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Can Thailand be a world leader for plant based meat and sustainable agriculture?


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Okay I'm gonna be 'picky' here. We haven't yet got to the stage where we can manufacture our sustenance for the basic raw chemicals (unless you are on board the USS Enterprise with Capt. Picard) . Everyone seems to talk like that plants aren't alive...they are! so the point is we have to kill something to live. There has been a lot of research over the past decades that show plants and trees react to all sorts of stimulus and produce some chemicals that our brains produce. No they don't have neurons but they have electronic pathways that parallel neurons, at least according to some researches. There is still a lot we don't understand about this.

I do eat a little meat...haven't eaten a steak in a long time...but the amount of fruit and veg I eat is quite large. What I'm saying is that small amounts of meat can supply our needs whereas if we ate totally veg the amounts would have to be increased to supply the quota.

Maybe we should go back to the caveman times and chase our next meal through the jungles with a knife (no guns allowed, ha!)...you might get a few scratches in the process though.????

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Sustainable? Yes. The late king did promote 'Sufficiency economy' as a means for many people to live sustainably and feed themselves.


Plant based meat? Hopefully not. Most current/past options have been lacking taste, texture and where rarely cheaper. Also highly processed. Modern version may be better on taste, but some are dreadfully expensive and producing them is not something you can really do at home - which means the populace is forced to buy their food from the manufacturers, who will have little competition. Yes, more inequality.


Eat less meat, yes. Eat more protein rich vegetables, yes. Currently my family provide about 50% of their protein from home grown sources - cannot do that with 'plant based meat'. Also, sustainable farming works best when you can use animals to process wastes and provide manure for fertiliser. Where is all the fertiliser going to come from with no animals?

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4 hours ago, NaamGin said:

Good luck with that as I have read that over 85% of the world's population eats meat, whereas vegans makeup roughly 3 - 5% of the global population...

If you listened to Western main-stream media you'd think 85% of the population were GMO soy eaters.  Of course we are told by the MSM that if we continue to eat meat, the sea levels will rise and the coast will be under water.
I'm good with that.  I believe it 100% but I'm just biding my time.  When Al Gore and Barrack Obama's beach-front homes are flooded out, that will be the day I start eating soy-burger.  Until then?  Meat's on the menu baby!

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4 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

I hope so. Anything to stop the ridiculous and cruel cycle of raising animals to then be killed and eaten by us because we like their taste. In time people will look back at thousands of years of human history and ask "what on earth did we think we were doing" ?

A thousand years of human history shows that man and nature were in balance.  It still can be in balance. 


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1 hour ago, rickudon said:

Where is all the fertiliser going to come from with no animals?

"KLICKITAT COUNTY, Wash. (KOIN) — Walt Patrick slowly rolls a giant wooden spool-shaped cradle back and forth. Inside, a human body is gradually being turned into compost, one of the first licensed “natural organic reductions” to be performed in the entire country."

Full story:

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7 minutes ago, Nojohndoe said:

Plant based meat ? Isn't that what beef and mutton is ?

If people want to promote the latest version of TVP at least try to describe it as anything  but "meaT".


Absolutely, I think if it wasn't identified or promoted as 'meat' and was branded differently as it should be IMO, that many sceptics and haters etc etc, (subject to the product being tasty) could well indulge and potentially incorporate it in their diet over time.....can't be a bad thing can it, surely?................. 

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Can Thailand be a world leader for plant based meat and sustainable agriculture?


Plant based meat no - this is capital intensive. Thailand has no competitive advantage here.


Sustainable agriculture maybe - a lot of the legal frameworks are already there but the enforcement needs to be better. Actually this is probably a no as well, Thailand isn't good at enforcing anything.

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