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Thailand reports 3,481 COVID-19 cases, 32 new deaths


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9 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Understand. Pay same money for lesser product. This whole thing is 'you know what' because of complete imbiciles are running the show. No one is really talking about how educuation of the kids here has really been devestated all because these complete fools running things paid their way to the top and it's is evident have absolutely no idea what they're doing. 

Just was sent an e-mail from the GF's daughters new international school she was supposed to start at on the 18th, and they still want the full amount paid and that was before the term was supposed to start, 3 days ago.  I replied that I was waiting to send the second payment when we actually knew when the Term was going to start.  Appears they are scrambling for money now as well.  She is also supposed to board there during the term, but with the term delayed and Covid that is also on hold.  Hard to do online courses when it is a new term and the start of all new courses never taken before at a new school and she has no materials.

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5 hours ago, dinsdale said:
This is from an Australian State with just under 1.8 million population. Basically Thailand has just under 70 times the population and has carried out about 8 times the tests.
New cases today 1
Active cases 7
Total cases 747 (overseas aquired 560)
Patients in hospital 2
Patients in ICU 0
Recovered 736
Deaths 4 (total)
Tests yesterday 3,875
Total tests 1,330,943
These figures are from 20/05/21. The situation is under control in part because of massive testing and strict lockdowns which is the opposite of here.

Go the Crows! ????

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13 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Just was sent an e-mail from the GF's daughters new international school she was supposed to start at on the 18th, and they still want the full amount paid and that was before the term was supposed to start, 3 days ago.  I replied that I was waiting to send the second payment when we actually knew when the Term was going to start.  Appears they are scrambling for money now as well.  She is also supposed to board there during the term, but with the term delayed and Covid that is also on hold.  Hard to do online courses when it is a new term and the start of all new courses never taken before at a new school and she has no materials.

Difficult times for all. International schools of course have heaps of money and will welcome your donation. Remember before the govt told private schools to reimburse money. Did they? You can pay but there might not be a 1st semester other than online for those who can do it or worksheets for the poor. Govt. must go. This will I think will be coming. Huge turmoil here in the near future I fear.                                                                                                                

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COVID-19 death tolls are likely a “significant undercount”, WHO says


Official tolls showing the number of deaths directly or indirectly attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to be a “significant undercount”, the World Health Organization said on Friday, saying 6-8 million people may have died so far.


Presenting its annual World Health Statistics report, the WHO estimated that total deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 were at least 3 million last year or 1.2 million more than officially reported.


“We are likely facing a significant undercount of total deaths directly and indirectly attributed to COVID-19,” it said.



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36 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Are we all ready?


Bags packed and don't forget the sun cream.


The 'Countdown to Reopen Phuket' begins


Thailand's tourism authorities are making a push for Phuket's July reopening.


While the bigger question of whether Thailand's ongoing third wave can be brought under control soon, the country's tourism authorities are adamant about reopening Phuket come July 1.


The Tourism Authority of Thailand has reiterated that plans will proceed with the reopening of Phuket to foreign travellers sans quarantine.


A key tenet for Phuket's 'sandbox' plan was to vaccinate 70% of the island’s population against Covid-19 to achieve herd immunity ahead of the reopening date.




The bigger picture mentioned is crucial for Thailand. As for Phuket and the plans there, with the marketing teams recently brought in, I believe you will see many more such promotions over the coming weeks. Cannot knock them for that but hopefully it will not be too much of a distractoon from the fight in hand.

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Somebody should tell our beloved Covid Czar that things aren't improving among the general population. He needs to do something serious, unless he just wants it to roll along at a few thousand cases plus 30 or more deaths every day. And now the Indian variant has appeared among workers in Bangkok, he needs to become even more serious about getting things back under control. India was just toddling along, not taking things too seriously, and then just a few weeks later it had become a covid catastrophe. Is he willing to risk Thailand going the same way, or will he man-up and impose a total lockdown and curfew on greater Bangkok? 

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


FYI, there was NO mention during Friday's English language COVID news briefing on the status of prior plans to make the Mor Prom mobile app available / operational for foreign nationals.


The only discussion during Friday's briefing was vaccination registrations being opened to foreign nationals through in-person registrations starting June 7, either at the two locations mentioned above in Bangkok, or via government hospitals in the provinces.


Perhaps we'll hear more in the coming days of whether the Mor Prom app still is going to be made available to foreign nationals, and if so, when.





I missed this Tweet earlier in the day from Khun Nopakun... Looks like the idea of foreigners registering for COVID vaccines via the Mor Prom app is now a dead duck....  So cross that one off your lists!




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School openings in dark red zones postponed. This is the corker and I cannot quote this but schools in red and orange zones can open as long as there are no activities that bring more than 50 people together (i.e. school) Don't know about you guys but unless a school has 50 or less students.....well I'm lost for words. Pure insanity.

Yes guys I know not often I'm lost for words but this is nonsensical.

Expect covid growth in the orange zones if schools open. No mass testing so no idea about asymtomatic or even pre-symptomatic. All they will do is take temps which is the absolute minimum and only inicates if your temp is up. Covid is a very interesting virus with multiple symptoms or none at all. Kids just will not and cannot wear masks all day. It's unreasonable. Teachers the same.

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39 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Looking for that special place for a Thailand COVID getaway?  Thailand now has a growing roster of accommodations to meet your needs:  ????



1,200-bed Busarakham Field Hospital at Challenger Hall, Impact Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi





280-bed "Hospitel" at Elegant Airport Hotel in Bangkok




Bangkhunthian Geriatric Hospital in Bangkok



100-bed Erawan Hospital 1, Bangbon District of Bangkok





200-bed Sanam Ratchaphiphat 2 Hospital in Bangkok





Those beds are looking pretty empty to me....

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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Ya, the commentary on that was a bit muddled... But AFAIK, what expats really need is just to bring their passport and/or Thai social security number to facilitate registration.


I think the medical records part was in reference to people who already have some kind of existing profile and medical records in the Thai government hospital system, and they'll also be able to register at those hospitals in outlying provinces.


Have no fear if you are a British National.  In there usual manner of being proactive and fully supportive of British nationals here in Thailand I fully expect that the embassys' Consular section will notify us  all, either on TV here , or some other method of mass communication that they have repeatedly said they are working on, of the definitive process of how to register and where all the registration locations will be throughout Thailand.  Now back to my medication of reality pills.

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1 hour ago, anchadian said:

Are we all ready?


Bags packed and don't forget the sun cream.


The 'Countdown to Reopen Phuket' begins


Thailand's tourism authorities are making a push for Phuket's July reopening.


While the bigger question of whether Thailand's ongoing third wave can be brought under control soon, the country's tourism authorities are adamant about reopening Phuket come July 1.


The Tourism Authority of Thailand has reiterated that plans will proceed with the reopening of Phuket to foreign travellers sans quarantine.


A key tenet for Phuket's 'sandbox' plan was to vaccinate 70% of the island’s population against Covid-19 to achieve herd immunity ahead of the reopening date.




"The General CCSA meeting today approved a proposal to extend the State of Emergency until July 31, 2021 in the effort to contain the spread of the virus."
I wonder how this will affect travel insurance for those lucky intrepid travelers who arrive in Phuket In July.
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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Just starting to hear that in class teaching may be pushed out to July 1. If this is the case they must know there's a problem. We'll have to wait and see if this push out is correct. If it is and with the way things are going this is very bad and push outs will continue. The blame lies fairly and squarely on one person. The one who didn't completely lock everything down after the Thong Lor spread was discovered and allowed Songkran travel to go ahead. As I say we'll see.

This is the difficult balance between the health of society and the health of the economy. Get it wrong and both suffer.

Nothing to worry about. Anutin said yesterday that everything is under control.

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30 minutes ago, LosLobo said:
"The General CCSA meeting today approved a proposal to extend the State of Emergency until July 31, 2021 in the effort to contain the spread of the virus."
I wonder how this will affect travel insurance for those lucky intrepid travelers who arrive in Phuket In July.

Oops, travel insurance, dead in the water and sandbox...  .

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32 minutes ago, blackcab said:


I absolutely agree that strict lockdowns reduce the spread of the disease.


The problem I see with Bangkok is that there are a high number of daily wage earners. If these people do not go out and earn money each day, they have no money at all.


Add to this the fact that many people live in accommodation such as basic (shared) single rooms and dormatories, which have no refrigerators or cooking facilities. These people buy street food on an 'as needed' basis and consume it as they buy it.


If there is a strict lockdown, there will be many people who will either have to be exempted so that they can work to buy food, or the government will have to provide some kind of assistance to these people in a way that does not create massive groups of people attempting to get relief.


Clearly, mass exemptions for daily wage earners that allow them to earn money will not work (even if they can find work with everyone else locked down).


On the other hand, is the government ready, equipped and with the funds to support these poor people at the bottom levels of society?

The government has the means to support these people...it just doesn’t want to use the money as it is earmarked for their own pockets.

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37 minutes ago, TaoNow said:

Those beds are looking pretty empty to me....

Those,I believe we're the photos just prior to opening.  Law against photos of people I inside as patients.  

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Looking for that special place for a Thailand COVID getaway?  Thailand now has a growing roster of accommodations to meet your needs:  ????



1,200-bed Busarakham Field Hospital at Challenger Hall, Impact Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi





280-bed "Hospitel" at Elegant Airport Hotel in Bangkok




Bangkhunthian Geriatric Hospital in Bangkok



100-bed Erawan Hospital 1, Bangbon District of Bangkok





200-bed Sanam Ratchaphiphat 2 Hospital in Bangkok





Looks like IKEA is doing well

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So, the prediction is true..... They're just not going to take any action (at securing serum ) until we have at least 100 deaths a day!  


Were getting closer every week.... 


Whats the latest "Cluster" counts on our Military Bases? 




Government Centers and Offices?



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Phuket had zero on Wed, three yesterday and a further three today.


Koh Samui is celebrating seven days of zero new infections and only 11 patients in care. Meanwhile in Phuket they have three more #COVID19 infections today #Thailand




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High speed rail, low speed vaccinations: Workers in the public transport sector receives a shot of COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination center inside the soon-to-open Bang Sue Grand Station. The center can offer 10,000 shots per day to transport workers, including cab drivers. #KE




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Bad news for people in Samut Prakan today. Health officials reporting 457 new cases and one death. Mainly due to a cluster at a canned seafood factory in Muang District. Out of 1,240 employees, 369 tested positive #COVID19 #โควิด19 #โควิดวันนี้ #Thailand






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