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Can I Enter Thailand Again!

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Hi! I'm Robin here! On 18Nov03, I was accuse of stealing a handphone and was sent to jail in Bangkok for 4 months. I was deported back to Singapore on 18Mar04. I try to enter Bangkok again on 10apr05 but was deported back again!!!! What should I do now? My wife is a thai. How can I enter Thailand again? Anyone can help? I heard people say that can enter Hatyai? Is it truth? Or do u guys think that if I use my Hanyu Pinyin name in my new passport(now passport have new number instead of my ID number) instead of using my dialect name. Because I used my dailect name in Thailand when I was in jail. thks!! Pls help!!

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I suspect you were CONVICTED of stealing the handphone and are now "persona non gratia"<sp> meaning you will NEVER be permitted to re-enter the Kingdom, even changing passport won't help as the replacement will have your old number on the 'notes' page.

In a word tough! You shouldn't have stolen the phone.

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If the Chinese government issues the passport in your Hanyu Pinyin name and doesn't cross reference to your previous passport you may be able to enter, but you would risk arrest and further sanctions.

Why don't you apply for a visa to test the waters. As you have a Thai wife, it may be possible to be removed from the warning lists and your previous transgressions forgiven.

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If convicted and actually declared PNG then any further visits under other names would be visits under false pretences, I dont know if there would be additional punishment but certainly risk of future deportation would be constant.

Consider taking the wife to you home country ??

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even changing passport won't help as the replacement will have your old number on the 'notes' page.

Do they do that in Singapore?

I have never heard of it on any other nationalities passports?

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Robin, what was entered into you passport upon deportation? It is usual for PNG to be specified, or the reason for deportation to be entered.

My guess is you need to consult an immigration lawyer here and see what your options are. I'm not claiming to be an expert on this but any PNG revocation would require formal submission to the relevant authorities.


PS PNG can be put in place for 'common theft' and if you were convicted of this in a Thai court you will have quite a job to get PNG lifted. If the charge was more serious, then to be blunt you options are limited.

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thank u everyone here!!! I really want to enter Thailand so much!!!! My wife's mother is there.. I want to visit her relatives. If I enter Thailand through other states instead of Bangkok internatinal airport, will that do? Thank you everyone. Thanks

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Anyone can help?

I believe it will be easier for people to give you helpful advice if you can scan and post copies of

-- the judgment issued by the Thai court against you

-- your Thai marriage certificate



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Robin without answers no one can offer you real help. Presently you ID is registered within the immigration {& legal} system, it doesn't matter to a large degree how you try to enter, the chances are that you will be deported. Even if you get in, you still have to get out, and you would be guilty of several more criminal offences {for which you could be jailed, again!} by entering the kingdom.

If you have relatives here, and can show to the authorities satisfaction that this event was out of character and you are not a serial phone stealer, you might get a revocation of PNG, but you won't do that by turning up at the border.


/edit typo //

Edited by A_Traveller
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I know someone that was convicted of credit card forgery and spent 18 months in da big house. He also had a wife and property here. He was black banned (PNG). He found a way through the border in Nong Khai but they eventually found him and visited him and he was deported even though he paid a lot of money to request to stay.

He is now living in his home country and wants like you to desperately return to his small resort and wife.

If you live here don't break the law and most times you will live in comfort. If not I will come and visit ya in da big house.


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"...even changing passport won't help as the replacement will have your old number on the 'notes' page."

Nothing like that in my passport.

Such an action is only taken in the rare cases where it is deemed to be required, for example the last page of the traditional UK passport is 'reserved for official observations if any'.


/edit typo//

Edited by A_Traveller
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"...even changing passport won't help as the replacement will have your old number on the 'notes' page."

Nothing like that in my passport.

Such an action is only taken in the rare cases where it is deemed to be required, for example the last page of the traditional UK passport is 'reserved for official observations if any'.

Obviously I can only comment on my home passport (UK), but as Singapore was closely associated, could be very similar. Mine states on the notes page "This passport issued as a replacement for passport number xxxxxxxxxx issued at yyyyyyy declared stolen".

Sorry if I'm mistaken about other states, still don't think this convicted thief should be permitted to re-enter though.

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Hi! I'm Robin here! On 18Nov03, I was accuse of stealing a handphone and was sent to jail in Bangkok for 4 months. I was deported back to Singapore on 18Mar04. I try to enter Bangkok again on 10apr05 but was deported back again!!!! What should I do now? My wife is a thai. How can I enter Thailand again? Anyone can help? I heard people say that can enter Hatyai? Is it truth? Or do u guys think that if I use my Hanyu Pinyin name in my new passport(now passport have new number instead of my ID number) instead of using my dialect name. Because I used my dailect name in Thailand when I was in jail. thks!! Pls help!!


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So is there any legal ways that I can enter Thailand again?? I never killed anyone there!!!!! So that means I cannot enter the kingdom for my rest of my life. Is it truth?/?? Pls help!!! Thanks brother and sisters here!!!

Probably not. Most countries have similar regulations that exclude people who commit criminal offences like theft, and quite right too. I for one don't have much sympathy for you if your are guilty, as I have had stuff stolen before and I know how it feels.

Changing your passport might not help either - passport numbers change but I was told that immigration matches people by same name, nationality and date of birth, all of which would appear on any new passport.

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"...even changing passport won't help as the replacement will have your old number on the 'notes' page."

Nothing like that in my passport.

Such an action is only taken in the rare cases where it is deemed to be required, for example the last page of the traditional UK passport is 'reserved for official observations if any'.

Obviously I can only comment on my home passport (UK), but as Singapore was closely associated, could be very similar. Mine states on the notes page "This passport issued as a replacement for passport number xxxxxxxxxx issued at yyyyyyy declared stolen".

Sorry if I'm mistaken about other states, still don't think this convicted thief should be permitted to re-enter though.

My UK passport was issued in Brussels at the embassy after the old one was stolen and there is no notes in iy/

Different embassies must have different policies.

Will need a new one from Singapore myself soon as this one is nearly full after only 3 years

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I had a new USA passport issued in Thailand at the beginning of April, due to the old one being a bit scruffy and being as thick as a book (4 additional sets of pages added over a 3 year period) I wouldn't have bothered but when the lady in Perth added pages she said I needed a new one!.

The result

New Passport

New Passport Number

New expiration date 2017

No annotations of the previous passport's number.

If the old one had been stolen the results may have been different. I have no idea!

The OP in this thread may or may not be PNG and we have no way of knowing. Just as easy of an answer could be that they revoked any visa he had when he was placed in jail ... and counted all the days he was here whilst in jail and facing deportation towards the 90/180 rule

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Great going guys, here is a man who comes on TV hoping for some ideas to get him out of his predicament,only to receive judgemental comments from certain members.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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Great going guys, here is a man who comes on TV hoping for some ideas to get him out of his predicament,only to receive judgemental comments from certain members.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

I am not a convicted criminal! Can I throw first?

I don't think that there's much that can be done in this case. But he does have the option of contacting a lawyer in Thailand

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Great going guys, here is a man who comes on TV hoping for some ideas to get him out of his predicament,only to receive judgemental comments from certain members.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

In fairness a number of posters have asked questions which might help in assisting the OP but have had no response and so without that, the thread become meaningless.


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quote...Sorry if I'm mistaken about other states, still don't think this convicted thief should be permitted to re-enter though.

I dont think this was the kind of help he was hoping for.

Well life doesn't always turn out all sunshine and happiness when you go around stealing things does it? I suppose if it had been you he stole from your attitude would be different. Usually is.

I see it as a cautionary tale that should be a warning to others with light fingers.

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quote...Sorry if I'm mistaken about other states, still don't think this convicted thief should be permitted to re-enter though.

I dont think this was the kind of help he was hoping for.

Shouldn't have stolen the phone (or actually got caught) then should he?

Do note that if he'd been in the same position in the UK (as a foreigner convicted of a crime, even a petty crime) after serving his time he would also have been deported and made PNG.

Why are we assisting a person who appears to be barred for life (although we can't be sure as we've had no further data) to bypass the law?

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Why are we assisting a person who appears to be barred for life (although we can't be sure as we've had no further data) to bypass the law?


I firmly believe in the principal of giving a bloke a fair go, he said he was ACCUSED of lifting a phone ,he did not say he actually stole it,and we all know how the judicial system works in LoS.

Without us knowing the details of the case I feel it unfair to ostracize him on the strength of a conviction for a petty crime.

He may well be a thief but also he may have been set-up by a spurned lover, not an unheard of scenario here in LoS.

Getting caught was his big problem,many here could well have found themselves in a similar position.

Did we always see the the birth certificate of the lass we bar-fined,I for one didnt ??

"there but for the grace of God go I"

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The OP must have really really annoyed someone (the magistrate?) to get four months for stealing a mobile phone.

A case like that doesn't usually / is actively discouraged by the police from reaching the courts.



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