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Thailand reports 1,767 new COVID-19 cases, 2 more deaths


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59 minutes ago, polpott said:

I am. Back to the UK on Friday. Will return when I am fully vaccinated and cases in Thailand start to fall.


2.2k new cases in UK yesterday and falling. Thailand 1767 new cases and rising.


How was the flight back home? Did you need to go on quarantine in UK?

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40 minutes ago, ChiangMaiCal said:

If you want to really scare yourself about what might be around the corner, check out this article from the (UK?) Daily Telegraph ...



Frightening, indeed. Taking into account the high prevalence of tuberculosis and other comorbidities, malnutrition, etc... It doesn't bode well for India.

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4 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Certainly seems not many people obeying the restrictions in Pattaya.

More massage shops opened then closed, people drinking beer hidden in the dark at the back of the bar or even in the bar right on the street.



Most Thai have become too careless now thinking that if they escaped the first two waves, they aren't going to catch it.



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39 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

I would say it's because virtually every disease does this. Every individual is unique and everyone's response to a given pathogen will be different.


It doesn't matter which disease or condition you look at, despite there being a statistical likelihood of certain cohorts of people being more susceptible, there will still always be some statistically rare outliers that do not conform to the overall trend.

So true and I'm aware of this. I was pointing out some "strange facts" that are really makes me think. Like this one from an earlier post to this thread. 


The following post a few days old. (1 year figures) Back then the number of death was "only" 95.

"Hungary with a population of only 9.6 Million is recorded 24,000 fatalities. That is pretty bad. Thailand with 70 Million only 95 as of yet. Add a zero to the 95.    950 is still "nothing" in a population of 70 Mill. Add two zeroes. 9500 and many small European countries would take that as their final death toll."

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Something doesn't add up. A total of 13,430 people in Thailand tested positive for Covid-19 between March 17 and April 18, yet 13,568 supposedly remain in hospital receiving treatment. Assuming that not everyone tested since March 17 is still receiving hospital treatment, I can only assume there are many unreported cases.

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2 minutes ago, EricTh said:


Most Thai have become too careless now thinking that if they escaped the first two waves, they aren't going to catch it.



That is what is called complacency and for what its worth will cause the current wave to gain even more traction and expand to numbers no one wants to see.  I wish there was some other way to curb the number of cases other than kicking up full closures and making vaccinations to start sooner then the end of May or in June.  Need to have something in the arsenal versus ones own immune system.

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2 minutes ago, Parkender said:

Something doesn't add up. A total of 13,430 people in Thailand tested positive for Covid-19 between March 17 and April 18, yet 13,568 supposedly remain in hospital receiving treatment. Assuming that not everyone tested since March 17 is still receiving hospital treatment, I can only assume there are many unreported cases.

Where are you getting your figures from, Sherlock?

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4 minutes ago, Parkender said:

Something doesn't add up. A total of 13,430 people in Thailand tested positive for Covid-19 between March 17 and April 18, yet 13,568 supposedly remain in hospital receiving treatment. Assuming that not everyone tested since March 17 is still receiving hospital treatment, I can only assume there are many unreported cases.

Many in the hospital prior that are still there is the reason you have the numbers you have.  Your not taking those prior hospitalized cases into account.

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3 minutes ago, EricTh said:


Most Thai have become too careless now thinking that if they escaped the first two waves, they aren't going to catch it.




Hardly surprising, and probably a result of govt blowing their own trumpet about the unbelievably low numbers of covid in country

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1 hour ago, Formaleins said:

1700 so called "infections" and 2 deaths, mass hysteria! They don't seem too concerned about their average of 60 deaths per day from road accidents!

You can not catch a road accident or become infected with it like you can covid.  This UK strain is gaining traction quickly and was allowed to spread by the Government allowing Songkran travel.  Road deaths are accepted here if you had not figured that one out already, while Covid deaths are not.  Standby for more cases and more possible deaths to occur.  I sure hope those 116 currently in serious condition don't take a turn for the worse and that they have enough ventilators. Stay safe 

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1 minute ago, Yorkshire Tea said:


Hardly surprising, and probably a result of govt blowing their own trumpet about the unbelievably low numbers of covid in country

When cases were 0 for months and everyone was obsessively wearing masks, I was thinking that was going to backfire. These measures should only be in place when they're really needed otherwise people get complacent.

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11 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

Where are you getting your figures from, Sherlock?

It's elementary my dear Watson.  Simply add up the daily new infections published on the Johns Hopkins University website or worldometers.info and the total for March 17-April 18 is 13,430. It's not rocket science. The number of hospital admissions is given in the report above, which I'm sure you know.

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6 hours ago, Excel said:

2028 ?

herd immunity will be reach in thailand when 80% of the population gets the virus and  70% recovered.

so the government don't care about the vaccines.


however the image of the government is tarnished for tourism to come back.

nobody wants to come to thailand and get quarantine when going back to their home country.



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21 minutes ago, Parkender said:

It's elementary my dear Watson.  Simply add up the daily new infections published on the Johns Hopkins University website or worldometers.info and the total for March 17-April 18 is 13,430. It's not rocket science. The number of hospital admissions is given in the report above, which I'm sure you know.

I think some of the long-term cases from the second wave and after plus all of the new cases from the third wave would account for the numbers.

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6 hours ago, Marvin Hagler said:

The number of cases they report will be directly related with the number of people they test. There is factual evidence (discussed ad infinitum already) that they test at very low rates in comparison to other countries. There has also been much commentary in the local media about problems with testing (either the cost, lack of tests, reluctance to test by hospitals).


So although the figure of 1,500 being the ceiling is wrong the evidence thus far suggests reported numbers will plateau...unless they significantly IO there game.


The other scenario is if test numbers stay the same but infection rates are soaring which will also show a higher number of daily cases.

What worries me is the no of cases still in hospital. A lot 12000 +!

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It seems since Covid first hit that Thailand has been low on infections more by luck than intention.

It seems strange that after the experience of unrestricted public holidays in other countries, Thailand still went ahead with Song Khran.

Basically they have sent to population of Thailand to all four corners of the country and brought them back again. This can only result in an increase in infections.

how serious it becomes is a matter of speculation at present.


It is worth remembering that vaccinations will not be truly effective until a figure of 70% of the population is reached and that lockdown and restrictions are the only effective protection at present.

There may also be a difference in how the various new strains function in Thailand too.

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FYI. I think I have covid. (99% sure). Don't worry, I'm not in Thailand so you won't get it from me. Tomorrow I'll go get tested to find out which variant I have. What I have discovered is that many people here in Canada aren't aware of all the symptoms.

I started with headaches. I was a little dehydrated so I just started rehydrating. The headaches continued. Then came a little bit of runny nose. Then I had a loose stool (haven't had one since Philippines last year). Then came arthritis feeling in my left hand. (never had before). Next was a bit of a sore throat feeling but not like any sore throat I've ever had before. Just a few sharp little pains now and again. And today, I started getting a bit of a cough. Never a fever but some chills and shaking now and again.

I have started treatment with the Iceman's regime. Look him up on youtube. Unfortunately it would be difficult for you guys to do it without buying a large ice maker. But for me, I'm swimming every morning at sunrise so I don't need any machine. I am going to get control of my immune system.

Good luck to all - I would pray for Thailand but I have no gods to pray to.

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

Many in the hospital prior that are still there is the reason you have the numbers you have.  Your not taking those prior hospitalized cases into account.

OK, so there have been 42,352 reported Covid infections in the 14 months since February 15, 2020 and you are saying it is reasonable to assume that almost a third of them still remain in hospital. By way of comparison, take the UK where there have been 4,385,938 cases during the same period. There are currently 2,186 Covid patients in hosptal in the UK, yet we are told there are more than 13,500 in hospital in Thailand. That makes sense to you?

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50 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

I think some of the long-term cases from the second wave and after plus all of the new cases from the third wave would account for the numbers.

Strange therefore that there are only 2,186 Covid patients in hospital in the UK where there have also been three waves and more than 4 million infections.

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1 minute ago, Parkender said:

Strange therefore that there are only 2,186 Covid patients in hospital in the UK where there have also been three waves and more than 4 million infections.

Not strange just different policies and different stages of the pandemic. In Thailand at the moment everyone who tests positive is required to stay in hospital until they test negative. So everyone who has tested positive in this third wave is still in hospital.

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Just now, edwardandtubs said:

Not strange just different policies and different stages of the pandemic. In Thailand at the moment everyone who tests positive is required to stay in hospital until they test negative. So everyone who has tested positive in this third wave is still in hospital.

Exactly.....if you test positive here in Thailand you must be admitted to hospital immediately.....that is not so in many other countries

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6 hours ago, Marvin Hagler said:

I have an idea why...they didn’t report them...it’s a case of occums razor...either they under reported them or Thailand alone in the world has some special resistance to Covid. The simple explanation seems more plausible compared to some miracle immunity not shred by even their close genetic cousins in the region.

I believe the death rate in Thailand is correct.Only because of all the ex-pats that are living hereThey are mostly old and had pre-existing conditions and if they start dying you know we would’ve heard about it

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6 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

FYI. I think I have covid. (99% sure). Don't worry, I'm not in Thailand so you won't get it from me. Tomorrow I'll go get tested to find out which variant I have. What I have discovered is that many people here in Canada aren't aware of all the symptoms.

I started with headaches. I was a little dehydrated so I just started rehydrating. The headaches continued. Then came a little bit of runny nose. Then I had a loose stool (haven't had one since Philippines last year). Then came arthritis feeling in my left hand. (never had before). Next was a bit of a sore throat feeling but not like any sore throat I've ever had before. Just a few sharp little pains now and again. And today, I started getting a bit of a cough. Never a fever but some chills and shaking now and again.

I have started treatment with the Iceman's regime. Look him up on youtube. Unfortunately it would be difficult for you guys to do it without buying a large ice maker. But for me, I'm swimming every morning at sunrise so I don't need any machine. I am going to get control of my immune system.

Good luck to all - I would pray for Thailand but I have no gods to pray to.

My son got covid back in Hungary. Symptoms are mild headache, with mild temperature rise, and runny nose. 2 days later he lost his sense of smell completely, while the above-mentioned symptoms were still present. Being an atheist it might be hypocrisy to say, but thanks GOD he was ok 5 days later. (It was the UK strain)

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3 minutes ago, Rocking Robert said:

I believe the death rate in Thailand is correct.Only because of all the ex-pats that are living hereThey are mostly old and had pre-existing conditions and if they start dying you know we would’ve heard about it

I've been saying this a long time ago, but it seems doesn't resonate with many people here. ????

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