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Can I Enter Thailand Again!

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He said he was sent to jail for four months. That would indicate a conviction by the wording. But in any case if I had spent four months in jail falsely accused I would surly say so. In fact his post seemed to indicate his family was separated but later posts seem to indicate his wife may be with him. If this was a sincere post am sure the poster would expect some backlash.

But there is no reason we can not provide advise on legal remedies and that is what most have been doing. He would risk arrest if he enters while on a black list and should know that. The only recourse would be legal/administrative action to remove himself from that list and that would likely be both costly and time consuming. Perhaps a better alternative would be to invite wife family members for a visit to Singapore?

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general note:

my thai husband's passport was stolen four years ago and he applied for a new one; the new one lists his old number and reason for change (but this was outside of thailand)


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Thank you to everyone here who give me the advise!!!!! How do I remove the name from the blacklist??? Will it be costly!!!!!!!

Robin I'm starting to think you are not for real. You have been given advice, and been asked for clarification which you have not provided, thus far.

There's nothing else anyone can do but repeat what has been said. If you want to try to solve this then contact an immigration attorney in Thailand who can advise you.


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Thank you to everyone here who give me the advise!!!!! How do I remove the name from the blacklist??? Will it be costly!!!!!!!

Write to Thai foreign ministry for further information or approach Thai embassy as Old Croc suggest.

Since you are under PNG, I doubt there is way even if you change your name in whatever way. Seek assistance from lawyer as other posters suggest. Good Luck.

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Not to condone what the guy did, but I think everyone deserves a second chance. Thankfully some of you in the know have offered fair nonjudgemnetal advice. Stealing a phone is not right in any book, but hardly the crime of the century, I've had friends (ex-friends) who have done worse to me.

Anyway Robin, if I were you I'd clarify your situation, try to get a scan of your passport and post it, there are people willing to help you. At the same time you could see what a lawyer could do for you. If you can get references and prove that what you did was out of character and in some state of desperation you may get a pardon especially having family in Thailand.

Good luck.

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Not that I condone it but I do know of two people who were supposedely on the PNG list who are back in Thailand

1 changed his name by the equiv of deed pole in Oz and many on this board might know of him but thats all I am saying - he is not on this board but posts on others I beleive.

The other I heard bragging in Pattaya that he had been done for drugs, got a 99 year ban but changed his passport and entered legally over the border from Cambodia - he was British.

The second may have just been a bullshitter - do not know and do not care but things did add up as he was not a nice bloke either.

The first came out by accident when I was talking to someone at Samui Regatta and I mentioned someone else - the guy replied to me and said "Do you know he is now called XXXXX" - so I reckon that one is true.

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Hi! I'm Robin here! On 18Nov03, I was accuse of stealing a handphone and was sent to jail in Bangkok for 4 months. I was deported back to Singapore on 18Mar04. I try to enter Bangkok again on 10apr05 but was deported back again!!!! What should I do now? My wife is a thai. How can I enter Thailand again? Anyone can help? I heard people say that can enter Hatyai? Is it truth? Or do u guys think that if I use my Hanyu Pinyin name in my new passport(now passport have new number instead of my ID number) instead of using my dialect name. Because I used my dailect name in Thailand when I was in jail. thks!! Pls help!!


Blacklisted for stealing a towel? Ridiculous.

As for stealing a phone, also ridiculous. Robin, I suggest you try to contact Thai Immigration Police and question them. If you are blacklisted, they should know. I've heard it very rarely happens that someone is removed from the list, but I've also never heard of such minor offences causing a blacklisting.

Also, there's no need to give personal details like marriage certificate, etc. on this public forum. It doesn't seem like most people here know how to help you, anyway. Try to contact Thai authorities. That's where you'll find your answers.

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Blacklisted for stealing a towel? Ridiculous.

Also, there's no need to give personal details like marriage certificate, etc. on this public forum. It doesn't seem like most people here know how to help you, anyway. Try to contact Thai authorities. That's where you'll find your answers.

Actually, I find it amazing that someone even got prosecuted for stealing a towel, there HAS to have been more to it and the towel was simply used as a vehicle to prosecute and deport. It's possible that the phone incident was similar, how do you get nicked for stealing a phone (unless you lifted it from a shop of course).

Meanwhile, we still don't really know our OPs true status, a scan of the relevant stamp in his passport would enlighten (he can edit out any personal details).

Edited by Crossy
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All brothers and siisters!!! Do u have the lawyers contact?? Is it expensive to engage one?? In some countries, if u do something bd, u only been revoke to enter the country for 5 years and above.. I don't believe that if do wrong in thailand, u will be revoke for life?? How can that be?? hope all brothers ans sisters can help me more. Thank you very much!!!

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Not odd at all. Someone is jailed for 4 months for being "accused of stealing" a cellphone, and wants to know how to get around the law to return. No admission of guilt. No acknowledgement of posters' questions. Just selective reading and plaintive calls of 'help me brothers and sisters.'

My sympathy goes out to your family, RobinLee.

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in my years in thailand i have met 3 people who have been busted and served time in thailand and yet here they are still in thailand

above posts might be useful in this regard, i have no details how or why they are able to stay, perhaps not all offensives require deportation

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Let’s get things back in perspective. While it is true that the OP’s tale is, in some parts, not very lucid it seems to me that some posters here have unnecessarily jumped to wrong conclusions.

On 18Nov03, I was accuse of stealing a handphone and was sent to jail in Bangkok for 4 months. I was deported back to Singapore on 18Mar04.

Some posters concluded that

1. the OP stole a mobile phone

2. the OP was convicted of stealing a mobile phone

The OP said none of the above.

My wife is a thai. How can I enter Thailand again?

Some posters concluded that the OP is separated from his wife, that the OP is in Singapore and his wife in Thailand. The OP said no such thing.

I really want to enter Thailand so much!!!! My wife's mother is there.

Please take note. The reason why the OP is so desperate to be allowed to enter Thailand again is to visit his mother-in-law. Isn’t this heroic?

Doesn’t the OP’s story have all the ingredients of a fairy tale? It is up to each of you, of course, to decide whether you want to believe the OP’s story. Was he really jailed and deported for 4 months merely for being accused of stealing a mobile phone? Is he really married to a Thai? Is his desire to see his mother-in-law the real reason why he is so desperate to be allowed to travel to Thailand? Is he a Troll?



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As I see it the way to find out is to go to the Thai consulate in whatever country he happens to be in. Plead his case to the consul and find out what the consul says. There is always a chance to wipe the slate clean but he won't know unless he asks.

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not sure ... you may be persona non grata in Thailand ... in which case you would be subject to arrest upon entering the kingdom again ...

I don't think you be arrested, just refused entry and put on the next flight back

The airline will be p*ssed with you as they may get fined.

Why don't you apply for a visa to test the waters.

I am not sure the embassies/consulates have the full black list.

So even if you get a visa, you may still be turned back at immigration.

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not sure ... you may be persona non grata in Thailand ... in which case you would be subject to arrest upon entering the kingdom again ...

I don't think you be arrested, just refused entry and put on the next flight back

The airline will be p*ssed with you as they may get fined.

Why don't you apply for a visa to test the waters.

I am not sure the embassies/consulates have the full black list.

So even if you get a visa, you may still be turned back at immigration.

True! Happened to a friend of mine, got the visa and the assurances from the consulate, and got put in a holding cell at Don Muang on arrival, and back on the next plane. That German guy with one leg managed to get back and get deported again!

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Well it is odd to me. Not the jail sentence and blacklisting for a minor theft, although that is strangely harsh. The odd part is that, despite several returns the OP has not posted a scan of his pp complete with the deportation stamp or whatever. All he's been doing is asking the same questions over and over like he's hoping for someone to emerge from the ether and tell him there's no problem he can come back anytime he likes. Without concrete information regarding what has been put in his pp the people on this forum who could help are in the dark and he seems unwilling or unable to help himself.

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quote...Sorry if I'm mistaken about other states, still don't think this convicted thief should be permitted to re-enter though.

I dont think this was the kind of help he was hoping for.

Well life doesn't always turn out all sunshine and happiness when you go around stealing things does it? I suppose if it had been you he stole from your attitude would be different. Usually is.

I see it as a cautionary tale that should be a warning to others with light fingers.



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Thank you to everyone here who give me the advise!!!!! How do I remove the name from the blacklist??? Will it be costly!!!!!!!

Robin I'm starting to think you are not for real. You have been given advice, and been asked for clarification which you have not provided, thus far.

There's nothing else anyone can do but repeat what has been said. If you want to try to solve this then contact an immigration attorney in Thailand who can advise you.


Me too, Robin, accused of stealing ! mmmmmm
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It's possible to be jailed and then be released without being either charged formally or released because of lack of evidence. Also if formally charged, the charges can be dropped anywhere along the proceedings, even if it takes 4 months or longer. If you are charged and don't have bail money, you will be in jail until you are either convicted or set free for a variety of reasons.

If this man was released without being convicted, he should be able to come back to Thailand.

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Everything I said here is true!!! I wanted to go back because my wife go back alone and her relatives want to see me so much!!! But I really feel fustrated as why I was revoked to enter the kingdom!!! Jus a smalll mistake that I make!!! I never killed anyone??? Thanks!

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Everything I said here is true!!! I wanted to go back because my wife go back alone and her relatives want to see me so much!!! But I really feel fustrated as why I was revoked to enter the kingdom!!! Jus a smalll mistake that I make!!! I never killed anyone??? Thanks!

Why not ask your wife to bring her relatives to visit you in singapore, instead of you coming over here with those criminal record. Whether you kill someone else or not a crime is a crime, therefore start seeking lawyer advice for your cause.

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