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COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests to be available for purchase next week


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Finally!  Common sense prevails.  The paranoid control freaks can't seem to keep from tripping over themselves which puts them about a year behind the rest of the more developed world.
I wonder who finally woke up.  Now if they'd wake up just a little more they need to allow for the sale of anti-body test in order to test if you've been previously infected an have anti-bodies.  I'm more interested in that.

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16 hours ago, rbkk said:


"The committee did not approve allowing people to carry out Covid-19 testing at home, as had been widely expected. Rapid antigen test kits are still allowed for health professional use only."


But then again, what do we expect in Thailand?

Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop
First you can buy the test,
But then can not.
Flip-Flop Flip-Flop

"They are expected to be available from pharmacies next week, according to the Public Health Ministry today (Monday)."  blah blah blah

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On 7/12/2021 at 6:06 PM, grandpa said:

They have all had double jabs of AZ or Pfizer! Takes a few minutes to do once you get used to it.

So, if the vaccine works so well, why constant testing? Why masks and distancing for those already vaccinated and those who've already recovered? Too many questions with dubious answers.  And I ask again...what is the survival rate?  Extremely high is the answer to that question. Just makes a person wonder, why the emphasis wasn't always on the vulnerable?  The data for who is at risk, has been available for a long time now.


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On 7/12/2021 at 6:21 PM, smedly said:

I do not know if already having had the virus is as good as being vaccinated, I do know that in the UK there are several criteria for so called "vaccine passports" here is what it says 


 it will be advised for any “high-risk” venue.

That means nightclubs, gigs, sports and even some crowded city centre pubs will be “encouraged” to ask all punters to show they’ve had either the vaccine, a negative rapid test or a past Covid infection to get in.




The NHS app (which is different to the NHS Covid-19 app) will allow people to show one of three things to enter a venue:

Their double-jabbed at least two weeks ago status;

Evidence of a negative lateral flow test in the last 48 hours; or

Evidence they have antibodies because they tested positive for Covid by PCR less than six months ago.

Well my niece who is a nurse in the UK has tested positive by PCR 3 times since the start of the outbreak and is currently isolating this week due to being in contact with someone who has recently had a positive result.  The government doesn't like telling these facts though?

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