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Thai media reports foreigners ready to make Thailand "their second home"


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24 minutes ago, Javier said:

Nope, means I decided not to retire here. Actually was planning to buy a house, but no, I will continue to rent. Btw, thai baht is dropping as we speak.

Yes but that is a normal reaction to the current situation. Wait until most people have had their vaccinations and then it will reverse once again. 


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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

There's not an easy answer to this.

In the UK it was cold and wet nearly all the time, so I lived inside my house (5 beds, 4 kids) nearly all the time.

In Thailand it's hot and dry nearly all the time, so I don't need so much inside space (3 beds, 2 kids).

In both locations the woman I lived with owned the home (according to the divorce judge).


If you include the age, weight, looks and compliance to sexual activity of the woman you live with in your 'comfortable' ratings, Thailand is stepping way up for most of us.

But I guess for some people the number of kitchen cupboards they have is an important lifestyle consideration.

5 beds 4 kids on 48m2

There is even space for another kid of GF


Edited by AlfHuy
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28 minutes ago, strabel23 said:

Yes but does that other country offer the same other rewards of living here? Beaches, women, warm weather, cheap prices, safe travel anywhere day and night?


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Just now, DirtyHarry55 said:

Don't think anyone can feel at Home in a Country where there's Dual pricing, 90 day reporting and the Visa rules change so

often they don't know if they will get a Visa next time around.



No ploplem.

Ju tinking to mut.

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14 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

relatively speaking --if you drive a car , yes....3.5%



Lol. I'm talking about safety in general. Not comparing road accident statistics. Try going outside the tourist areas in other popular countries for example, Rio, Cuenza etc. Ecuador's crime rate is very high. Drug trafficking, violent attacks, petty theft, and scams occur pretty much every day. On top of that, there's a high risk of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Unfortunately, the Rio crime rate is fairly high. Violent crime is a “frequent occurrence,” according to the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), while street crimes such as pickpocketing and purse snatching are “a constant concern,” happening all over Rio at all times of year.Mar 5, 2563 BE

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3 minutes ago, strabel23 said:

Lol. I'm talking about safety in general. Not comparing road accident statistics. Try going outside the tourist areas in other popular countries for example, Rio, Cuenza etc. Ecuador's crime rate is very high. Drug trafficking, violent attacks, petty theft, and scams occur pretty much every day. On top of that, there's a high risk of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Unfortunately, the Rio crime rate is fairly high. Violent crime is a “frequent occurrence,” according to the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), while street crimes such as pickpocketing and purse snatching are “a constant concern,” happening all over Rio at all times of year.Mar 5, 2563 BE

Both violent and non-violent crime are common throughout Mexico state. Use caution in areas outside of the frequented tourist areas, although petty crime occurs frequently in tourist areas as well.

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15 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

Don't think anyone can feel at Home in a Country where there's Dual pricing, 90 day reporting and the Visa rules change so

often they don't know if they will get a Visa next time around.



Sounds the same as many other countries where expats go to live. Dual pricing is everywhere even in my home country. Try Vietnam one of the countries flaunted as a better alternative for Thailand for it's recent changes for a visa that only allow you to stay up to 3 months and then you have to leave as opposed to Thailand's 1 year Non-O visa that is renewable without leaving the country.                                               While Vietnam does not have a retirement visa, there are several options for individuals who want to retire in Vietnam. Americans can apply for a visa to Vietnam through any Vietnamese embassy and will be approved for either six months or one year but can only stay in the country for three months at a time.

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10 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

So they need Chinese and Russian retirees who want to "upgrade" to a Thai wife?

Chinese and Russians seem to be able to buy houses without too much problem from what I've seen and soon to be law anyone investing 10 million or more, was 40 million, can buy Thai property in their own name.

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49 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

Don't think anyone can feel at Home in a Country where there's Dual pricing, 90 day reporting and the Visa rules change so

often they don't know if they will get a Visa next time around.



I remember back in the nineties I could only get a single entry visa and had to go to Penang to apply for a new visa. Then I got a dual entry visa which meant I could walk across the border into Malaysia then turn around and come back into Thailand and good for another 3 months. Then a multiple entry visa which meant I could do the same 3 times before having to apply for a new visa. Now it's a 1 year visa since I am more than 50 years of age and is renewable within the country. Much easier now than before. I will say however that I hate the 90 day reporting and feel it is not necessary but not a big deal now that you can do it online.

Edited by strabel23
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47 minutes ago, strabel23 said:

Lol. I'm talking about safety in general. Not comparing road accident statistics.

My post isn't in relation to your posting strabel23....I was answering Orinoco----



1 hour ago, Orinoco said:

What safe travel, on the roads ?

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56 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

where Visa rules change so

often they don't know if they will get a Visa

When did the Visa rules last Negatively change DirtyHarry55..........??

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I am surrounded by four buildings.
All four have less than ten lights turn on in the evening. The rest are totally uninhabited.

What's the point of building all these buildings that destroy the landscape if nobody lives there?


Who gives the Chinese and Russian money to buy the properties?

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30 minutes ago, zhounan said:

Who gives the Chinese and Russian money to buy the properties?

Well according to "those in the "Know" on Thai Visa....... its all dirty money, all gained illegally, all very bad stuff............

According to Google etc, its because of a boom in their businesses supplying mainly the west they have an abundance of wealthy business owners.



What country has the most millionaires and billionaires?
Hurun Global Rich List
Rank Country/Territory Number of billionaires
1 China 1058
2 United States 696
3 India 177
4 Germany 141
11 more rows
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On 5/23/2021 at 4:56 PM, Surelynot said:

Financially it might be a good investment, but there are so many unknown factors that come into play it certainly isn't a "sound" investment..........politically unstable, financially unstable, changing laws, anti-foreign (or anti-farang) sentiments..........and tied to a property you might not be able to sell.............renting is a no brainer.

Thailand reminds me of Venezuela in the 70's, 80's even 90's - booming economy, Condo and house sales were exploding, Oil was flowing, Margarita Island was Pattaya times a hundred on Steroids, money was being made.  Now came the 2000's and look at the economy, so far in the toilet it can't be seen - like Zimbabwe under Mugabe, money had expiration dates on it.  I own a condo in Thailand outright, don't see myself selling any time soon  - This too shall pass, but Thailand will never reach the height it once was.   I still call it my Second home, first home is in Vietnam where I also have a house and farms, always good to have a plan B.

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On 5/24/2021 at 9:52 AM, Taboo2 said:

This is one article where I can agree....I will make Thailand my second home, but I will not buy a Condo....that is not a good investment.

Yes, renting your second home is the better solution. 

Regards, your landlord ????????????

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53 minutes ago, Screaming said:

Ten years ago I bought a condo unit in a tower complex in Bangkok. All of the units in this tower are over 200 sq meter. Some units are up to 400 sq meter. The unit I bought was very expensive and I enjoy the space but it is the Thai condo owners that I hate. These people are so very cheap, they do not want to spend any money on maintenance and remodeling. Our building is unfortunately depreciating because of this. This is the reason that Thai's want to buy new, because the Thai people do not maintain their buildings. I would never recommend anyone buy in Thailand.

Thais also want new because they are afraid of ghosts if people who might have died in a place that's for sale.....don't forget that one.

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4 hours ago, strabel23 said:

Chinese and Russians seem to be able to buy houses without too much problem from what I've seen and soon to be law anyone investing 10 million or more, was 40 million, can buy Thai property in their own name.

????  I Think it is quite kind of them to concentrate on those customer groups ???? !  

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4 hours ago, strabel23 said:

Sounds the same as many other countries where expats go to live. Dual pricing is everywhere even in my home country. Try Vietnam one of the countries flaunted as a better alternative for Thailand for it's recent changes for a visa that only allow you to stay up to 3 months and then you have to leave as opposed to Thailand's 1 year Non-O visa that is renewable without leaving the country.                                               While Vietnam does not have a retirement visa, there are several options for individuals who want to retire in Vietnam. Americans can apply for a visa to Vietnam through any Vietnamese embassy and will be approved for either six months or one year but can only stay in the country for three months at a time.


Even in your country? Which 3rd World country do you come from that has dual pricing only for foreigners?
As for Vietnam this thread isn't about Vietnam but that arrangement doesn't sound too great either so won't go there.
Anyway I am just saying you can't make a Country which treats you like an ATM Paying Guest a second HOME as in the OP Title.
People tend to call somewhere where they feel welcome a HOME.

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Well I do not have to worry about ever buying a place in Thailand, as my Thai family lets me keep my suitcase and

clothes in Bangkok, as well as a place to stay at the start and end of my time in the country.  I do have some friends

who have bought their houses, and they tell me that if their wife was to die or divorce them, they would sell the place

and never go back.  Only my cousin who lives in Pattaya area, in a condo that he owns is one person who hates the Canadian

Winter, and enjoys the Thai Winter much better.  I would have to see a lot better lifestyle in Thailand before I would want

to go there for more than 2 or 3 month visits.


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