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Vast majority of Thais want country open to foreign tourists, poll


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1069 respondents to the poll.  Not worth the paper it's printed on.  The government should do a REAL poll.  No, they can't, because then they'd have to include REAL people and the likelihood is that it would be 99% critical.  Muppets.

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How does the Thai government  think for a minute that they can open the doors, when they haven't vaxanated their own population, 

All about money, if majority in the tourist market didn't live just for the day and saved they would be better off 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

91.4% of people polled nationwide agreed with the reopening plan wanting to see everyone vaccinated with at least a first dose.

94.9 want the government to make sure everyone gets their second dose of vaccine by early next year.


It seems they have little understanding of how a vaccine works, and no comprehension of the way that the Indian variant can seriously reduce the effectiveness of the vaccines, but it's hardly surprising when watching lakorn on the TV is so much more fun than reading about scientific stuff.

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I could think of two dozen permanent industries they could upskill and employ the redundant masses in, within months. 


But I'm not a corrupt billionaire wetwipe, so those nation transforming ideas will go with me to Thailands grave...

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How will this play out, when Thailand finally opens to international tourists?  Most Thais would have SinoVac shots, or AstraZeneca shots, while most international visitors would have Pfizer/Moderna/J&J shots.  Would international travel advisors still recommend Thailand?

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Ohh Yes ... The Tourists and the vast business generated thereof, that Thailand has never been reliant on.


You've got to grovel, squirm and make donations to the men in orange... that you cannot.... afford for quite a bit longer.


No use in having another General Election,to deliver a contrived result either.

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Interestingly the English commentary failed to mention that 89.5 were worried that the government would faile to make its vaccine rollout target within 120 days which seems to negate or add conditionality to the first finding that 91.4% are in favour of reopening in 120 days.  It looks like the survey was designed to trap people into agreeing but they felt their answers were conditional on government fulfilling its vaccine targets which everyone knows they are not going to do.  What a load of old nonsense. 

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It is very clear that this is a political ploy to get voters to feel the government has now segued into doing a good job with the rollout and reopening and then push the button on dissolving parliament and getting a new mandate with the help of the senate.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

A poll has revealed that the vast majority of Thai people


7 hours ago, webfact said:

The "Super Poll"


7 hours ago, webfact said:

1,069 people from all social strata were asked questions

This is a joke right?  The overuse of adjectives is always a giveaway of something not quite right lol.


But back on topic I seem to remember around April/May last year the poll results were exactly the opposite with the 'vast majority' not wanting farang in the country as we were blamed for bringing in Covid19.  I guess we are forgiven now they are broke.

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The propaganda is strong on this one.


All of my Thai friends who don’t work in the tourist industry don’t want them to open up. They like the peace and quiet of not having foreigners everywhere and clogged traffic due to Tuk-Tuks, your busses and red trucks.

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1 hour ago, Mavideol said:

wonder if they ever blame their government

Based on comments I've heard recently from Thai acquaintances, yes, they do. 

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1 minute ago, DualSportBiker said:

You join the ranks of Somchai and Sombat with your lack of knowledge of mathematics and statistical modeling... Before you state that 1,069 people can't represent 69 million, try reading up on statistically sampling. Until you have an opinion based on knowing something, your opinion is not worth a tin of duck-poop.


I've posted this link to every muppet who declares their ignorance about stats. I will continue to do so until the message is beaten in - your lack of understanding of statistical modeling does not mean the polls are badly done... 

WOW!! ????????

I normally enjoy the company and opinions of fellow bikers, but the aggression and accusations* in your post are quite alarming! I will/would never click on a link surrounded by such words, such is the fear of a spam link or worse.

How very dare you call me a Somchai!

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1 hour ago, Strongheart said:

There is no "Second Coming" of the Buddha. Gautama was the 4th and only one more will come.

Why not educate yourself a little instead of making yourself look foolish. Stupid felangs, living in Thailand and not the slightest clue. 

Religion is a war cry to the gullible. 

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1 hour ago, mikosan said:

1069 respondents to the poll.  Not worth the paper it's printed on.  The government should do a REAL poll.  No, they can't, because then they'd have to include REAL people and the likelihood is that it would be 99% critical.  Muppets.

What is a "real poll"? Pray tell us Mr. Statistician? Explain your sample size and its distribution, your margins of error and quality control methods?


We'll wait...

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58 minutes ago, mikosan said:

It's a turn of phrase, and on the subject of making yourself look foolish, are you sure it's 'falangs' and not 'farangs'?  As I understand it, falang is not a correct transliteration of the Thai word ฝรั่ง.  It's spelled 'farang' because that's a ror reua in the middle, (basically a letter R).  If it were 'falang' then it would be spelt ฝลั่ง.  But I could be wrong.

Who cares. He never even said falang. 


20 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

booster jabs in the autumn being planned for brits

Thanks for the update………..<deleted> has that got to do with this subject?

Edited by Kadilo
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