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Can this be real?


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Quite by accident I came across this link today, and proceeded to sign up for a covid vax to be provided free of charge to foreigners over 60.  Much to my amazement, the website appeared to work perfectly as it asked a series of reasonable questions and then confirmed a reservation by e-mail.  The website did NOT:

  •     refuse to load on startup
  •     crash upon clicking SUBMIT
  •     proclaim itself closed due to exhausted supplies
  •     require documents which are difficult or impossible to obtain (yellow book, pink card)

"What could possibly be going on here?" I thought.  Has the internet transported me to an alternative universe?  Well, the reservation (for mid August) has stood uncancelled now for over an hour.  So, next month I plan to make a full day drive to Bangkok, stay overnight in a hotel, and arrive at the hospital at least an hour early.

If I am greeted by a mob of hundreds, and then made to wait in a queue for several hours, and then informed that no more vaccine is available until after the pandemic is completely over, I will relax.  I will know that I am still in Thailand.


Nothing said about a second vax.

Nothing said about which vax

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Did the same thing a couple of days ago also.  One side note is I had the wife call the hospital but after several calls and no one picking up, gave up.  was trying to find out what vaccine.  Will post any details if we can get through.

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Not easy to get them on the phone but finally managed. Its all true only the vaccin is either Sinovac or AZ they won't know until the (almost) date of your appointment. I would have to drive from Surin so will call the day before just to be sure. If you come by car; Q parking zone 4 next to entrance 4 of the hospital is where you want to be.

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I also found the link a here a couple of days ago (Thanks to whoever posted it. Much appreciated.), went on line yesterday (Sunday) morning to the MedPark Hospital site and was surprised at how easy it all was. No fuss or obscure actions required and within a couple of minutes had an appointment for mid August which was confirmed by an automatic email.


I know many outside Bangkok feel hard done by, and I can't say I blame them, but only my passport was requested to be brought and no mention of where I live was asked for so I suspect that if you are willing to travel it may be that you could avail yourself of the same.

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I signed up too, mid August appointment. Very unclear what the jab  would be. My Thai wife spent a good amount of time calling and finally got through.

They told her the vaccine would be sinovac.

I'm not going to cancel, but if that is still true near date of shot, I'm not going.

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22 hours ago, samtam said:

Did the same on Friday. I believe I read it was for AZ, but I can't find the source, which was not by the hospital itself.

As I finally got a vax today at BNH Bangkok, I cancelled my back-up jab which I booked on Friday for a slot on 7 August. (Actually there were 2 of us, so I cancelled both).

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20 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Nice if you are living in Bangkok. If not it could be a long trip.

And cross your fingers that one does not drive in vain.

More than once people showed up for their appointments at other places just to hear: nothing available.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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