choose not to be vaccinated at the moment with these "experimental vaccines" because they won't comply with "the norm", how pathetic, even if vaccinated one can still spread the virus, still make sense to you ?


If they place restrictions on me, so be it, my life, my choice to get vaccinated or not, and as I have said many times before, I am not an anti-vaxer, but I will make an informed decision based on what I have researched, not when everyone else is getting vaccinated because they live in fear, remember, I'm special ????


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18 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

There are no experimental vaccines currently in use for CoViD-19.


I suppose you could say vaccines that are still in the trial phase are still experimental (trial and experiment being synonyms) but all of the vaccines In question have finished their trial phases and have been approved for use. 


It's true that at the moment, they're only approved through EUA's (Emergency Use Authorizations) but they are approved nonetheless. EUA's are a wholly necessary precursor to full licensure when you are in a pandemic situation. They were previously used for Ebola, for instance.


Incidentally both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines have been implicated in exactly the same kind of rare blood clotting disorder (thrombocytopenia) as the others, although once again, at an extremely low rate.


Thrombocytopenia with mRNA vaccines


The below wording, copy and pasted is from the FDA, the link is below that.


To me, if a vaccine is not FDA approved as such, it is an "experimental vaccine" period, in other words, they are contradicting what they are saying, i.e. the "vaccines" have met their safety standards, but will allow them under emergency use, again, not approve them, why, if they are so safe won't they approve them, because they need further data, e.g. they want to see how many people die, what adverse reactions people have etc etc, so to me, that is an experiment.


The above said, under emergency use, no one is liable, the risk is yours, die from the virus, or the vaccine, or survive from the virus if your immune system is strong or die from the vaccine, "up to you"


The article was frightening that you posted at the bottom of your page, although I did read that Dr's in that article see the association of the blood clots with the vaccine, i.e. they are not trying to cover it up as a coincidence as everyone else is saying when they don't know, or do they ? 


As I have always said, it is up to the individual to decide whether they want to take the jab, I am not knocking people who want it, but surely don't appreciate those who throw it in my face for not wanting at the moment, "my choice" so if they can't handle that, that is their selfish uncompromising attitudes of not understanding acceptance.


“Guided by science and data, the agency’s career staff determined that the vaccine’s known and potential benefits clearly outweigh its known and potential risks, and although not an FDA approval,  the FDA’s expectations described in our June and October guidance documents have been met,” 





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14 hours ago, Miami007 said:

Moderna and Pfizer will get full approval soon. Do you feel better then as they no longer are experimental?


When all of the data is in and they are no longer an "experimental vaccine", I will look at what is available and then make a decision, but not on that alone, I will also see what is happening here, e.g. infection rates within Thailand, as there is another option, it's called herd immunity.

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20 hours ago, bobbin said:

It's not rocket science. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Consuming alcohol in a public place is not where you want lowered inhibitions. No restrictions on private consumption ( I think. I don't drink alcohol so do not follow every twist and turn of this policy.)


Anybody who continues to resist this measure possibly has a problem with alcohol.

100% agree

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18 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

Seems like coverment chest is empty! Last year needed only few case's and they lock down hole country and ban alcohol sell! Now seems like nobody give a F! If dont have money why buying stupid submarines! Its more important to them than peoples well being.


18 hours ago, Excel said:

In a nutshell yes, just like it was important to buy an aircraft carrier and have no aircraft to fly from it, now or in the future.  They just wanted one so had to buy it, plus of course the syphoning of of the inflated budget for distribution amongst themselves.


extract from an economic report published by Chartchai Parasuk, freelance economist, 15th April 2021 

"Warning signs are getting stronger every day such as the alarming US$8.4 billion (263 billion baht) outflow in March and the 154 billion baht government cash deficit in February. Unlike 2020, the fiscal position is rather tight. Only five months into the 2021 fiscal year, the government has already accumulated up a 419 billion baht of budget deficit and borrowed 582 billion baht to finance its operation.


(on this current wave). . . there is likely to be no substantial government support programme. According to the 2021 Budget Act and a special law on revenue shortfall, the government can borrow up to a maximum of 720 billion baht before going to jail or changing the laws. This means the government has to live with a 138 billion baht borrowing limit for the remaining seven months of the 2021 fiscal year. Asking for extra money from the budget is out of the question."



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20 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I believe it is, but you would more likely have to get it through a hospital ?

Of course you would, the hospitals are very quick to make obscene profits through this pandemic, can you imagine how much they would charge you?

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Brown paper envelopes received and understood by all accounts. Allegedly.


Bye bye good government, if it ever existed in TL.


There's something a bit troubling about that smile. A crocodile welcoming dinner guests maybe?



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5 hours ago, sandhurstmolonski said:

  OMG ..

What a self righteous , opinionated statement . With all due respect ..

Who in the Fck do you think you are  ? 

Please don't bother others with your questionable " opinions " and enjoy your 8 pm bedtime , but seriously it's a very sorry , individual statement .

Good luck , you really badly need it .


Oh dear. Someone hit the 'angry old backstud' button...

Edited by ParkerN
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18 hours ago, bermondburi said:

I don't make the rules. If you don't like it, you should leave Thailand immediately.


OMG! Is that the best you can do! Another paid up member of the "if you don't like it go home" brigade?


Or are you just trolling, or maybe a touch of sarcasm (thickly veilled"?

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Of course you would, the hospitals are very quick to make obscene profits through this pandemic, can you imagine how much they would charge you?


Someone posted they get it for their dog through the vet, might be a cheaper alternative ?

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I agree with what you are saying in part, however whilst the mRNA "experimental vaccines" have been under development for years, more than 2, as I heard a decade, they had not been tested on human's and that is a concern, however as others have said, millions have been vaccinated and few have died, so the mRNA "experimental vaccines" look like the only option at them moment, considering AZ & J&J are suspect at the moment with blood clotting.


The above said, unless things get really bad here, I won't be running to get a jab of anything, like I said, it was approved under emergency use, not a vaccine per say, no one can be held accountable for those that die from these "experimental vaccines", no compensation to families when they lose a bread winner and as I am the bread winner so to speak, I will keep doing as I have been doing for all the years I have been on this planet, surviving and Covid is not a death wish, although they make it sound like it is focusing on how many people have been infected more so than the deaths, in other words everyone looks at the infection rate as the death rate, clever marketing in my opinion.


Stay safe.

By the time Pfizer & Moderna are available in Thailand, they may well have been licensed in the US. Hope that you'll then get vaccinated, since Covid is getting increasingly dangerous.

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