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Did you know that regular heavy drinking can lead to a Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) deficiency? This can lead to "Wet Brain Syndrome"

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The NIAAA publishes that up to 80 percent of alcoholics may have a thiamine (B1) deficiency. 



Thiamine deficiency can cause brain damage and result in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS), “wet brain.” It is most commonly the result of alcohol abuse






After one period of particularly heavy drinking, I began taking Vitamin B1 supplements (100mg), and I felt a lot healthier as a consequence. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is cheap and widely available. I'd recommend Googling "thiamine" "alcohol" and reading up on the subject.


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14 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

OR you could just cut down on the alcohol intake.


Why don't you post that reply under every thread? Then we can close this forum. I had no idea it was so easy for everybody.


"Cut down on your alcohol intake, everybody!". Job done. They might as well shut down all the AA meetings too, now that you've shared your amazing insight with us all.


We could cure drug addiction worldwide if only "HuskerDo" would appear on TV and say "Stop taking drugs, everybody!". So long as we have "HuskerDo" here to state the bleeding obvious, we could solve all of society's problems.

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12 hours ago, tonray said:

Don't worry...your liver will fail long before your brain gives out


Well then, Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome must not be a real medical condition. It's impossible to get it according to "Professor tonray", because your liver will always fail first.



Wernicke encephalopathy and WKS are most commonly seen in people with an alcohol use disorder. Failure in diagnosis of WE and thus treatment of the disease leads to death in approximately 20% of cases, while 75% are left with permanent brain damage associated with WKS. Of those affected, 25% require long-term institutionalization in order to receive effective care


Look at how the doctors and wikipedia are colluding to scare people. Why, it's not even a real problem. "Your liver fails first" - everybody knows that.



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45 minutes ago, NancyL said:

I think this is one reason that Centrum Silver for Men is especially high in the B vitamins.  


Yes, good multivitamins like this one can make a big difference to your health.


It's worth pointing out, though, that multivitamins and even special B-Complex vitamins typically only contain relatively small amounts of B1. Looking up the numbers, Centrum Silver for men contains 1.5mg of B1 (Thiamine). Standalone Thiamine supplements are usually 100mg or more per tablet.

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5 hours ago, HansumFarang said:


Why don't you post that reply under every thread? Then we can close this forum. I had no idea it was so easy for everybody.


"Cut down on your alcohol intake, everybody!". Job done. They might as well shut down all the AA meetings too, now that you've shared your amazing insight with us all.


We could cure drug addiction worldwide if only "HuskerDo" would appear on TV and say "Stop taking drugs, everybody!". So long as we have "HuskerDo" here to state the bleeding obvious, we could solve all of society's problems.

It's called will power and really wanting to make a change in your life. I'm talking from experience HF. I drank nearly every day for 39 years. Sometimes 3 - 4 beers and later in life 12 - 18. One day I just said "enough". I was healthy but not as health as I could have been. I have money but not as much as I could have had. I just decided one day to "turn the page" so to speak and never had a desire for alcohol again in my life. I "was" an alcoholic but never considered myself one. I drank a lot and no one was the wiser. Even at lunch when I was working.  I wanted my life to be better and knew that giving up alcohol would quickly add to my quality of life. So, I'm not just talking off the cuff. I lived it. As I said, I never had any desire for alcohol after I "turned the page". I lost 10 lbs after the first 2 weeks. I felt more invigorated to lose more and I did. I feel better than I have in 20+ years. My thoughts are clearer. My skin and eyes look totally different. My eyes are not bloodshot to varying degrees anymore but pure white. If I can do it so can others. You just have to decide what you want for yourself and how important you are in this world and to yourself. Up to you.   

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41 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

It's called will power and really wanting to make a change in your life. I'm talking from experience HF. I drank nearly every day for 39 years. Sometimes 3 - 4 beers and later in life 12 - 18. One day I just said "enough". I was healthy but not as health as I could have been. I have money but not as much as I could have had. I just decided one day to "turn the page" so to speak and never had a desire for alcohol again in my life. I "was" an alcoholic but never considered myself one. I drank a lot and no one was the wiser. Even at lunch when I was working.  I wanted my life to be better and knew that giving up alcohol would quickly add to my quality of life. So, I'm not just talking off the cuff. I lived it. As I said, I never had any desire for alcohol after I "turned the page". I lost 10 lbs after the first 2 weeks. I felt more invigorated to lose more and I did. I feel better than I have in 20+ years. My thoughts are clearer. My skin and eyes look totally different. My eyes are not bloodshot to varying degrees anymore but pure white. If I can do it so can others. You just have to decide what you want for yourself and how important you are in this world and to yourself. Up to you.   

I should add that I worked in a very stressful technical position for 35+ years. I climbed the ladder of success quite easily and excelled while all the time being a highly functioning alcoholic. Like I said, no one had any idea. When a group of us went out for beers after work I made sure I had a 12 pack at home to continue with. I just got to the point where I decided I was more important than alcohol. I now exercise at the gym 4 - 5 days a week and run or walk 3 - 6 miles depending on the day. I haven't been in this good of shape since my mid 30's. It all comes down to willpower. Like I said before, if I could do it many others can too. They just need to decide to do so.  

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20 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

Well, thats obviously not  a affliction thats going to affect Thais,, is it?,     brainless sods.


With a comment like that it is highly likely your own IQ barely pushes double digits.

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