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Moderna Registration today at Chiang Mai Ram hospital


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2 hours ago, Titan1962 said:

I am also registered online.

Got the notification,went to pay but it won’t open the card detail section and allow me to pay. Been trying for 3 days,wife got the same notification and pain instantly using the same app.

I wish you luck, I hope the hospital comes through as advertised, but we all know there are no guarantees. My wife is Thai and the request for payment came to her phone, all I can do is hope.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:


A friend of mine started contacting private hospitals about two months back with a view to getting on as many vaccination lists as soon as available and accepting any vaccine. Six hospitals were contacted and three responded with 'no plans but we'll let you know' but the other three took his details. About six weeks ago he was offered an AZ vaccination date by one of those so grabbed it. In the three weeks running up to his confirmed vaccination date, another hospital offered him an AZ appointment date so he advised them it was getting one elsewhere and canceled. He got his first AZ shot about 11 days ago. He has subsequently signed up at a 7th hospital via their online booking for Moderna and grabbed a backup or booster shot for himself since the delivery is late in the year.


It all depends on how much one really wants to get vaccinated.

I think I will die of old age before I get my vaccine. The quality of life is disappearing, I wonder how bad it will get in the future? Even with the vaccines it will go on and on.

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I'm wondering does the Ram Hospital have a International staff of CSR ? It seems to me one could call them to inquire about their status every now and than on procuring the M vacc and to make sure they are on that paid M vacc list !


Due diligence !

Edited by riclag
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10 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

I wish you luck, I hope the hospital comes through as advertised, but we all know there are no guarantees. My wife is Thai and the request for payment came to her phone, all I can do is hope.

I hope so too,just strange that my wife tried to register both of us and only she has been able to pay for her jab. As stated in my comment,I couldn’t get passed the payment section. But she managed to get registered at siraphat online,me not so lucky again. 
Hopefully someone in charge of this debacle will get their <deleted> together. I understand there are millions of people wanting to get vaccinated and are happy to pay. But there should be a system set up so you register once in your province and you get your number. First in best dressed,but if your further down the line so be it. At least your registered and your turn will eventually arrive. It’s a bit like the immigration website when trying to do your 90 day report,sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn’t. How long have they had issues on that site and they can’t seem to fix it once and for all. 
Anyway hope you and your wife are successful and get your vaccinations.

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15 hours ago, malibukid said:

  you can not blame RAM hospital entirely,  the government is who is holding the ordering of the vaccine up,  not the hospital.  RAM has excellent doctors and i have been treated well there.

I would agree with your comment we have been dealing with them for years and the normal level of service and professionalism is second to none.

One of the doctors who has been treating me told me about a week ago that they have tried all means to obtain the vaccines but are blocked and stonewalled by the government.

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There was a segment on the USA's National Public Radio this morning dealing with Thailand's struggling tourism and what's being done to get it up and running again.  Phuket was the main focus.  The government is wanting to get 70% of the island's residents vaccinated.


Could this be where our vaccines are being directed?

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18 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

I am allegedly on a list to get a Moderna vaccine at Lanna Hospital in October. I paid with my Visa card, 2,400 baht for the vaccine and will have to pay a 500 baht service charge for each of the two jabs.

Another case of greedy people trying to get rich during a world pandemic, they must be among the lowest form of human life, they want an extra charge of 500Bt, when people are working for less than 400Bt per day, just how long does this "service" last? 5mins, 10mins?

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21 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Another case of greedy people trying to get rich during a world pandemic, they must be among the lowest form of human life, they want an extra charge of 500Bt, when people are working for less than 400Bt per day, just how long does this "service" last? 5mins, 10mins?

So what did you do to get your money?

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12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Another case of greedy people trying to get rich during a world pandemic, they must be among the lowest form of human life, they want an extra charge of 500Bt, when people are working for less than 400Bt per day, just how long does this "service" last? 5mins, 10mins?

The service fee max is 50% of vaccine cost and does not appear to be an abnormal expense for treatment at an upscale private hospital.  In most cases such hospitals would be charging 100% above cost plus service charges.   Government provided vaccine is free - this is an elective option for those opting to pay for choice.

((yes I know the Government option is not working that great - but do not believe blame lies with hospitals - they have been trying to obtain import rights for many, many months - setting up centers and people to provide this service is not going to be without expense)).

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2 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

The service fee max is 50% of vaccine cost and does not appear to be an abnormal expense for treatment at an upscale private hospital.  In most cases such hospitals would be charging 100% above cost plus service charges.   Government provided vaccine is free - this is an elective option for those opting to pay for choice.

((yes I know the Government option is not working that great - but do not believe blame lies with hospitals - they have been trying to obtain import rights for many, many months - setting up centers and people to provide this service is not going to be without expense)).

That is an excellent post, but I still believe that the private hospitals are charging more where the pandemic is concerned. They are capitalists, always trying to get as much from the working class as the can. I just do not believe they are charging the same as they would for their normal "services" before the pandemic came.

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16 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

So what did you do to get your money?

If you mean how did I earn a living before I came to Thailand to stay. I was a professional and semi professional musician, also a trained private investigator, I held PSV, HGV and taxi licences to use when I felt like it, I was never out of work.

What has that got to do with private hospitals making extra money out of a pandemic?

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2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

If you mean how did I earn a living before I came to Thailand to stay. I was a professional and semi professional musician, also a trained private investigator, I held PSV, HGV and taxi licences to use when I felt like it, I was never out of work.

What has that got to do with private hospitals making extra money out of a pandemic?

different ways for greedy people trying to get rich

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Just got the Astrazeneca at SanSai Government hospital, would

not have known about it, if the wife had not looked at their Facebook page

last night,  after the fiasco of Saturday when I turned up for Vaccine

that I had booked weeks ago,  and they did not have any.


Things went very well today,everything very well organised , quickly

got the vaccine, never felt a thing,and did not know the nurse had done

it till she put elastoplast on my arm. then you have to wait 30 mins,in

case you have bad reaction. they were giving out both AstraZeneca and



regards Worgeordie






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19 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

...and they have some poor ones as well.


But, they should be held accountable for placing people on lists and then not contacting them.

This  has nothing to do with the Government 

Well as a consumer if not happy vote with your feet and go elsewhere.

We have received excellent treatment over the years and will continue as is our choice.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

Another case of greedy people trying to get rich during a world pandemic, they must be among the lowest form of human life, they want an extra charge of 500Bt, when people are working for less than 400Bt per day, just how long does this "service" last? 5mins, 10mins?

Private hospitals are private businesses, they are not subsidized by the government.

If you don’t  want to use their services you can use the government hospitals.

Its the same with airlines if you want better service you fly business or first class, in a hotel pick five star not two.

Its a fact of life the list is endless.

Sounds as if you come from a country where you don’t pay directly for medical services and are suffering from a case of Welfare State Syndrome.

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11 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Private hospitals are private businesses, they are not subsidized by the government.

If you don’t  want to use their services you can use the government hospitals.

Its the same with airlines if you want better service you fly business or first class, in a hotel pick five star not two.

Its a fact of life the list is endless.

Sounds as if you come from a country where you don’t pay directly for medical services and are suffering from a case of Welfare State Syndrome.

You are missing the whole point, just go back and read my post again, I am not going to waste time explaining it to you.

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2 hours ago, Dante99 said:

So what did you do to get your money?

Purse snatcher, then car thief, then drug dealer, then bag man, then con man, then young man, then old man, now -

poster on Thai Visa - ooppss - Asean


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17 hours ago, riclag said:

I'm wondering does the Ram Hospital have a International staff of CSR ? It seems to me one could call them to inquire about their status every now and than on procuring the M vacc and to make sure they are on that paid M vacc list !


Due diligence !

To find out you have to call them.

Then they have to answer 

Right now that is not happening from what I am seeing and hearing, especially  after yesterday's fiasco


To get answers a personal visit is now necessary I fear

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

If you mean how did I earn a living before I came to Thailand to stay. I was a professional and semi professional musician, also a trained private investigator, I held PSV, HGV and taxi licences to use when I felt like it, I was never out of work.

What has that got to do with private hospitals making extra money out of a pandemic?

No answer from the poster here.

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18 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

US veteran retirement have been told that their vaccine costs in Thailand will be covered while those Americans who have earned, and paid for Medicare retirement are told our costs will not be covered.


Uncle Sam will take care of you,  soldier.    We do love our armies ..............

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19 hours ago, superal said:

You do not mince your words but I agree with the sentiment inasmuch as it is about time that farangs wake up . Why ?  Private hospitals will be at the back of the queue and behind the government hospitals to secure vaccines although there may be some small acquisitions . In general farangs will be the last to be treated but there will be exceptions by way of who you know and brown envelopes . Thai folks are also desperate for the vaccines and will not take kindly to queue jumpers , especially farangs . All I can say is there is little or no vaccine available in Thailand especially for farangs . Only way to be sure is to get back to your home country for a vaccination because you are gambling with your life and predictions are that the virus situation in Thailand and S.E. asia will get a lot worse over the next 2 months .

I wish that private hospitals would deal with the expat rollout (and yes we pay for it) and let the Thai health services take care of their people. In this manner perhaps a choice (in due time) of vaxes could be offered in the private sector which may become more important as the delta rages causing infection breakthroughs. imo there are little or no vaccines available for anyone let alone foreigners and to be fair exclusion of expats I don't believe is in the cards. Remember, many foreigners can be customers of Thai businesses, it's in their interest to see we are vaccinated as well. There may be some corruption but with all the eyes on this i believe it will be minimal compared to the corruption that occurred in the western nations (for eg the UK taxpayer is on the hook for 25 billion pounds from all the covid scamming) Unfortunately I believe your last comment is an understatement..

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19 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

Was in Samui 3 days ago when they announced they were going to give AZ shots at a university for foreigners.  The size of the crowd made what we saw when we went to RAM this morning look like a book club meeting.  There must have been 700 or 800 (tried to rough count it) people in line and it was just a madhouse (especially when a hard rain came out of nowhere!).  This entire rollout has tarnished the image of Thailand as a medical destination and graphically points out just how inept the government is here and how their word does not mean squat.

I believe the WORLD has been tarnished through out all the covid experiences (not talking about the vax rollout where all the rich countries snagged all the vaxes basically). The ball was dropped in so many countries in their mitigations and most of these countries were world leaders in the fields of medicine. If Thai government health systems are so inept, then most the western nations actions medically and the abysmal leadership of politicians (which both should of excelled due to their 'superior educations') should be brought to light and litigated to death - it was a disgusting display of ineptitude, western style..

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2 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Every obvious. Too bad about the majority …


majority left out in the cold,  i'm afraid     ( or the heat )



disclaimer :  i am one of "those"   who choose not to get in the line for the jab

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15 minutes ago, rumak said:


majority left out in the cold,  i'm afraid     ( or the heat )



disclaimer :  i am one of "those"   who choose not to get in the line for the jab

I await th3 next “story”. Figure there will be a few before Pfizer/Moderna reach Thailand.

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4 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

To find out you have to call them.

Then they have to answer 

Right now that is not happening from what I am seeing and hearing, especially  after yesterday's fiasco


To get answers a personal visit is now necessary I fear

Try again and again ! If repeated attempts don't produce  a answer try another Private  ! Many times they will also respond by the Line app and through email.

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22 hours ago, metisdead said:

A post not related to Moderna Registration today at Chiang Mai Ram hospital has been reported and removed. 

My post may have run its course.  Should we close it?

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