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Thai Cabinet approves Space Affairs Act, promoting “New Space Economy” and space exploration in Thailand


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Perhaps it's just me, but the timing of this suggests a bunch of envious kids watching Richard Branson go Brrrrrr, rather than grown adults who are responsible for their country being in the midst of it's most catastrophic  pandemic ever!

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This reminds me of that old Joke about the first Polish Astronauts traveling to the Sun.  During a press conference, a reporter asks….

Don’t you know that as soon as you get within 90 million miles of the Sun, you’ll burn up like a cigarette?

Where the Polish Astronaut answers…

HEY!  Wadda youd tink we stupid?  We go at NIGHT!


ONLY IN THAILAND.  You just can’t make this <deleted> up!


BTW, What ever happened to the Submarine purchase?  Oh I know.  It was 500 million Baht but the Chinese 

required a down payment of 5000 Baht.  It killed the whole sale.  Besides, it was too big to put in the Premier’s bathtub

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If they mean entice the aerospace industry to Thailand I would agree. GE did engine repairs in Thailand. The debacle of Thai Airways aside, there is the knowhow available. Thaicom engineers have shown that a satellite industry can work here. 


I doubt anyone would agree with pouring money into attempting manned missions but building parts and technology exchange is worth a look see. If there is one thing the pandemic has taught, it is that depending on one sector (tourism) doesn't work.

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It's mind-boggling how out of touch with the people you govern you need to be to devote any time to this in the current situation. Pathetic and utterly ridiculous.


A Thai space program would sound like a sick joke at the best of times.

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And in other news, people are dropping dead like flies due to no vaccines. But not to worry, Somchai will be the next man in space and all our problems will be solved.

Mars here we come!!!!! 

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15 hours ago, Mavideol said:

to much stupidity that I was running out of words ... and they can't get the vaccination done, one has to wonder what their priorities are 555  ROFL

I think you seriously underestimate the capacity of the Thai government. ????


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15 hours ago, pkrv said:

Their are many final frontiers to explore - the space bewteen the ears of Prayut and Anutin et. al for starters.

Good grief, just think of the massive budget something like that would require?


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16 hours ago, smedly said:

anyone that says they could have kept a straight face at that meeting is liar lol


what are these people smokin 


oh wait - there will of course be a massive budget involved - were there's a budget there's a way 

Usual 30% Sir ?........ That'll do nicely !

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

They can't run an airline without driving into the ground through corruption, can you imagine the money to be creamed off a space programme..

See my other Post.. 30% ?

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