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organizations getting food and supplies to homebound, elderly, poor in CM ?

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I was thinking I'd like make a small donation to some project getting relief to Covid impacted Thais. Preferably not to an NGO with staff, overhead, etc. ... to a Thai run project where a very high-per-cent of donations go directly to those who need help. I'm in the Nong Hoi area.


thanks, ~o:37;

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25 minutes ago, colinneil said:

... go out to a poor area and hand stuff out yourself?

...Β not to give anything to NGOs, as most of monetary donations go on staff, fancy vehicles.

... you are never sure it goes to where it is needed.

... take care of yourself, mask, sanitizer, and distancing yourself from others.


Thanks for sharing your tasteless ideas, and inane advice. If you're going to troll, at least make it more entertaining.

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There's a group doing a food drop most days at Thae pae gate, around lunch time. There's quite a large group of poor/homeless now there every day (and nights). If I find out any contact details of the org I'll post them. It seems to be quite orderly, but can get a bit frantic when they form a line.


The problem with giving out food yourself is if there's quite a few people and there's not enough for everyone then you can end up with them fighting over the food. I've previously seen this happen when donating to hungry people. So if you decide to give direct IMO best to pick someone on their own to receive it, and be discreet. There's quite a few people sleeping rough at night on the individual benches around the moat.

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13 hours ago, Harry Om said:

There's a group doing a food drop most days at Thae pae gate, around lunch time. There's quite a large group of poor/homeless now there every day (and nights). If I find out any contact details of the org I'll post them ....


The problem with giving out food yourself ...

Thanks, Khun Om, I will try to find out who the organizers are.


The idea of 'giving it out yourself' is repugnant to me; it is the opposite of what I believe true charitable action is; it is the worst kind of self-indulgence. I speak here of 'giving it out' to people you don'tΒ know in a public way that draws attention to yourself. I am notΒ talking aboutΒ giving spontaneously, on the spur of the moment, to strangers; or, to helping people you know.


I find Maimonides' (12th. CE) concept of 8-levels of charity a useful guide:



''1. The lowest: Giving begrudgingly and making the recipient feel disgraced or embarrassed.

2. Giving cheerfully but giving too little.

3. Giving cheerfully and adequately but only after being asked.

4. Giving before being asked.

5. Giving when you do not know who is the individual benefiting, but the recipient knows your identity.

6. Giving when you know who is the individual benefiting, but the recipient does not know your identity.

7. Giving when neither the donor nor the recipient is aware of the other's identity.

8. The Highest: Giving money, a loan, your time or whatever else it takes to enable an individual to be self-reliant.''



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I think there are a few groups giving out food.


Today there were young people handing out meals from the back of a pickup. They said they don't do it every day - but several times a week. I asked if they had contact details if people want to get in touch re financial donations, and theyΒ  gave me the following (see attached image) and said they can be reached on that phone number.




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It seems that today, our esteemed mayor saw fit to personally board-up the only remaining food box in the city at ThaPae Gate, citing safety and CV prevention concerns. Β The crowd of hungry people at this location has grown significantly since the other boxes in town were closed down more than a few months ago. Β Regular donors can only hope and pray that basic humanity to those truly in need is restored soon.

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On 7/24/2021 at 9:02 PM, MamaSan said:

It seems that today, our esteemed mayor saw fit to personally board-up the only remaining food box in the city at ThaPae Gate, citing safety and CV prevention concerns. Β The crowd of hungry people at this location has grown significantly since the other boxes in town were closed down more than a few months ago. Β Regular donors can only hope and pray that basic humanity to those truly in need is restored soon.


Very sad !

On 7/24/2021 at 9:02 PM, MamaSan said:

It seems that today, our esteemed mayor saw fit to personally board-up the only remaining food box in the city at ThaPae Gate, citing safety and CV prevention concerns. Β The crowd of hungry people at this location has grown significantly since the other boxes in town were closed down more than a few months ago. Β Regular donors can only hope and pray that basic humanity to those truly in need is restored soon.

People had tables set up and were distributing food in front of the temple on the North side of the moat just a bit East of Power Buy yesterday about noon time. Β 

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On 7/22/2021 at 11:43 AM, orang37 said:


Thanks for sharing your tasteless ideas, and inane advice. If you're going to troll, at least make it more entertaining.

Nearly all the food handouts in pattaya are done by expats and bike clubs,,,IΒ 

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Yes - awesome to see areas popping up around town to fill the ever-increasing need. Β The municipal stadium off Chang Puek seems to be popular during 10-1, when it's open, too.

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