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Septoplasty in Chiang Mai


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Does anyone have insight into having this done in Chiang Mai, to fix a deviated septum and (possibly) associated sinus infections? Where? Cost? I will do some consultation first with doctors, surely. I have a deviated septum and have recurring sinus infections and restricted breathing. Not sure if the surgery is correct for me but interested in doing the research. Thank you.



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Having that operation in NZ certainly helped my sinus problems, however I had broken my nose about five or six times in my footballing days.


I occasionally get sinus problems over here, but nothing like I had back then, so for what it's worth, and if it's applicable in your situation, I can recommend it.

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Thanks people, much appreciated! I will have a look at Sheryl's suggestion. I did read a lot of good things online about it but also about some who went through it and it resolved nothing. That would be a disappointment especially it it's very uncomfortable and big bucks.

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One thing I would consider is whether your sinus problems are of long standing and predate the move to (1) Thailand and (2) Chiang Mai (air pollution capital of the world!)


If not, may have more to do with air quality and/or allergies than the deviated septum.


Sometimes the deviated septum is just an incidental finding/

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Indeed, Sheryl, thanks for the tip. The sinus issues could be due to the smoke, yes. My breathing is def affected by the deviation so maybe I have two separate issues going on. I have not looked into allergies, well not specifically. I have been plenty of times to the ENT as my nose is always running a little bit but just watery stuff not thick mucus. Always sniffling. The last time the ENT just said maybe that's the way I roll. I forget the term, asymptomatic runny nose. But it would be nice to breathe clearly if that is something that can be addressed. Never probed it in depth.

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As Sheryl says above, look into any possible reasons for the sinus issues and try to alleviate them before taking the surgery route.  I had a septoplasty and submucosal turbinate reduction in 2010 and then a subsequent RF coblation of the inferior turbinates in 2016.  Neither seemed to solve the congestion problem and I ended up with “Empty Nose Syndrome” after the 2016 procedure (it has gotten better over time but not 100%).  What finally solved the congestion issues was moving out of the 90 year old apartment building I lived in in Los Angeles (in 2019) which I suspect was the culprit for my nasal congestion.  Let surgery be the last resort after exhausting the search all other potential causes.

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Last visit at the ENT she went up my nose with a rubber hose....I mean the endoscope is it? Anyway, the little camera. It was kind of cool looking around in there and I finally found the calculator I have been missing since I was 7 years old. All kidding aside, she did look up there and well, didn't find any polyps that I can recall. That was probably a year ago. She did give me antibiotics for an infection and it cleared. One doctor sometime back was impressed enough with my deviated septum to call me out on it. I don't remember how the convo ended, however. I guess probably was up to me if I wanted to pursue repairing it. For what it's worth, if I pull outward on my face on either side of my nose, I do breathe a lot easier. Perhaps it's the same for everyone. It's also true that I can feel stuffed up/swollen on both sides though there is nothing in my nose. So that might indicate some kind of allergy. I've just never noticed any cause and effect pattern. It seems random. I am not keen on doing the operation but it would be nice to breathe and stop getting the infections. I will do the legwork, you can be sure. Thank you for the input. It's very helpful.

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  • 3 years later...
On 5/4/2021 at 12:12 PM, Sheryl said:

Consult Prof. Supranee Fooanant


She can be seen at either Sripat or Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai




Hi Sheryl, I'm back to pursuing the septoplasty. I'm not sure how I got side-tracked for 3 years. Probably I started feeling better and kicked the can down the road. The doctor you had recommended is apparently busy all month. Are you familiar with this one, please (also at Sriphat)? Tanyathorn Teeranoraseth,M.D.


Thank you.

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4 hours ago, bamboozled said:

Hi Sheryl, I'm back to pursuing the septoplasty. I'm not sure how I got side-tracked for 3 years. Probably I started feeling better and kicked the can down the road. The doctor you had recommended is apparently busy all month. Are you familiar with this one, please (also at Sriphat)? Tanyathorn Teeranoraseth,M.D.


Thank you.

Having already waited 3 years I suggest you wait the extra month.


While Dr. Tanyathorn is qualified,  Dr. Supranee has far more exprrience.


On whst basis have you now concluded septaplasty will solve your problem? 

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43 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Having already waited 3 years I suggest you wait the extra month.


While Dr. Tanyathorn is qualified,  Dr. Supranee has far more exprrience.


On whst basis have you now concluded septaplasty will solve your problem? 

I haven't concluded that I need septoplasty. I want to consult with her and see what she says. I just keep having sinus issues and pressure in my head and overall feeling of being under the weather. And recently had 6 months of one nostril constantly runny and dripping. Also, discomfort breathing through the nose and feeling stuffed up. I don't know that the deviated septum is causing all these symptoms...except for the restricted breathing through the nose which is obvious. Thanks as always, Sheryl!

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2 hours ago, bamboozled said:

I haven't concluded that I need septoplasty. I want to consult with her and see what she says. I just keep having sinus issues and pressure in my head and overall feeling of being under the weather. And recently had 6 months of one nostril constantly runny and dripping. Also, discomfort breathing through the nose and feeling stuffed up. I don't know that the deviated septum is causing all these symptoms...except for the restricted breathing through the nose which is obvious. Thanks as always, Sheryl!

I suffered from sinus headaches for years when I was a young man, some of them debilitating to a certain extent and they would come and go. Eventually when I was in my 30s, I got another round of sinus problems which made me feel absolutely rotten, so I went to a specialist in NZ (which is where I was then living) and he stated that I had a deviated septum and that was causing the problem, so I agreed to have the operation as anything would be better than the misery I was going through.


Whilst he was at it, he removed a few bone chips where the septum joined the skull, these from breaking my nose a few times playing football, and said it was needed to tidy it up.


After that was over, I never suffered from a sinus headache again (40 years) so consider it an operation well worth having in my case.

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Thanks for the info, X. How was the recovery after the operation? I know a couple people that have had it. One had great results and the other kind of shrugged it off and wasn't sure how much it had helped him. I also have very poor sleep and while I don't know that the septum/poor breathing is causing that (it wouldn't be the only reason) I can imagine breathing easily must be very nice for any activity, indeed.


At the gym, I am constantly sniffing and pulling on my cheeks to open up my nasal passages more. I seem to suffer a stuffed up nose more often during that activity or at least I am more aware of it at that time. And often, going into a prone position for some exercise, I can feel the pressure in my sinuses shift.



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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Having already waited 3 years I suggest you wait the extra month.


While Dr. Tanyathorn is qualified,  Dr. Supranee has far more exprrience.


On whst basis have you now concluded septaplasty will solve your problem? 

Never heard this one before: I asked about an appointment next month and the hospital replied that "Normally, the Dr. doesn't accept foreigners." Anywho....

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1 hour ago, bamboozled said:

Thanks for the info, X. How was the recovery after the operation? I know a couple people that have had it. One had great results and the other kind of shrugged it off and wasn't sure how much it had helped him. I also have very poor sleep and while I don't know that the septum/poor breathing is causing that (it wouldn't be the only reason) I can imagine breathing easily must be very nice for any activity, indeed.


At the gym, I am constantly sniffing and pulling on my cheeks to open up my nasal passages more. I seem to suffer a stuffed up nose more often during that activity or at least I am more aware of it at that time. And often, going into a prone position for some exercise, I can feel the pressure in my sinuses shift.



As I recall bamboozled, I had my nose taped up for a while and was supposed to take it easy, however the end result was good – – no more sinus problems and never have had since.


As I recall, the surgeon removed my septum and somehow straightened it, and also snipped a bit off the end, thereby making my nose about a centimetre shorter, and that shows in my photographs of the day, would you believe.


From suffering badly from debilitating headaches and sinus problems, I've not had any since. Well worth the operation for me.

Good luck if you give it a go.

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